View Full Version : LUNA--in Costa Rica--is SUFFERING--we need ADVICE-Fast

11-29-2019, 03:08 PM

Above is a link to Luna's other thread--with much more detail.. PLEASE READ. >>> Post #286 begins Luna's current MAJOR problem.
She has been on & off meds for weeks. NOW--
She hasn't peed in 4 + days, her belly is very expanded and tight. She is chewing her paws.
As of 3 pm , Friday( EST) she is resting after getting Tramadol. Her pain level is constant. Local vets are unskilled in squirrel issues.
We have ultrasound available but not a local X-ray.
What size/diameter is a squirrel sized catheter ? Maybe that would relieve the pressure.???
We have countless questions .
Any help will be GREATLY appreciated.

11-29-2019, 04:03 PM
Stosh, if the vet knows how to read an ultrasound it might be helpful. You should at least know if the bladder is distended. Maybe she would have compassion and withdraw the fluid with a syringe. Vets pull fluids all the time. I doubt you could get a catheter into her.

Dr Emerson has said that treating a squirrels isn’t very different from a cat or dog (other than the teeth).

11-29-2019, 05:02 PM
We hope to go tomorrow morning....... we would have liked to go today but that did not happen.

I am hoping and praying Luna will make it through the night and the vet can help her tomorrow

11-29-2019, 05:11 PM
I think it is critical to get an xray or ultrasound to try and look for bladder stones (or perhaps kidney stones). With her history of UTIs, bladder stones could be an issue and they could physically obstruct urine flow.

If there is no obstruction, GENTLY pressing/rubbing her stomach might help express urine? But I think you are running out of time, something must be done to relive her bladder.

I hope your vet will be willing to try. I like HRTs suggestion of telling the vet to treat like a very small dog might encourage the vet?

11-29-2019, 05:34 PM
Rosie, I think female rats can be urethra catheterized with French size 3 to 4 catheters. French size is a universal sizing for catheters, so the vets catheter should have this number printed on the package. This is between 18-20awg. So your vet can compare the catheter to a needle that is about 18awg to 20awg. I believe a yellow catheter is a size French 20 which is much too large.

Adult female rats can be catheterized with #50 PE tubing (2.9 French), a 3.5-French Tom Cat Cath- eter (Sherwood Medical, St. Louis, MO), or a No. 4 Coude urethral catheter (C. M. Bard Co., Summit, NJ) that has a bend to the tip of the catheter. This bend facilitates passage of the catheter through the urethra (2). A guide-wire can be threaded through the PE tubing to increase the rigidity of the catheter. Care should be taken that the tip of the guide-wire does not extend past the end of the catheter. Guide-wires can be made of stainless-steel surgical wire (Ethicon, Inc. Somerville, NJ) and coated with a water-soluble lubricant to ease placement and re- moval from the PE tubing. The diameters of the urinary catheter should be the minimum that can be inserted into the bladder and still prevent urinary leakage around the catheter. PE cath- eters should be sterilized by using ethylene oxide. Procedures for urinary catheterization are similar for female mice and rats.

11-29-2019, 08:06 PM
God be with you little Luna girl—and your loving folks.

11-29-2019, 08:23 PM
God be with you little Luna girl—and your loving folks.

Thanks, C.L.--------------
LUNA needs a LOT of Prayers...

11-29-2019, 08:42 PM
:grouphug Luna and Stosh and Rosie :grouphug

Snicker Bar
11-29-2019, 09:37 PM
Forgive me if I’ve missed the previous discussions, but what parts I’ve read here seem to imply there could be an obstruction to urine outflow(?) If there is any chance of getting this seen tonight, it could be the difference between life and death ( kidneys can shut down). We’ve seen blocked cats that could not be catheterized. A small gauge needle and syringe can be used to relieve the pressure on the kidneys at least temporarily... Again please forgive me if I’ve missed an important detail ( maybe there are no ER clinics :( ) and if a clinic is not an option tonight, TD’s advice above could possibly relieve some pressure tonthe kidneys (if there is a partial obstruction) .
Sensing prayers for your girl !

Nancy in New York
11-30-2019, 06:06 AM
Many prayers being sent for all of you.
:Love_Icon Luna :Love_Icon Rosie :Love_Icon Stosh :Love_Icon

11-30-2019, 12:06 PM
Saturday--Noon ---in Costa Rica--( 1pm EST)

The visit to the vet was successful. She expressed at least 15 cc of urine.
LUNA's tummy is no longer like a snare drum.
We took photos and a short video of the ultrasound. ( I will post them later) maybe it will assist others to help with diagnosis.
LUNA has sediment in her bladder but no stones...more like sand.
It appears that her uterus may be pressing on her urethra.

We are sooooo dang happy.
never though a good stream of pee would MAKE MY DAY...
I can't be happier.
THANK YOU--Everyone for prayers, advice and information.

11-30-2019, 01:23 PM
As of November 30th---

This thread is not active....
LUNA seems to be