View Full Version : Rehabilitator needed Atlanta
12-14-2019, 07:54 PM
Our neighbors cat brought her a 4 week old (I think) eyes not open. He’s dehydrated but strong. Not being good about taking fluids. (Goat Milk) She’s in need of finding someone who can rehabilitate. I will drive him anywhere to be taken care of.
12-14-2019, 08:26 PM
Our neighbors cat brought her a 4 week old (I think) eyes not open. He’s dehydrated but strong. Not being good about taking fluids. (Goat Milk) She’s in need of finding someone who can rehabilitate. I will drive him anywhere to be taken care of.
Chris. I am Massachusetts I wish I was some place close, but I am going to try to contact a rehabber for you in georgia. It may take awhile. In The mean time KEEP that baby warm that is so important. Do you by chance have Clear Pedialyte on hand or can you get some. Do you have a syringe to feed the baby? If you don't have Pedialyte let me know and I'll give you a mix you can do at home for now. BUT heat is so important ,also keep him wrapped in a blanket, or towel. They can not generate there own body heat at this age they need supplemental heating. Do you have a heating pad if so double fold a towel and place the heating pad under your container put the heating pad on low, and check it often making sure it's not getting him to hot or the pad is shutting off if it has auto shut off. Next question did the cat bite the squirrel can you see any teeth makes that broke the skin, if so meds will have to be started because of infections and cat bites are bad. Also very important for all of this can you get a weight on the baby in grams ?
12-14-2019, 08:43 PM
Thanks for the quick response. My neighbor has him. Half on a heating pad and yes she has syringe. No pedalyte just goats milk on hand.
No injuries that I can tell. Definitely dehydrated and not real interested in the milk.
12-14-2019, 08:47 PM
Chris. I am Massachusetts I wish I was some place close, but I am going to try to contact a rehabber for you in georgia. It may take awhile. In The mean time KEEP that baby warm that is so important. Do you by chance have Clear Pedialyte on hand or can you get some. Do you have a syringe to feed the baby? If you don't have Pedialyte let me know and I'll give you a mix you can do at home for now. BUT heat is so important ,also keep him wrapped in a blanket, or towel. They can not generate there own body heat at this age they need supplemental heating. Do you have a heating pad if so double fold a towel and place the heating pad under your container put the heating pad on low, and check it often making sure it's not getting him to hot or the pad is shutting off if it has auto shut off. Next question did the cat bite the squirrel can you see any teeth makes that broke the skin, if so meds will have to be started because of infections and cat bites are bad. Also very important for all of this can you get a weight on the baby in grams ?
Chris If the baby is dehydrated do NOT feed it anything until he is hydrated this can cause more problems, and again he has to be warm! and the liquid you give him to hydrate him has to be warn not hot but just warm. Also feeding technique is VERY important you do not want him to aspirate this can cause aspiration Ammonia that can cause his death. I'll try to help you along until we get one of the pro's on I sent a Private Message to the rehabber in Georgia but I am not sure if he is around right now but he has all the info you posted.
12-14-2019, 09:00 PM
Thanks for the quick response. My neighbor has him. Half on a heating pad and yes she has syringe. No pedalyte just goats milk on hand.
No injuries that I can tell. Definitely dehydrated and not real interested in the milk.
NO DO NOT FEED HIM MIlk. You can not feed Milk to squirrels. and again he HAS to be hydrated before any formula can be given. Ok Mix a half teaspoon of salt and a half teaspoon of sugar to 1 cup of water. MIX it up good. Warm it up to just warm not hot. Without the weight I can not tell you how much to give him but start feeding it almost just a drop at a time make sure he swallows that drop before giving him more or he will aspirate if you see fluid come out his nose or he chokes or sneezes he is aspirating if this happens turn him so his head is facing the floor and let the fluid drain out it will come out his nose. Try to keep track of how much you feed him don't force him take it slow and easy keep him wrapped in a towel or blanket while feeding him to keep him warm. If you can roll up a face cloth and place him on his belly with his upper body and head at about a 45 degree angel to feed him. Put the syringe pointing like to the side of his mouth not straight in and JUST a drop at a time no more. Let me know how your doing as it goes.
12-15-2019, 12:51 AM
Late night update: A million thanks for Franks help who called me and is now in touch with my neighbor who is doing the overnight fluids. I’m ready to transport ‘Shadow’ when needed. I held him and he’s a warm snuggly little thing. Fingers crossed.
Nancy in New York
12-15-2019, 05:39 AM
Cat bites and even their saliva is deadly to squirrels.
This little one needs Baytril (animal ab.) Cipro (Human ab.)
Clavamox (animal ab.) or Augmentin (Human) ASAP.
Call around to family and friends. All we need is one pill and we can break
it down and dose, if you give us the pill strength and the weight of the little one.
