View Full Version : Found a baby squirrel; next steps?/Cat attacked

11-04-2019, 04:48 PM
On Saturday morning my husband's cousin found a baby squirrel on the sidewalk. She was alone and bleeding, they didn't really inspect her... They just put in her in a box and cleaned her off. I got to her at about 5pm, and called my mom immediately (she's rehabbed 5 squirrels and raised 2, the other 3 were siblings and given to a pro rehabber) I noticed she was cold and immediately made a rice buddy, and bought pedialtye to get her hydrated.

She responded well to that and I knew then she had a wound on her lip and one in her left inner thigh, but waited until I got home to inspect it. Fast forward to that I got home and my mother and I began to check her wounds, initially we thought her jaw bone had broken and was out, but after looking we came to the realization it was a cats entire nail! Literally the entire nail, film and all, strangely it was in backwards - so the point was facing out which is why we thought it was a bone. I was able to get it out with tweezers and it seems as though it was lodged in her mouth. We left it there since that was tough for the baby, I gave her more pedialtye, warmed her buddy and put her in her box. The first night I woke up twice and warmed her buddy and gave her pedialtye.

The next morning we checked her thigh and realized it was two holes, presumably from the cats teeth. These are the only wounds she has, it's been 3 days and she is doing fine. I made her goats milk formula, but she has yet to want to eat. Ive given it to her with a small syringe, but she doesn't want it. She will however drink the pedialtye.

Since she's been with me she has opened her tail, and it's a bit more willing to move around. She seems healthy but I'm not sure what to expect or what I should do next. I've included pictures of her, we belive she is about 4 to 5 weeks old.

She is peeing! She's peed multiple times since Sunday and has continued to pee through today, but no number 2.

11-04-2019, 04:49 PM

11-04-2019, 05:00 PM
This baby needs antibiotic for the cat's injuries, cats have a bacteria in their slava that can be deadly to squirrels.
Animal or human Ab, check around to see what you can get hold of and we can tell you if and how it can be administered.
You would only need a pill to breakdown and dose.
Meantime here is a link to baby squirrel care for reference, it can be a HUGE help.
It's 6 pages long with the next button on the top right corner.


11-04-2019, 05:11 PM
This baby needs antibiotic for the cat's injuries, cats have a bacteria in their slava that can be deadly to squirrels.
Animal or human Ab, check around to see what you can get hold of and we can tell you if and how it can be administered.
You would only need a pill to breakdown and dose.
Meantime here is a link to baby squirrel care for reference, it can be a HUGE help.
It's 6 pages long with the next button on the top right corner.


Okay I've got amoxcicillan 125mg pills i can crush one of those. 312038

11-04-2019, 05:25 PM
On Saturday morning my husband's cousin found a baby squirrel on the sidewalk. She was alone and bleeding, they didn't really inspect her... They just put in her in a box and cleaned her off. I got to her at about 5pm, and called my mom immediately (she's rehabbed 5 squirrels and raised 2, the other 3 were siblings and given to a pro rehabber) I noticed she was cold and immediately made a rice buddy, and bought pedialtye to get her hydrated.

She responded well to that and I knew then she had a wound on her lip and one in her left inner thigh, but waited until I got home to inspect it. Fast forward to that I got home and my mother and I began to check her wounds, initially we thought her jaw bone had broken and was out, but after looking we came to the realization it was a cats entire nail! Literally the entire nail, film and all, strangely it was in backwards - so the point was facing out which is why we thought it was a bone. I was able to get it out with tweezers and it seems as though it was lodged in her mouth. We left it there since that was tough for the baby, I gave her more pedialtye, warmed her buddy and put her in her box. The first night I woke up twice and warmed her buddy and gave her pedialtye.

The next morning we checked her thigh and realized it was two holes, presumably from the cats teeth. These are the only wounds she has, it's been 3 days and she is doing fine. I made her goats milk formula, but she has yet to want to eat. Ive given it to her with a small syringe, but she doesn't want it. She will however drink the pedialtye.

Since she's been with me she has opened her tail, and it's a bit more willing to move around. She seems healthy but I'm not sure what to expect or what I should do next. I've included pictures of her, we belive she is about 4 to 5 weeks old.

She is peeing! She's peed multiple times since Sunday and has continued to pee through today, but no number 2.

I have amox 125mg pills that I can crush, and I've listened to her and there's very to little to no crackling when she breathes.

All baby wants to is sleep, is this normal?

Photos are from today except the one with a hand for size comparison that was the day I found her.

11-04-2019, 05:29 PM
Keep checking back. Someone will help you.

Thank you for caring enough to help this baby!:Love_Icon

11-04-2019, 05:35 PM
Keep checking your threads, someone will help you with AB dosing.

