View Full Version : Injured after hawk attack?
11-16-2019, 04:48 PM
I found an orphaned squirrel, Archimedes, early in September. Recently, I believe as of Novemver 1, he has been living outside in a house I built him, however I provide everything he needs still. Apparently a hawk has moved into the neighborhood. I was out with the squirrel in my yard and the hawk swooped down and grabbed Archimedes. Before the hawk could get more than a few inches off the ground I threw my shoe at him, causing him to release the squirrel. I could not see if Archimedes was dropped or if he was already on the ground when the hawk let go. If he was dropped it was no more than a few inches, most definitely less than 1 foot.
Archimedes was not cut by the hawk but ever since has been making a weird high pitched grunting sound. It almost sounds like it could be a hiccup. It only happens when he moves, but not consistently and not always with the same movement every time. He is eating and drinking normally and he is quite playful. He's currently hopping around my bed and jumping on my hand to chew my fingers. Other than the noise I hear, there is no difference in how he acts or moves. Is this something I should worry about?
I've tried to record the sound but I wouldn't call it a loud sound and the mic on my phone is broken and cant pick it up. Also I was sure to gently throw my shoe at the hawk in case someone is worried I really hurt it. I just wanted to surprise it.
11-16-2019, 05:15 PM
Sometimes squirrels make weird noises. But please search carefully all over his body for a scab or a puncture if u can pull hairs apart while searching so that is there is a puncture u will see it. Same as with cat bites sometimes it is very hard to see a puncture wound so you have to carefully look and pull hair apart to find it. If there is nothing he could just be bruised or just be nothing but grunting.
11-16-2019, 05:18 PM
I was reading your post and I am going to let someone with more experience with hawk attacks answer your question. However I too am having a problem with three hawks hanging around and did some research on how to get rid of them. Personally I think your little one is scared and it sounds like he should be ok. Me personally until I got that stinking hawk out of your area I would keep the squirrel inside. GOOD JOB by the way of saving that baby. I hope this info helps some.
Using a Hawk Deterrent
owl statue for hawk control. There are two types of deterrent you can use to keep hawks away. The first type is environmental. Prune branches and ensure the hawk has nowhere to perch. Removing bird feeders can also discourage hawks who are looking for an easy food source.
Physical deterrents are also useful. Building a scarecrow or placing a large owl statue in the yard will fool the hawk into thinking a predator might be present. Just be sure to move this physical deterrent around occasionally, as hawks are highly intelligent and will notice if the deterrent remains stationary for more than a couple days.
11-16-2019, 05:44 PM
If you saw the attack, did it look as if the hawk landed on top of Archimedes or tried to swoop him up off the ground?
Some attacks are swooping attacks, some are "pouncing" and when they pounce or land right on top of their target they can often do damage like broken bones. I'd be concerned that simply the weight of the hawk dropping on top of Archimedes may have caused injuries even if there is not a puncture type wound.
11-16-2019, 06:14 PM
I've checked over Archimedes several times for cuts and scrapes. I keep thinking I'm missing them so like every 3 hours I check again. I haven't found any and he doesn't seem to mind me running my hands over his body (I was looking for tender spots).
I didn't know that hawks have different attacks, it definitely swooped in from the side because it actually hit me before it got to Archimedes. Unfortunately I was startled and looked away when i was hit and i didn't see how the hawk actually grabbed the squirrel. I did immediately think of broken bones. I made sure that he walks and climbs with no issues, he doesn't favor any sides. He also has no problems playing and when he plays he contorts his body. I'm assuming no broken bones.
I did forget to mention that as soon as the hawk let go of Archimedes I grabbed him to run inside. He obviously just wanted to get away and hide so he struggled and I had to hold him very tightly. I'm experienced enough with small animals to restrain them firmly without actually crushing them, but its possible I bruised him or something.
As for deterring the hawk, I might try an owl decoy. I don't think a scarecrow would help since he did not seem to care that I was only a foot away from the squirrel. And of course the hawk likes to perch on a street light across from my yard, so I can't remove that. There used to be 3 other babies living in my yard, there's only 1 now. I'm afraid the hawk ate them and knows there is food here. I'm planning on keeping Archimedes inside for the time being
11-16-2019, 07:19 PM
Just a few unrelated questions... how old is Archimedes? Has he always lived outside in the cage? What do you feed him? Because the diet is SO critical for squirrels it’s important to have information about the diet
The diet will be a good indicator of the bone health and the likelihood of fractures from the attack.
When you say orphaned I assume he was young. What type of formula did you receive?
Archimedes was very lucky. You being there saved his life, no doubt. I despise hawks.