Thank you for helping this little soul.
12-15-2019, 06:57 AM
Cat bites and even their saliva is deadly to squirrels.
This little one needs Baytril (animal ab.) Cipro (Human ab.)
Clavamox (animal ab.) or Augmentin (Human) ASAP.
Call around to family and friends. All we need is one pill and we can break
it down and dose, if you give us the pill strength and the weight of the little one.
Thank you for helping this little soul.
Hi Nancy. Thank GOD no cat bite. I sent you a PM with the details
12-15-2019, 08:45 AM
Late night update: A million thanks for Franks help who called me and is now in touch with my neighbor who is doing the overnight fluids. I’m ready to transport ‘Shadow’ when needed. I held him and he’s a warm snuggly little thing. Fingers crossed.
I am so happy to update this thread on baby Shadow. He is doing good at this point and very soon is headed to Spanky house. He will be in GREAT hands :serene
12-15-2019, 08:58 AM
Hurray for shadow!:w00t
Today's heros...
:dance:clap:clap:clap Shadow, AlphaKilo, frankc, Spanky :clap:clap:clap:w00t
12-15-2019, 01:55 PM
Hurray for shadow!:w00t
Today's heros...
:dance:clap:clap:clap Shadow, AlphaKilo, frankc, Spanky :clap:clap:clap:w00t
We need to add "Jo" (sp?) to the list... the original finder that made the trip all the way up to bring Shadow.
12-15-2019, 01:57 PM
Shadow is settled in, poor thing is still calling for mom occasionally.
Antibiotics given, we are hydrating, hydrating, hydrating. Got some momma poop and later some loser poops... I think he had some GM last night, so hopefully that is what the looser stuff is. No pee yet.
12-15-2019, 02:03 PM
Cat bites and even their saliva is deadly to squirrels.
This little one needs Baytril (animal ab.) Cipro (Human ab.)
Just want to reiterate that antibiotics should always be given to babies that had "cat contact" even if we cannot find any scratches or bites on intake. Those can be nearly impossible to find even for the most experienced and the potential infection is dangerously quick and often fatal. Take no chances... cat contact = antibiotics.
I did find a couple "suspicious" scratches on Shadow that looked older than last eve, but he was going to get antibiotics regardless of what I was able to find or not find as far as punctures (bites) or scratches. :thumbsup
12-15-2019, 02:35 PM
Hurray for shadow!:w00t
Today's heros...
:dance:clap:clap:clap Shadow, AlphaKilo, frankc, Spanky, and JO :clap:clap:clap:w00t
12-15-2019, 03:25 PM
Just want to reiterate that antibiotics should always be given to babies that had "cat contact" even if we cannot find any scratches or bites on intake. Those can be nearly impossible to find even for the most experienced and the potential infection is dangerously quick and often fatal. Take no chances... cat contact = antibiotics.
I did find a couple "suspicious" scratches on Shadow that looked older than last eve, but he was going to get antibiotics regardless of what I was able to find or not find as far as punctures (bites) or scratches. :thumbsup
Point well taken Spanky !!! Once again Spanky thank you so much for your help. We know that if this baby has any chance it's with you !!!!:serene
12-15-2019, 03:33 PM
Our neighbors cat brought her a 4 week old (I think) eyes not open. He’s dehydrated but strong. Not being good about taking fluids. (Goat Milk) She’s in need of finding someone who can rehabilitate. I will drive him anywhere to be taken care of.
Thank You Chris and Jo so much for having reached out for help with Shadow, and caring and loving him enough to go thr extra mile. As you know he is now in awesome care, and as you get word on him please keep us posted on how he is progressing.
Go Shadow :dance:serene:Love_Icon
12-16-2019, 09:35 AM
Great job Frankc for coordinating the transfer. :w00t:w00t Thank you, once again Spanky, for ALWAYS being there. :hug
12-16-2019, 09:59 AM
Great job Frankc for coordinating the transfer. :w00t:w00t Thank you, once again Spanky, for ALWAYS being there. :hug
Thank You Mel. The first night was a long one I got to bed at about 1:30 AM but every second was worth it. When I heard from Spanky I felt like the weight of the world lifted from my shoulders, I could breath again.
I would do it all again to help save any one of these babies. I heard back from Spanky, and all seem to be going well with Shadow, we are getting to the 48 hour period, so as you know the danger starts to decrease now.
It's funny how even when you have never see or meet a squirrel in need, and being so far away from you they still can grip your heart like they are your own. Shadow did that. So many thanks to Sparky, Chris, Jo for loving and caring enough to go the extra mile for Shadow. I hope from time to time Spanky will post a picture or two and let us know how Shadow is doing. Also thank you Mel for all you do I know you like so many others here without
hesitation will and have gone the extra mile also.
Go Shadow !!:Love_Icon:dance
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