I'd say she's min. 5 weeks old because her eyes are open.

And they sleep alot when they're babies and just imagine the stress she's been under. Poor baby!

Can you get a weight for med dosing?

11-04-2019, 05:39 PM
Keep checking your threads, someone will help you with AB dosing.

I'd say she's min. 5 weeks old because her eyes are open.

And they sleep alot when they're babies and just imagine the stress she's been under. Poor baby!

Can you get a weight for med dosing?

I don't think I'd be able to get a weight for dosing... It would be very difficult for me.
The sleeping makes me feel a lot better, I didn't want her to be lethargic.

11-04-2019, 05:46 PM
A weight is important for med dosing...can you get a photo of her beside a coke can or something for reference?

Also, they do sleep a lot but she could be lethargic as well. As Stepnstone said, she needs to be on AB because of the cat bite.

Someone will help you soon with meds.

Thank you again!

Oh, does she have a name?

11-04-2019, 06:13 PM

Here is a video of her, and her beside a can! She's a little dirty but I don't dare wet her too much, because I don't want her to loose warmth.

Her name is barnabe!

11-04-2019, 06:45 PM
Threads have been merged to keep all replies/ suggestions in one place to better address this situation.
I will make a guess on baby's weight and send dosing instructions to your private messages.

11-04-2019, 06:57 PM
Thank you,
She looks worse in that particular photo.
Have you heard from anyone else on meds?

Edit: Sorry Stepnstone, we were typing at the same time.

11-04-2019, 07:04 PM
Sending you and little Barnabe prayers.

Please keep us posted on her condition!

You hang in there little girl! Show everyone what a fighter you are!

11-04-2019, 07:15 PM
Thank you,
She looks worse in that particular photo.
Have you heard from anyone else on meds?
Edit: Sorry Stepnstone, we were typing at the same time.

Email has been sent asking OP to come back on, help offered.
And your right... baby looks rough. :(

11-04-2019, 07:35 PM
Im sorry I didn't respond! I read the instructions and ran to make it for her, I just gave her the first dose and put the rest of it in the fridge. She is moving around more and is becoming slightly more active. She took the antibiotic very well!

She literally will not stay still! I try to put her next to the buddy and she crawls out and stands looking around!312045

11-04-2019, 07:50 PM
Do you keep her in a cage or bin?

Do you have a heating pad to keep her warm?

She looks better in that last picture!

11-04-2019, 07:53 PM
Do you keep her in a cage or bin?

Do you have a heating pad to keep her warm?

She looks better in that last picture!

I have her in a Box, within a cage, and a heating pad underneath the box inside the cage. And constantly warm up her sock buddy because she is attached to it!

Yes the picture of her with the can, she was a little deshovled! We rolled her out of the bundle to get size comparison!

11-04-2019, 08:01 PM
The heating pad needs to be under the cage, she could start chewing on the cord.
Klaus, a little guy I took in in March was left with the heating pad inside the cage by his finder, and was less than a chew away from being electrocuted, the wires were exposed all over.

11-04-2019, 08:05 PM
Oh gosh! I will definitely be moving that! Thank you for the warning (:

11-04-2019, 08:12 PM
And the heating pad needs to be positioned so the baby can get off of it if she gets to hot.

Half under cage, the other half out.

Has she eaten anything since found Saturday morning?

11-04-2019, 08:23 PM
In that video, she looks like she's trying to nurse your finger. Poor thing may be starving.

Maybe someone can recommend a way to get some nutrition in her. May have low blood sugar making her lethargic.

11-04-2019, 08:25 PM
And the heating pad needs to be positioned so the baby can get off of it if she gets to hot.

Half under cage, the other half out.

Has she eaten anything since found Saturday morning?

She's had plenty of pedialtye, and she likes it. But she will not eat the goat milk formula willingly. I've given it to her drop by drop, to get something in her belly. But she will willingly drink the pedialtye, she even looks for more. But not the milk.

In good news she actually just popped! First time since Saturday!

11-04-2019, 08:26 PM
In that video, she looks like she's trying to nurse your finger. Poor thing may be starving.

Maybe someone can recommend a way to get some nutrition in her. May have low blood sugar making her lethargic.

That's what I thought as well, but she simply won't take the milk. She just kind of spits it back. And I've put vanilla yogurt in as the recipe calls, but no luck. So I'm not sure what to use to entice her to eat something other than pedialtye.

11-04-2019, 08:30 PM
If she's not eating I wouldn't expect to much poop anyway.

OK. Keep us posted. Maybe someone will chime in on getting her to eat.

I guess keeping her hydrated and warm and on AB's is most important right now.

Drop by drop may be the only way to feed her til she gets ready to eat!

