View Full Version : I need help with baby mouse!
12-29-2019, 07:01 PM
Friday night my kids and I found a baby mouse in our litter box. I already had KRM and fed him that after rehydrating with water. I have been using a small paint brush for feeding. He was doing fin until this afternoon and he somehow aspirated some of the watered down milk. Now I can hear a slight crackling when he breathes. Can he be treated the same as a squirrel? I don't have any cipro unfortunately I'm allergic. I can get amoxicillin and Amox clav that is a year old. I think the Amox is 500mg and the Amox clav is 875 125. I'll try to find a scale to weigh him. I will try and call the vet tomorrow and see if he can give me something. I'm not sure they would even see him. Any suggestions or help is appreciated.
12-29-2019, 07:10 PM
Cirpro would be best but Clavamox will work. We need a weight to help dose. Is his behavior different, has he stopped eating? Is the cracking pretty constant? Puppy formula like Esbilac or Fox Valley would be much better than KMR.
12-29-2019, 07:13 PM
My understanding about squirrels with ap, is that you cannot mess around. Starting ab NOW is required.
I have no idea if mice are the same way.
You may try PM with TubeDriver. I think he has mouse experience.
Edit: Sorry TD, we musta been typing at the same time.
12-29-2019, 09:20 PM
I don't have a scale small enough. I weighed it on a scale that weighs to .1 oz and the baby with the tissue she was sleeping on weighed .1 oz. I'm not sure if that is precise enough.
12-29-2019, 09:25 PM
There hasn't been a huge change in the way it behaves. I have really started wiping off the brush so now it acts like it is starving all of the time. It has also really started gasping after it sucks on the brush. I can hear the slight crackle when I pick it up. I can't pick it up when it's asleep because as soon as I pick it up it wants to eat.
12-29-2019, 09:44 PM
You may try weighing him in a cup etc. then weigh the cup without him in it. Then weigh him in a saucer and then the saucer alone. Then use a small plate with and without him. The difference in each item should give you an average weight.
Mind you this is just a guess, not scientific. And still may not be very accurate with such a small baby.
Edit: And thank you for helping this baby!
12-29-2019, 09:54 PM
I tried weighing it on several things without the tissue and though it was squirmy it was still .1 oz, so I'm thinking about 2 grams. Very tiny little peanut.
12-29-2019, 10:45 PM
Does anyone know what dosage of clav oz I should use on this little baby? My account hasn't been approved yet so I don't see pm option.
12-29-2019, 10:47 PM
Does anyone know what dosage of clav oz I should use on this little baby? My account hasn't been approved yet so I don't see pm option.
I'm also using an iPad that changes what I type. I meant clavimox. I already have it on hand.
12-30-2019, 12:47 AM
Sending prayers for the little baby mouse :grouphug.
I don't know how to dose meds, I hope someone knowledgeable will be able to help soon.
12-30-2019, 07:00 AM
I have sent a PM to a member with weight and meds you have for dosing.
Hopefully you will get an answer soon.
How is little guy this morning?
12-30-2019, 10:01 AM
Check PMs. I am going to send dosing for mouse at 3g body weight using 875 Clavamox. This little one is soo tiny, I hope this helps.
12-30-2019, 12:28 PM
I have found cipro for fish at a local vet supply. They have 250 and 500 mg tablets. I read that cipro is safe for mice whereas penicillins are not. Do you think it's worth it to go and get the cipro? I'm leaning towards that. What about switching to a soy human baby formula?
12-30-2019, 02:35 PM
Hello Nmorgen.
Did you get the pm about dosing the ab for your baby?
How's he doing?
I'm sorry I don't have a clue about feeding baby mice!
12-30-2019, 02:41 PM
Dosing has been sent for 250mg Cipro and also for 875mg/125mg clavamox. Aspiration Pneumonia kills quickly, often within 36 hours so whichever drug is used is secondary to getting it started ASAP.
I advised ordering Fox Valley 20/50 for formula. Discontinue the KMR, it has roughly twice the correct amount of protein per serving. Powdered Esbilac can be used but due to recent issues with it, I recommend fox Valley 20/50.
12-30-2019, 02:51 PM
Does anyone know what dosage of clav oz I should use on this little baby? My account hasn't been approved yet so I don't see pm option.
