View Full Version : do we have mites? Are these products safe?
tree service squrl rescue
11-08-2019, 12:18 PM
Good afternoon all! I have 2 eastern gray squirrels. They're about 2 months old now. My female, Pink, scratches so much that both of her sides stay red and raw. They definitely don't have fleas, have a clean cage and eat properly. I ordered UltraCare mite and lice spray. I also got 8 in 1 bird protector. Has anyone actually used either of these products? I just want to make sure nothing hurts them.
11-08-2019, 12:31 PM
Thanks for taking care of these babies!
I don't know but if you will keep checking back here someone will help you!
11-08-2019, 12:46 PM
Welcome to The Squirrel Board
We don’t use those products so we don’t have experience as to whether they are safe.
For mites we use Revolution. If you have a dog you can buy it at a vet office. Also, a bath in Dawn dish soap gets rid of a lot of pests but it won’t help if it’s mange mites.
The Revolution is a topical. One drop is placed between the shoulders.
Can I ask what you’re feeding the babies? We always ask that to rule out nutritional issues.
Edit... Revolution requires a script but it can be purchased online without a script.
Joes Pet Meds. It is in Australia but it only takes a week to arrive.
11-08-2019, 12:49 PM
tree service squrl rescue
11-08-2019, 01:03 PM
Sure! They have rodent block daily with either one or two fresh foods, possibly more depending on what we're eating. Mushrooms, spinach, lettuce, different fruits, etc. I also give them raw in-shell peanuts, acorns, pecans, etc, but very sparingly. They get some tums, etc. They have an antler, leather, sticks, raw hide, a few toys, etc to noodle on. They also have a flower put with just some plain, unscented clay litter and river rocks to dig in. They've got a nice big cage and we also just made them a huge indoor tree out of an actual tree with toys and ropes to help them hold on. We try to make them feel rich. We just love them. Thank you so much for the info on revolution. There are so many conflicts in medical opinions. I'll try the dawn too! I really want to use this spray and the 8 in 1 bird protector but I'm scared. I'm about to clean the cage and I sure would love to spray it down. I should correct, they are about 3 months old, not two. Time sure does fly!
11-08-2019, 01:11 PM
Sounds good except the peanuts. They’re pretty unhealthy so I don’t feed babies peanuts. Did you have them on formula? The reason I ask is because the formula used by many is defective this year. It has caused many deaths. Did you use Esbilac puppy formula?
11-08-2019, 01:12 PM
A pic of the itchy areas might help us diagnose the problem.
Also, we love pics. :)
tree service squrl rescue
11-08-2019, 01:18 PM
Sounds good except the peanuts. They’re pretty unhealthy so I don’t feed babies peanuts. Did you have them on formula? The reason I ask is because the formula used by many is defective this year. It has caused many deaths. Did you use Esbilac puppy formula?
I did use Esbilac formula for all 4 this year. It's what I always use and I didn't know there was a problem until after everyone was weaned. I know the peanuts aren't the best. I should really cut them out, dang it. They just love them and go right to the peanut jar, hehe. I'll put something else in there.
11-08-2019, 01:28 PM
I know. A lot of people didn’t know about the defective Esbilac. Heck, rehabbers didn’t know until it failed. It worked fine until a couple months ago and then babies started crashing all over the country. Many had broken bones from Metabolic Bone Disease. The Tums is good. You might want to supplement with additional calcium as insurance. Do they like avocado? (without the pit or skin)
If so you can crush a Tums and dip a wet side in the powder. I would do that daily for a while.
Raw Almonds are healthier than peanuts. You could cut them in tiny pieces and substitute the peanuts with almonds. The babies will like them just as much. Remember though all nuts need to be limited because they have high phosphorus in them. Phosphorus competes with calcium. A diet high in phosphorus will cause calcium to be pulled from the bones. That’s what causes MBD. It is deadly.
tree service squrl rescue
11-08-2019, 01:32 PM
11-08-2019, 01:35 PM
:grin2 :grin2 Precious.
In your bio you mentioned 2 squirrels with mobility issues. Is that the two you have now?
tree service squrl rescue
11-08-2019, 01:37 PM
I definitely don't want MBD. Thank you for the advice. Here's a picture of Pink in one of the nooks of her climbing tree. We're so happy she's doing well.
She and her brother almost didn't make it because they fell about 80 feet. I'll get a picture of her side loaded as soon as possible. This forum is so nice to have.
11-08-2019, 01:41 PM
We’re glad to have you tree guy. :grin2
It always makes my heart happy when a tree service person has compassion for squirrels.
We have heard the horror stories and it kills me every time. :(
tree service squrl rescue
11-08-2019, 05:41 PM
:grin2 :grin2 Precious.
