View Full Version : Vision problems

11-22-2019, 01:30 PM
My 10 year old grey, Skamper is acting a little different. I have seen him bump his face into the coffee table leg a few times and he missed my lap a couple times so now I am worried about him. He is eating and drinking about the same but staying in his room (the glass enclosed patio) much more than he used to. He used to spend hours in the living room with me almost daily. He used to go outside and survey the backyard from his large wire outdoor enclosure every morning too. I don't see him outside at all now. Is he just getting old and less energetic? Does cold weather affect squirrels like it does older people? He doesn't act sick. His fur shines and is all thick and ready for winter and he grooms himself like usual.

I hesitate to take him to the vet because the doc always has to gas him so he can check him and that seems to traumatize him.

Any input would be greatly appreciated.


11-22-2019, 02:04 PM
At 10 years of age, I would think that vision problems are very likely. Often you can actually see the cataracts form on the eye. I would set him up with as large an area as he seems to want and leave it the same so he can always count on his home. Pad any landing areas so he doesn't inadvertently injure himself. Another issue is that occasionally when you get older (ahem) your muscles fail you and suddenly you can't do what you once could.

Can you tell us what his diet is? You ae never too old to change that for the good if need be.

11-22-2019, 02:37 PM
Skamper's diet consists of Henry's blocks, spring mix, pieces of fruits and veggies such as different squashes, tomatoes, some avocado, kiwi, apple, broccoli, sugar peas. He also has some hibiscus bushes in his room that he will nibble on. He used to go out his little doggie door into his wire enclosed outdoor area and dig up grass and track in mud (lol). He will not touch brussell sprouts or carrots.

11-22-2019, 02:42 PM
Skamper pretty much has the run of the house. He has a doggie door to his own room and another one to get to the huge outdoor wire enclosure. He always has access to fresh air and sunshine. He has a cage that he sleeps in and ramps that are covered with carpet to get to other perches so that he can look outside. The house is carpeted so I guess there is padding enough for him.

11-22-2019, 06:48 PM
My 10 year old grey, ....
Is he just getting old and less energetic? Does cold weather affect squirrels like it does older people?
Speaking for myself and my squee, Yes, yes and yes! :rotfl
...and I agree with CritterMom. :great
Many of us have or have had aging squirrels, 10 years for a healthy squirrel is really good. Congrats! :clap
From my observations it does appear to me that around 10 years of age is an elder age for a squirrel
and when many have experienced these changes in their squirrels behavior and/ or health.
From my own personal point of view, aging may beat the alternative but the process is full of "adjustments." :shakehead:rake