View Full Version : Poky ate coconut

11-16-2019, 06:01 PM
I have fed other squirrels coconut but never a juvenile. I did not think anything of it. He ate quite a bit over a couple days. I am quite sure that killed him.

11-16-2019, 07:57 PM
I do not think the coconut killed Poky. I have given my yard squirrels and all of my rehabbed squirrels coconut. Not a single one has had a seizure or stopped breathing as a result of eating coconut. There is no component of coconut that is questionable to ones health, even if eaten in abundance. This was not Poky’s problem.

11-16-2019, 08:10 PM
There was some mold under the shell which was cracked. I am assuming aspergillus.

island rehabber
11-17-2019, 09:10 AM
I already replied in your other thread, but I would put the coconut thing out of your mind and stop torturing yourself, my friend. This squirrel had serious problems already; problems I suspect were due to a congenital heart defect or failure. I have had friends with small dogs who had congenital heart defects and they also were subject to fainting, loss of consciousness etc.