11-16-2019, 07:26 PM
I estimate Archimedes is about 12 or 13 weeks old. He had only been living outside since November 1. And he lives in a nesting box we built him so he goes wherever he wants. Before that he lived inside but spent time in a cage outside to get used to the new surroundings (started the outside cage at around 9 weeks old). I have no idea what he eats that he gets from outside, but I provide him with Mazuri rat food everyday. I also gave him a water bottle that I hung from a nail in my tree. I also give him spinach, kale,carrots, and occasionally tomatoes. I just started giving him raw in the shell hazelnuts and almonds from a bag of mixed nuts.
He was about 4 weeks old when I found him. He was on Esbilac formula for about 10 days (it was an older can, before they changed the formula) but then I switched to the Fox Valley formula meant for squirrels 4 weeks and older. He was on that until he weaned himself off of it. Last formula feeding was October 27
Also when he was younger his fur was really fine and short for a while. Like he was 6 weeks old and didn't have adult squirrel hair. I ended up feeding him extra calcium in the form of a crushed up tums in his formula to help his fur grow. From about October 15 to the 27th he got about 300mg of added calcium daily
11-16-2019, 07:34 PM
Hang some shiny CD discs from anywhere that the wind will blow them. Look for those shiny whirligigs that children like and put them all over your yard, including in the trees, buy an air horn like is used on boats. Keep it handy, not only is the sound frightening, but aimed directly towards a hawk on the lamp post across the street and blown will send noise vibrations through the air that will startle the hawk and hopefully send him packing. If you know he’s camping out and watching your yard for his next meal then you have to be diligent about discouraging him. I hate hawks! :pissed
11-16-2019, 08:08 PM
I hate to be the bearer of bad news but Archimedes is entirely too young to be outside. We don’t even think about release until they are 16 weeks and that would be a spring or summer release. Young squirrels in cold climates are overwintered until spring. As a singleton he is already at a disadvantage. They need others to snuggle with to share body heat to survive the cold weather. I hate to repeat this because it’s so disturbing but there are those that say fall babies are food for hawks. The trees are often bare so their ability to hide as the tree cover is minimal making them targets of hawks.
Listing the things against his survival... (1) too young to be released (2) singleton (3) winter release with limited cover, too cold (4) he has no food stashes (5) dominant males could drive him from your yard (6) the soft fur you referred to is ‘kitten fur’ that is due to nutritional issues (7) weaned early.
I’m a little confused when you say ‘no idea what he eat from outside’. Is he already released?
I’m sure you love him dearly. I wouldn’t consider releasing him at the beginning of winter in the NE.
11-16-2019, 08:25 PM
He prefers being outside (he's very destructive inside I think because he doesn't like that there is nothing to climb or really no where to explore except 1 room) so I built him a squirrel nesting box that is insulated where he sleeps, along with many strips of fleece he molded into a nest shape. The box is nailed to the tree in my front yard and he stays there instead of sleeping somewhere else. I live in a suburban neighborhood and there aren't a lot of options for him to choose from.
I wouldn't say he is released because I provide everything he needs and I spend time with him every day. But since he is allowed to run around I'm sure he's eating whatever he finds in my yard. If it gets too cold for him (I dont sleep well and will check on him several times a night when its cold) I keep a cage set up for him inside.
I only let him stay outside because he hated coming back in from his outdoor cage. He would fight me when I brought him back.
11-16-2019, 11:05 PM
Please bring him back inside, he's too young to live outside, he needs to be overwintered and have a proper soft release in spring.
What is his current diet?
What formula was he fed?
He needs a good rodent block and healthy vegetables.
11-17-2019, 07:04 AM
He prefers being outside (he's very destructive inside I think because he doesn't like that there is nothing to climb or really no where to explore except 1 room) so I built him a squirrel nesting box that is insulated where he sleeps, along with many strips of fleece he molded into a nest shape. The box is nailed to the tree in my front yard and he stays there instead of sleeping somewhere else. I live in a suburban neighborhood and there aren't a lot of options for him to choose from.
I wouldn't say he is released because I provide everything he needs and I spend time with him every day. But since he is allowed to run around I'm sure he's eating whatever he finds in my yard. If it gets too cold for him (I dont sleep well and will check on him several times a night when its cold) I keep a cage set up for him inside.
I only let him stay outside because he hated coming back in from his outdoor cage. He would fight me when I brought him back.
Of course he’s going to fight you when you bring him inside. They are hardwired to want the trees. BUT, if he had not been orphaned, mom would stay with him through the winter and keep him warm. Her stash would be his stash. He doesn’t know what’s best for him...he’s at a disadvantage because he didn’t have a teacher. The fact that he was almost hawk food proves that point.
Please, if you love him you’ll bring him in through the winter. I’m sure he will be upset, but I’m equally sure that he will settle down after some time back in the house. Squirrels do MUCH better when they are released at an older age. In the Spring he will have a fighting chance. That’s not the case right now.
11-17-2019, 08:57 AM
soo Glad he is not hurt 😊
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