Nmorgen, click on the user name you want to pm with and an option box opens with "send pm" option.
12-30-2019, 06:27 PM
Thank you for all of the help everyone. I went and bought cipro and gave him the first dose at 3:15 this afternoon. I'm hoping that it kicks in and helps him. He didn't want to eat that much today. I'll check in tomorrow and let everyone know how he is doing. We don't really know if it's a boy or girl but have decided to name it Daniel, because he survived our lion's den.
12-30-2019, 07:14 PM
Update: I just fed him and he had his appetite back. He wasn't quite as rambunctious as he normally is, but he ate well and fell right to sleep. He was still crackling, but didn't sound as bad as he did this afternoon, so I'm crossing my fingers and hoping that the cipro is working already.
12-30-2019, 08:57 PM
Thanks for the update and for your persistence!
Daniel is a fine name for a little mouse...boy or girl!
12-31-2019, 09:43 AM
I forgot to mention that Clavamox is actually pretty tasty and most squirrels will just swallow it without much issues but Cipro/Baytril is NASTY, BITTER tasting and squirrels (probably mice too) hate it. So you have to try to cover it up (mix in apple sauce) or just forcefully squirt down their throat. Since this little mouse is so small, and the dose size is tiny, I would probably just go for a quick squirt with a syringe followed but a tiny amount of suger water to wash it down. You can also pipette up the med into the syringe and then pull up a tiny amount of sweetened water. That way, he might start swallowing the sweet tasting water before he realizes the end taste is bitter.
12-31-2019, 01:52 PM
I'm going to be giving the second dose of cipro. Thanks for the advice on trying to mask the flavor.
He has been a little constipated. Only made 2 very small poops. I know antibiotics can cause digestive problems. Does anyone have recommendations for dosing bene bac? That's the probiotic I bought. Before that I was just adding a tiny bit of yogurt to the formula.
12-31-2019, 01:58 PM
Just add a smidge in. I have used CVS brand powdered probiotic tablets. I open them up and sprinkle a tiny bit on food. A single caplet lasts about a week.
I'm going to be giving the second dose of cipro. Thanks for the advice on trying to mask the flavor.
He has been a little constipated. Only made 2 very small poops. I know antibiotics can cause digestive problems. Does anyone have recommendations for dosing bene bac? That's the probiotic I bought. Before that I was just adding a tiny bit of yogurt to the formula.
12-31-2019, 07:33 PM
Update: We have had a rough day. He has blown little milk bubbles out of one of his nostrils 4 times today. I have been wiping the brush off, so there is hardly any milk in the brush. I don't know what is going on. Feedings have been taking 30 min b/c there is hardly any milk on the brush. He has been upset and crying because of the lack of milk. I am just frustrated and don't know what to do. I have tried various holds and nothing seems to help. I made the milk again at normal strength instead of watering down thinking maybe a thicker formula would help. It didn't.
He was a little crackly before his antibiotics and then sounded better and by the next feeding a little milk bubble and crackly again. Does anyone have any idea why this is happening or have advice on what I can do?
12-31-2019, 08:20 PM
So sorry for you and Daniel!
Have you tried a nipple, something that might simulate mom? Little ones sometimes take the nipple way down, possibly a natural, mechanical way to get it into his tummy without having to swallow.
I'm just throwing ideas out. No educational value!
12-31-2019, 08:53 PM
The smallest nipple I could find was giant compared to his little mouth. That was why I tried a small detail paint brush. Do you have any suggestions for tiny nipples?
So sorry for you and Daniel!
Have you tried a nipple, something that might simulate mom? Little ones sometimes take the nipple way down, possibly a natural, mechanical way to get it into his tummy without having to swallow.
I'm just throwing ideas out. No educational value!
12-31-2019, 09:13 PM
Well, not really.
When we got Rocky at about 4 weeks old, my wife and/or son got a variety of nipples for him (I think). I assume they got them at wal-mart or a local pet supply.
12-31-2019, 09:16 PM
She said a lady she worked with at the time helped out at a vet office and had access to them. But that took a couple of days.
While waiting on them she found baby kitten nipples at wal-mart she thinks. Sorry I can't be more specific.
