View Full Version : Walking in circles

01-01-2020, 03:47 PM
My 4 month old fox squirrel’s behavior has changed. She had been climbing and playing on her cat tower and even climbing to the top to sleep in her backpack. She has always willingly let me pick her up but the past two days she has been walking in circles nonstop and runs from me when I try to pick her up. When I first got her, She was found on the ground at about a week old. I received a lot of advice on diet for her when all the scary stuff was released about Esbilac formula. I don’t know if she has issues due to her fall or the formula she was given her first two weeks. She has always had some issues on her left side and has zero balance. She has always veered left when walking and falls to her left. When she holds her food sitting up on her haunches, she tips over. This has been her normal but not the nonstop circling. Any ideas???

01-01-2020, 04:06 PM
Hi! I don't know if this might be seen sooner in one of the health forums. The first thing you will be asked is about her current diet. Does she get a block like Henry's or Teklad or Mazuri as the basis? Even with what seems like chronic neuro issues something else may be starting. The first suspect is always MBD. Have you seen the threads about that?

01-01-2020, 05:14 PM
My 4 month old fox squirrel’s behavior has changed. She had been climbing and playing on her cat tower and even climbing to the top to sleep in her backpack. She has always willingly let me pick her up but the past two days she has been walking in circles nonstop and runs from me when I try to pick her up. When I first got her, She was found on the ground at about a week old. I received a lot of advice on diet for her when all the scary stuff was released about Esbilac formula. I don’t know if she has issues due to her fall or the formula she was given her first two weeks. She has always had some issues on her left side and has zero balance. She has always veered left when walking and falls to her left. When she holds her food sitting up on her haunches, she tips over. This has been her normal but not the nonstop circling. Any ideas???

What you are describing is pretty classic symptoms of head trauma, circling is another one.
With many head trauma babies symptoms sometimes will accelerate as they age, seizure activity often follows.
Was she ever put on meds for her head trauma such as prednisone?

01-01-2020, 05:27 PM
Had another thought. Is there a chance she fell from a height recently? The way you describe her climbing and playing, has she only recently been able to do that or are you saying she has been doing it all along, as in she seems to be able to get around normally except for the balance issues and listing to the left? Maybe she took a fall that you didn't see?

01-01-2020, 05:32 PM
What you are describing is pretty classic symptoms of head trauma, circling is another one.
With many head trauma babies symptoms sometimes will accelerate as they age, seizure activity often follows.
Was she ever put on meds for her head trauma such as prednisone?
Oops, didn't see this when I just posted.