View Full Version : squirrel peeing too much?

12-11-2019, 03:15 PM
hi you guys! I am officially the “squirrel lady” of my community anytime anyone I know finds one (which is more often than I would have thought) they call me! No complaints on my end. So anyway I have a new baby Luna, who is 4-5 weeks old I have had her since Friday. She opened her eyes Saturday. She wasn’t eating for the first 2 days I had her but now she cannot eat enough. However I’m still having issues with her going to the bathroom, she pees an obscene amount, I’ll pull her out of her bedding and she will be completely soaked, and then pee even more when stimulated, she doesn’t poop often at all which is concerning she usually will go once a day as I run her under water sometimes she squeaks and such I’m not sure if it’s the water (which is Luke warm) me holding her or actually using the restroom is painful. The first time I got her to deficate it was brown and it is now yellow (the color I am used to seeing in the squirrels I rescue. Could she have some sort of infection or anything like that? I’m unsure. I have her on fox valley formula she weighed 75g when I got her, she dropped down to 68g since she wasn’t eating but is now at 73g so she’s getting there, I feed her the proper 5-7% of her body weight so any thoughts?. I have also contacted a local rehabber to try and get her to take her as I know it is harder to raise a squirrel alone especially when trying to get them back to the wild and I know she has other squirrels but haven’t heard back yet.

12-11-2019, 06:52 PM
Hi Faith,

We have had other cases of obscene amts of urine. We have given antibiotics and it cleared it up. She should not be soaked with urine when you go to get her out. Do you have Clavamox?

12-11-2019, 07:20 PM
Thank you Faithb for taking care of this precious little life!

I hope she gets straightened out!

Do you have pictures of Luna you could share?