12-31-2019, 09:19 PM
Also, is little one peeing?
Hydrated and warm? (Conducive to wanting and being able to eat.)
Nancy in New York
01-01-2020, 05:03 AM
The smallest nipple I could find was giant compared to his little mouth. That was why I tried a small detail paint brush. Do you have any suggestions for tiny nipples?
Try this place. I will check later to see if I still have any that are good
If so, I will send some out to you tomorrow.
These things are great and SO tiny.
Edit: I have them, send me your address in a pm if you want me to send some to you,
they may get to you quicker than ordering them on line.
01-02-2020, 05:40 PM
Update: Well our little one is still eating well. He hates the cipro. Even after adding applesauce to it. Once he tastes it he refuses to open his mouth, so I've had to divide into separate doses. He isn't pooping as he should, but he isn't bloated. I've been giving him hydration in between feeding to promote going to the bathroom. He still has a slight crackle. I'm hoping that it goes away soon.
01-02-2020, 05:50 PM
Great news, thanks for the update!
01-02-2020, 06:02 PM
01-03-2020, 06:37 PM
[QUOTE=Nmorgen;1307143]Update: Daniel seems to be doing okay. He still isn't pooping as much, but he does pee. He fusses when his little genitals are touch, so I'm thinking the cotton swabs must be too rough and have irritated him. I have noticed that he uses the bathroom in his box. I'm assuming as he crawls around it is stimulating him. He isn't crackling very much at all, so the cipro has worked. I think his eyes will open tomorrow.
01-03-2020, 08:21 PM
Thanks for the update and your persistence in helping Daniel!
You say he's not pooping much. How's his formula intake? If he's still not eating much he probably wont poop much.
01-03-2020, 09:15 PM
I am glad Daniel is showing some improvement.
01-04-2020, 01:09 PM
Update: Well our little one is still eating well. He hates the cipro. Even after adding applesauce to it. Once he tastes it he refuses to open his mouth, so I've had to divide into separate doses. He isn't pooping as he should, but he isn't bloated. I've been giving him hydration in between feeding to promote going to the bathroom. He still has a slight crackle. I'm hoping that it goes away soon.
Are you continuing with the abs? I’m not sure what the time frame was that was advised for dosing, but it’s typically 5-7 days. If you are still hearing crackling after that time you might need to try a different antibiotic.
I had some baby squirrels once that required stacking Baytril and Clavamox to clear up their upper respiratory infection.
01-04-2020, 04:20 PM
Instructions given were for 7 days.
01-07-2020, 12:45 AM
Update: He seems to being fine. I don't hear any crackle. He still isn't pooping every time he eats. He still fusses and pitches a fit when I try to stimulate him. It's easier to do before he eats when he is already excited and fussy. He isn't bloated at all and I don't think he is dehydrated either. I still see yellow poop in his box, where he has gone by himself. I have tried introducing infant rice cereal and so far he hates it. He doesn't even like it when I mix a tiny bit in his formula. I'm not sure how I'm suppose to wean him. His eyes are open, but he refuses to open them when I hold him. I don't know if he thinks I'm scary looking, but he only opens his eyes when he is not being held. I am still feeding him every 2 hours and it is getting exhausting. He will start fussing if I wait more than 2 hours. He still occasionally gets a milk bubble if he drinks too fast. I immediately wipe it off and start wiping the brush off to lesson the amount of milk, but I haven't noticed anymore crackling noises. I'm hoping I can wean him at some point and hopefully we will be out of the woods as far as his survival.
I am thankful for all of the help that I have gotten on this board. It was definitely a life savor for Daniel ( which I'm pretty sure he is a boy). Thank you to everyone who showed concern for a little mouse.
01-07-2020, 06:56 AM
And thank you for being there for Daniel.
Still wont drink from a nipple?
You think he gets enough from brush tip to fill him up?
He's a lucky little guy to find a human that cares!:serene
Think you could get a picture of him?:grin3
01-07-2020, 11:32 AM
I agree with Rockypops. I wonder how much he’s getting from the brush if he still won’t take a nipple. Have you tried putting the formula in a shallow dish for him to drink on his own. I use the lid of a baby food jar for my flyers yogurt. It’s about the right size. Sometimes it takes persistence to get them used to a nipple. Daniel doesn’t need to suck from it but may choose to lick the milk from the tip.