In your bio you mentioned 2 squirrels with mobility issues. Is that the two you have now?
Yes, the 2 I have now are the ones with mobility issues. A nest of 4 fell about 80 feet when my husband cut a tree down. Long story short, there was no safe way to even try to reunite the babies with the mother and two would definitely never have made it. I took all 4 and we were able to successfully release 2. Of the two I have, one, Pink, can use her front legs to get around pretty well, but she can't really use her back legs so any time she tries to climb down something or jump she just completely thuds. When she eats she immediately falls over because she can't hold herself up and eat.
The other one I have, male, Green Bean, was in terrible shape. He completely failed to thrive for several weeks but I finally talked him into giving it a try. He had terrible skin issues from not being able to move, etc. I thought he had brain damage but he does seem to be mentally sound now. He is able to jump more but is still extremely scrawny, although he is eating well and playing. We just love them. I hope we can release them one day but if not we'll keep them and help them feel rich.
tree service squrl rescue
11-08-2019, 05:43 PM
We’re glad to have you tree guy. :grin2
It always makes my heart happy when a tree service person has compassion for squirrels.
We have heard the horror stories and it kills me every time. :(
Thank you so much. It is a joy to take care of these critters. I've heard terrible stories of people killing the wildlife they disturb also and I just can't believe they wouldn't at LEAST call someone to give them a chance to come get them. I'd go pick them up from a jobsite and take care of them. I just love it when we can tell the tree customers that the squirrels made it and we were able to let them go. Everyone is always so excited. It's great.
tree service squrl rescue
11-08-2019, 06:08 PM
:grin2 :grin2 Precious.
In your bio you mentioned 2 squirrels with mobility issues. Is that the two you have now? Here's Pink's injured side. The other side is the same. It's the exact spot where she can scratch with her back legs.
tree service squrl rescue
11-08-2019, 06:14 PM
A pic of the itchy areas might help us diagnose the problem.
Also, we love pics. :)
Hi! I just put a picture further down in this thread of Pink's questionable sides.
11-09-2019, 12:24 AM
I wonder if they would take Fox Valley 20/50 formula. It is really great nutrition and might correct some of what esbilac did.
11-09-2019, 08:05 AM
Hi tree servce squrl rescue! Thanks for being so good to the squirrels! Reading this thread something jumped out at me. Are both babies itchy or just Pink, or both but Pink is more so? I wonder if the mites if that's what it is were/are in the tree you brought in for them. There is one kind of mite you can see with the naked eye. It's VERY tiny though. I call them "regular" mites since they are the only ones I have seen over the years (although only once or twice). If you examine her very closely you might be able to spot them if that is the problem. They are very dark/black. If you find any, that will give you a direction for treatment at least. The Revolution already mentioned would likely solve the problem. And the Dawn if she'll let you bathe her.
Best of luck to you, Pink and Green Bean!
tree service squrl rescue
11-09-2019, 09:19 AM
I wonder if they would take Fox Valley 20/50 formula. It is really great nutrition and might correct some of what esbilac did.
My scrawny little Green Bean will take a bottle from me because he's my little baby, but Pink is more spunky and she likes delicious, meaty food. Should I get the Fox Valley and try to mix it in a little natural apple sauce, ect? Other than not having the calcium, now that they are all weaned does Esbilac have any other long term side effects?
tree service squrl rescue
11-09-2019, 09:24 AM
Hi tree servce squrl rescue! Thanks for being so good to the squirrels! Reading this thread something jumped out at me. Are both babies itchy or just Pink, or both but Pink is more so? I wonder if the mites if that's what it is were/are in the tree you brought in for them. There is one kind of mite you can see with the naked eye. It's VERY tiny though. I call them "regular" mites since they are the only ones I have seen over the years (although only once or twice). If you examine her very closely you might be able to spot them if that is the problem. They are very dark/black. If you find any, that will give you a direction for treatment at least. The Revolution already mentioned would likely solve the problem. And the Dawn if she'll let you bathe her.
Best of luck to you, Pink and Green Bean!
Hi Chirps! I think Pink is the only itchy one. The mites (or other cause) were here before the tree. I've got to get that Revolution. Can I use the 8 in 1 bird protector in an area they can't get to near their cage, and can I use Ultra Care Mite and Lice bird spray? I have them in front of me but I'm scared to use them without some assurance. I'm excited to say that this morning her sides don't look like she tore them up all night. Yay!
11-20-2019, 07:57 AM
I was going through threads and saw that you still had unanswered questions. No, I wouldn’t use either of those products. Definitely don’t put anything on them except Revolution, and then only one drop.
Have Pinks raw, itchy sides healed?
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