11-04-2019, 08:45 PM
That's what I thought as well, but she simply won't take the milk. She just kind of spits it back. And I've put vanilla yogurt in as the recipe calls, but no luck. So I'm not sure what to use to entice her to eat something other than pedialtye.

You need to stop the pedilyte, it shouldn't be given over 24 hours due to dyes and high sodium.
We have a home made hydration you can use or you can use just water with a touch of honey
for flavor.
This baby needs nutrition...
This is another important aspect of needing a scale for knowing baby's actual weight.
Squirrel's are fed between 5 -7% of their body weight, this the capacity of their stomach.
if a baby (actually) weighs 250 grams it should be getting/taking between 12.5-17.5cc's each feeding.

Who's goat's milk are you using, dry, powder and what recipe are you going by?

11-04-2019, 08:59 PM
You need to stop the pedilyte, it shouldn't be given over 24 hours due to dyes and high sodium.
We have a home made hydration you can use or you can use just water with a touch of honey
for flavor.
This baby needs nutrition...
This is another important aspect of needing a scale for knowing baby's actual weight.
Squirrel's are fed between 5 -7% of their body weight, this the capacity of their stomach.
if a baby (actually) weighs 250 grams it should be getting/taking between 12.5-17.5cc's each feeding.

Who's goat's milk are you using, dry, powder and what recipe are you going by?

Okay, I can do that, I was just at a loss for what else would work for her.

Ive been using the meyenberg goat milk that comes liquid in a pint. The recipe I was going by was the one on the Squirrel forum. It's 3:1:1, it comes out pretty thick.

11-04-2019, 09:17 PM
Thanks Gmcarro!

I know your working hard and have a lot coming at you!

In your opinion, does Barnaby seem to be doing better, more active, etc?

And the plain water with a touch of honey for hydration suggested by StepNstone may give her little system a boost if she's really hungry.

I think for them to want to eat they must be warm and their formula must be warm as well. I'm sure you know that but just trying to cover everything.

11-04-2019, 09:20 PM
Okay, I can do that, I was just at a loss for what else would work for her.

Ive been using the meyenberg goat milk that comes liquid in a pint. The recipe I was going by was the one on the Squirrel forum. It's 3:1:1, it comes out pretty thick.

Not sure which link/ recipe you are referring to so posting the current link in case it's something different.
This baby is older then 4 weeks and would do much better with the Fox Valley 20/50 which is the recommended formula
for "older" babies. It needs to be ordered on line or by phone.

11-05-2019, 06:22 AM
Thanks Gmcarro!

I know your working hard and have a lot coming at you!

In your opinion, does Barnaby seem to be doing better, more active, etc?

And the plain water with a touch of honey for hydration suggested by StepNstone may give her little system a boost if she's really hungry.

I think for them to want to eat they must be warm and their formula must be warm as well. I'm sure you know that but just trying to cover everything.

She is definitely more active now compared to when I got her. She was barely moving... Now she's more willing to take a few steps, pick up her body, move her head around.
I will definitely be trying the water and honey today to see if that is something she will take.

And yes! Everything I've given to her is warm, and she always has her buddy!

11-05-2019, 06:23 AM
Not sure which link/ recipe you are referring to so posting the current link in case it's something different.
This baby is older then 4 weeks and would do much better with the Fox Valley 20/50 which is the recommended formula
for "older" babies. It needs to be ordered on line or by phone.

The one I was using was the same, except it didn't mention anything about egg yolk. So I will make a fresh batch today. I will also be taking a look at the fox valley formula

Nancy in New York
11-05-2019, 07:17 AM
Okay I've got amoxcicillan 125mg pills i can crush one of those. 312038
The pill in the photo is NOT amoxicillian 125mg.
It's Augmentin 875/125.
Where did you get this pill, do you have the bottle it came in?
Is there writing on the back of the pill?
If this was dosed as amoxi 125mg, stop now, and we will give you the correct dosing.

"Search Results
Knowledge Result
Image result for What pill has 875 and 125 on it?
875 125 AMC (Amoxicillin and Clavulanate Potassium 875 mg / 125 mg) Pill with imprint 875 125 AMC is White, Elliptical / Oval and has been identified as Amoxicillin and Clavulanate Potassium 875 mg / 125 mg.

11-05-2019, 07:57 AM
The pill in the photo is NOT amoxicillian 125mg.
It's Augmentin 875/125.
Where did you get this pill, do you have the bottle it came in?
Is there writing on the back of the pill?
If this was dosed as amoxi 125mg, stop now, and we will give you the correct dosing.