And what about rodent block? Have you put any in his bin. I’d either purchase Henrys picky eater or Harlan Teklad 2018.
If you’re questioning how much poop he’s producing, I wouldn’t add infant rice cereal to his formula, it’s constipating.
01-07-2020, 10:32 PM
Update: unfortunately the crackling is back and it seems like he is struggling to breathe more than he did before. I don't know what happened. I don't know if he inhaled formula. I'm thinking about trying the clavomox.
He seems to get plenty from the brush. I have switched to a tiny brush today. It is even tinier than the the brush I used before. He doesn't get as much milk but I'm wor iced about his breathing now. My 15 yr old helps me feed him, and he said he saw a milk bubble in his nose, but it only happened once, so I'm not sure if it's just formula or the infection is still there.
I have tried crisp bread and the rice cereal. I will buy some rodent block and see if that helps him transition to solid food. I think the sooner he starts eating solid food the better for his breathing. He won't lick milk. I have tried thinking it would be easier. He just sticks his little face in nose first. Thankfully I have only tried a drop or two. His eyes are fully open and he should be able to start solid food.
01-08-2020, 07:22 AM
Geese, you or Daniel either one can catch a break!
I so hope he turns the corner and gets healthy!
island rehabber
01-08-2020, 07:28 AM
nmorgen, I would try the Clav asap. In my experience with rehabbing litters of baby mice there is a high risk of respiratory infection nomatter WHAT we do. It's the most frustrating thing about these little guys, and if you do lose him don't blame yourself. I once lost four out of a litter of six the same way. Sorry to be blunt.
01-08-2020, 07:56 AM
This is about day 5 of Cipro? If so, and the breathing is worse, I would definitely start Clavamox. Also, get a daily weight on him, if he is losing weight, you know you have a problem. Don't worry about weaning him off formula, make block available in his cage, he will wean himself when he he ready. When he stops taking formula, and his weight continues to increase and you see block disappearing from his cage, you will know he has weaned himself.
01-08-2020, 01:18 PM
Also, be careful about handling him as he weans. When he is dependent on formula, he will be fine with you holding him. Once he is eating block, any time you hold him is his chance to......................... escape and explore! They are super fast and will run right up your arm and than disappear behind your couch. Then you get to spend 2 hours looking for him and you might get him back. Feed him in a room where the door is closed and a blanket or something block the bottom. No places for him to escape.
01-08-2020, 03:21 PM
When I sent you Clavamox dosing directions, it was for a 3g mouse. Please reweigh him and if his weight has changed, let me know. I will send updated dosing directions.
01-08-2020, 05:53 PM
Sounds like you may have had experience with a little mouse escapee TD!:w00t
01-08-2020, 05:57 PM
Sounds like you may have had experience with a little mouse escapee TD!:w00t
01-08-2020, 11:41 PM
update: I started the clavomox last night. He didn't eat that well earlier today, but tonight he got his appetite back. I will weigh him tomorrow, but I think he has only gained a tiny bit of weight. He is still tiny. I will try and get a pic of him. He is still crackling, but I'm hoping that this antibiotic works. I'm ordering the mouse blocks as I can't find a store that sells them locally or has them in stock. I've put a little formula in a lid, but I don't think he has even gone near it. I've rad that they can eat baby food and was wondering if I should try that until the mouse food arrives. His little ears are starting to stick out and he is really starting to look like a little mouse with his big black eyes.
He has already started running up my arm wanting to explore when I take him out to eat. The last two days he has been very clingy and didn't want to sleep on his heated rice bed but wanted me to hold him. He also hasn't been as squeaky. He usually fusses with me all of the time. I guess he just hasn't been feeling well. I was so hoping that we were over the crud and out of the woods. I'm praying that the clavomox knocks it out and he actually gets better. I've also been wondering if the cat litter, which is the clumping type may have contributed to his respiratory problems.
01-09-2020, 06:48 AM
OK little daniel, time to get better so mom can stop worrying!:tap
01-09-2020, 07:44 AM
What are you using the cat litter for? I definitely think that could be a contributor to respiratory problems. There are tiny particles within it that when disturbed become airborne. The bedding we recommend is called Carefresh bedding. You can find it at most any pet store or Walmart. I use the uncolored variety.
