View Full Version : when to stop using a heating pad
08-29-2007, 11:47 AM
I've only raised one squirrel before and now I have 4. They are doing great but when should you take away the heating pad? The last one I had ate the cord before I knew it. I'm suprised she wasn't electricuted. I don't want to take that chance again. Thanks for any advise someone can give me, Angela
When they open their eyes you can cut the heat back to only at night for about a week. Then if they are self regulating well they can come off heat all together. :)
08-29-2007, 11:54 AM
Thanks, Mars. I wished I had half your knowledge, but I'm learning. You always know what to do.
:D I'm stilling learning, too.
island rehabber
08-29-2007, 03:04 PM
The last one I had ate the cord before I knew it. I'm suprised she wasn't electricuted.
Angela,. the heating pad should only go under their container, not under the squirrels. There never should be any contact between the heating pad and the squirrels directly, or anyplace where the squirrels could reach the cord of the heating pad. My squirrels right now are in a small bird carrier and a small reptile carrier...both are plastic and they are sitting on the heating pad which is on a countertop......the squirrels are never anywhere near it.
08-29-2007, 04:39 PM
Here are the lil ones. Bubbles is still asleep, but, Hoover, Wiggles, and Chipper are all awake and posing:sanp3
08-29-2007, 04:50 PM
Island Rehabber, that is such a wonderful idea about the heating pad. I have not even though of it. Thanks.
08-29-2007, 07:32 PM
Very precious babies!! :Welcome to TSB!
08-29-2007, 10:16 PM
:Welcome :Welcome
08-30-2007, 07:50 AM
Hello again...a big word of caution, do not let dogs or cats around baby squirrels, or any squirrels for that matter.
They will grow up not knowing they are the enemy, you will have non-releasable squirrels. :peace
Momma Squirrel
08-30-2007, 08:31 AM
You are doing a great job with those 4 :thumbsup Sure glad you joined us and look forward to many more babies in the future.
Which one is Chipper, you know I am going to be partial to him :D
08-30-2007, 12:53 PM
Chipper is the one on the far left. He use to make chirping noises but he's stopped now. Hoover is about 3 times bigger than all the others. It's hard to see from the pics. He's 2nd from the right. He eats everything. Bubbles use to blow bubbles with her lips when I fed her, when she was younger. She's the smallest and she still sleeps more than the others. And Wiggles won't be still at all. She gets so excited when food comes near she can't hardly keep the syringe in her mouth. She's on the far right. I've got another digital camera that I've never used before, I got it out today and I'm going to see if it takes better pics. The other one we've been using is a cheap brand. Thanks for taking an interest in my babies. They are so sweet. The hardest part will be releasing them. The only one I've had before got hit by a car about 3 months after release. The only way I knew it was her is because when she was little I grabbed her tail (not knowing she would dislocate it) and about 2 inches came off. So I knew right away it was her. I cried for over a week and couldn't sleep or eat and lost 10 lbs. My husband was a little upset when I got these 4, but he's ok now.
Momma Squirrel
08-30-2007, 01:14 PM
Thanks for the Chipper ID :) So sorry to hear your first one was taken away so quickly after release, I think that has to be the hardest part, never knowing how long they will have once released but those 3 months were pure joy for that little squirrel I am sure and it is all due to the love and care you gave so freely. :thankyou :grouphug
08-30-2007, 01:14 PM
Rocky was her name. That was before I knew she was a girl. Even though I released her, for those 3 precious months she came to visit me every morning and every evening. I always had nuts in my pocket for her. She decided to make her nest in my next door neighbors yard so she could be close to home. She was special.
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