"Search Results
Knowledge Result
Image result for What pill has 875 and 125 on it?
875 125 AMC (Amoxicillin and Clavulanate Potassium 875 mg / 125 mg) Pill with imprint 875 125 AMC is White, Elliptical / Oval and has been identified as Amoxicillin and Clavulanate Potassium 875 mg / 125 mg.

Stepnstone identified the antibiotic as clavamox, and she dosed it accordingly! Thank you for your concern, we believed it was amox but stepnstone informed me that it was not and we made sure we knew what it was before dosing.

11-05-2019, 08:10 AM
I just wanted to make sure that this is the right formula for barnabe? 312055

11-05-2019, 08:24 AM
Yes fox valley 20/50 is what you want.
You can also order it directly from Henry's https://www.henryspets.com/squirrel-diet/
That's where you can also order blocks.

Nancy in New York
11-05-2019, 08:35 AM
Stepnstone identified the antibiotic as clavamox, and she dosed it accordingly! Thank you for your concern, we believed it was amox but stepnstone informed me that it was not and we made sure we knew what it was before dosing.

Nothing gets by stepnstone!:w00t

11-06-2019, 12:42 PM
Hi all! So far barnabe is doing great! The change since the antibiotic has been monumental. She's eating more, trying to walk around more, and is overall just looking so good.

Now, I'm worried because I let her walk around my bed today, and noticed she wasn't using her back leg at all. She wouldn't even put it down... This is the leg that she had the bite on, and I was going to post a picture of the bite but it's completely closed and isn't noticeable in photos.

I know it should be expected since she was injured on this spot... But I'm worried that she might not ever be able to use it.. Especially since the wound itself has almost completely disappeared and healed.

I've inserted a video so you can all see how she skips on it.


11-06-2019, 02:31 PM
It looks like she has some movement with that leg but it was injured and there may be additional healing that needs to occur. Can you run you fingers down the bones of that leg and along the joints (and do the same with the healthy leg) and compare the legs? Just want to try and rule out a dislocation or fracture. As long as the infection from the cat bite is being treated, she might just need additional time for the leg to recover and get stronger?

Hi all! So far barnabe is doing great! The change since the antibiotic has been monumental. She's eating more, trying to walk around more, and is overall just looking so good.

Now, I'm worried because I let her walk around my bed today, and noticed she wasn't using her back leg at all. She wouldn't even put it down... This is the leg that she had the bite on, and I was going to post a picture of the bite but it's completely closed and isn't noticeable in photos.

I know it should be expected since she was injured on this spot... But I'm worried that she might not ever be able to use it.. Especially since the wound itself has almost completely disappeared and healed.

I've inserted a video so you can all see how she skips on it.


11-06-2019, 02:31 PM
Does it look like the area were it had the cat bite is infected. Any chance the bite broke the bone? This needs to be figured out soon.

11-06-2019, 05:55 PM
It looks like she has some movement with that leg but it was injured and there may be additional healing that needs to occur. Can you run you fingers down the bones of that leg and along the joints (and do the same with the healthy leg) and compare the legs? Just want to try and rule out a dislocation or fracture. As long as the infection from the cat bite is being treated, she might just need additional time for the leg to recover and get stronger?

I checked both legs and everything seems fine, she doesn't show any signs of pain when I move the injured leg around. And the wound definitely does not show any signs of infection. She's had 3 of 7 doses of AB.

I'm hoping that it's just that! But I wanted to be safe and post to see what more experienced rehabbers thought. But I'm praying it just needs more healing time

11-06-2019, 05:56 PM
Does it look like the area were it had the cat bite is infected. Any chance the bite broke the bone? This needs to be figured out soon.

Where the bite was is directly in the middle of her thigh, and the holes were very small (only two). And I did check and compare both legs and they feel about the same.

11-06-2019, 10:15 PM
Where the bite was is directly in the middle of her thigh, and the holes were very small (only two). And I did check and compare both legs and they feel about the same.

Sounds to me she was punctured in her leg muscle, that's going to be
really sore and take more then two days to want to behave like it isn't.
I would still allow her med for pain at this point, keep with the ab and
give her more time to heal before expecting her to use that leg normally.

11-21-2019, 07:09 PM
Hello everyone! Barnabe is strong and well, but I feel sad that she isn't able to be with other squirrels and have ample space to run around and jump! I was hoping I could get connected with someone who is a rehabber or could actually take care of her. I'm located in Orlando Florida... If there anyone that could help I would greatly appreciate it! I'm sad to part with barnabe but I know it's the best for her growth.

11-21-2019, 07:36 PM
Is Barnabe releasable? If not, what was the reason?

11-21-2019, 10:25 PM
Is Barnabe releasable? If not, what was the reason?

I Believe so, she did have a small limp but she's walking, running, and jumping without any issues!