Baby food can definitely be fed. I’d look for varieties that provide the most vitamins and calcium.
01-09-2020, 07:53 PM
Update: unfortunately Daniel didn't make it. He took his last little breath 40 minutes ago. He was doing fine earlier today. I went to the store to buy him food(I found a local store that carried mouse and rat blocks) and a wheel. My husband was taking care of him. He took a few pics and said that he was running around exploring and then laid on his arm and went to sleep. Right before I got home he called and said that he wasn't waking up and was in distress. When I got home He was struggling to breathe and I had a bad feeling he wasn't going to make it. I put a tiny bit of corn syrup water on his little gums in case it was blood sugar, but his breathing was really bad. We all said goodbye to him and he died about 3 minutes later.
My son and I saw the cutest little baby mice at the pet store. I now wish that I had contacted them and maybe bought the mother with her babies. They looked to be about the same age. I know ther is no point in second guessing myself, but next time I will do that. I never wanted mice and I had hopes that I could release him especially as he was a little boy. I wish now that I had gotten video of him. He was so cute and I will miss him.
I really appreciate all of the help and advice that I have received. I will still probably frequent the board as I have enjoyed reading some of the stories. If anyone in the Tristate area (Al, Fl, Ga) area needs cipro or amoxclav let me know b/ c I still have solutions and pills.
Thank you
01-09-2020, 07:57 PM
What are you using the cat litter for? I definitely think that could be a contributor to respiratory problems. There are tiny particles within it that when disturbed become airborne. The bedding we recommend is called Carefresh bedding. You can find it at most any pet store or Walmart. I use the uncolored variety.
Baby food can definitely be fed. I’d look for varieties that provide the most vitamins and calcium.
I didn't use cat litter for Daniel, but that is where I initially found him. I don't know how he got in the litter box, but he was lying in it just chirping away.
01-09-2020, 08:08 PM
Godspeed little Daniel! Go be free to run with no fear and no pain!
Thank you for going the extra mile Nmorgen to help a helpless little creation that didn't even stand any chance but for you!
01-09-2020, 08:17 PM
Here are pics of Daniel my husband took while I went shopping today. He was a little cutie.
01-09-2020, 09:26 PM
I am sorry that Daniel didn't make it. He was adorable. Thank you for all you did for him.
01-09-2020, 09:34 PM
Daniel:Love_Icon was adorable
Rest peacefully little boy:sad
01-09-2020, 10:38 PM
Sometimes it just does not work out the way we all want. :grouphug
Godspeed little Daniel. :(
01-10-2020, 03:38 AM
I am so sorry. You attempted what is one of the most difficult rehabs out there - a baby mouse. It seems absurd that something that is so common and frequent that people kill them wholesale without a second thought is so delicate but it is true. I have succeeded ONE TIME and have tried many (my little Nate lived to be 5).
Every little mousie at the pet shop that gets purchased is one that doesn't get eaten by someone's snake. They are also diurnal - daytime creatures, instead of nocturnal like the little wild ones.
I am so sorry. Rest in peace, Daniel. :grouphug
01-10-2020, 01:22 PM
I am sorry for your loss. :grouphug Daniel was a cutie. :Love_Icon
01-12-2020, 07:22 PM
I am so sorry. You attempted what is one of the most difficult rehabs out there - a baby mouse. It seems absurd that something that is so common and frequent that people kill them wholesale without a second thought is so delicate but it is true. I have succeeded ONE TIME and have tried many (my little Nate lived to be 5).
Every little mousie at the pet shop that gets purchased is one that doesn't get eaten by someone's snake. They are also diurnal - daytime creatures, instead of nocturnal like the little wild ones.
I am so sorry. Rest in peace, Daniel. :grouphug
Thank you for all of you condolences. I didn't know how attached I would get to this little boy. I'm still tearing up thinking about him. I couldn't wait to get him on solid food so that he would have a better chance T survival and I could get some sleep. I haven't been able to sleep at all since his passing.
Thank you crittermom, it does help to know that even the experts struggle with these little babies. I know that I did the best that I could and he an attentive human family that loved him for two weeks.
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