View Full Version : How to water bottle train baby squirrel?
10-28-2019, 03:01 PM
I put a water bottle in his cage but he isn’t using it because he doesn’t know how, I don’t know how to teach him.
10-28-2019, 03:28 PM
How old is your baby?
I think they eventually figure it out on their on.
If he's on formula, he's probably getting enough right now.
10-28-2019, 04:55 PM
I put a water bottle in his cage but he isn’t using it because he doesn’t know how, I don’t know how to teach him.
I see you now only mention "a baby," what ever happened to the baby with suspected pneumonia?
You never came back to that post to answer a reply or even to let us know what was going on.
If we are to help you help these babies (or now baby?) you need to stick to a post and be more
forth coming about what you are doing and how you are caring for them.
Posting a picture would help us to access the age and condition to better guide you on it's care.
Not knowing what your knowledge or experience is I'm posting a link on baby squirrel care, I hope
it can be some help to you so that you can genuinely help that which is still in your care.
Go to this link it can be a HUGE help. It's 6 pages long with the next button on the top right corner.
10-28-2019, 05:19 PM
I put a water bottle in his cage but he isn’t using it because he doesn’t know how, I don’t know how to teach him.
Try pressing on the ball while he’s in the cage and holding your finger up to his mouth so he can smell/taste the water. Do it multiple times.
10-28-2019, 05:34 PM
How old is your baby? Usually we put a water bottle in a cage after they start eating rodent block. I could give you more selected help if you tell me your babies age.
After the baby opens its eyes, ( 4.5 - 5 weeks) I start to put a few rodent blocks in the bin. Mostly, at that age they just make a mess of them. As they get older, the amount of times per day of feeding is cut back and they naturally start to pick up the rodent block. Starting them on rodent block is very very very important . Oh, did I say that it is very important to start ones baby on rodent block. Other than formula, they should not be given any other food than rodent block.
10-28-2019, 11:25 PM
I see you now only mention "a baby," what ever happened to the baby with suspected pneumonia?
You never came back to that post to answer a reply or even to let us know what was going on.
If we are to help you help these babies (or now baby?) you need to stick to a post and be more
forth coming about what you are doing and how you are caring for them.
Posting a picture would help us to access the age and condition to better guide you on it's care.
Not knowing what your knowledge or experience is I'm posting a link on baby squirrel care, I hope
it can be some help to you so that you can genuinely help that which is still in your care.
Go to this link it can be a HUGE help. It's 6 pages long with the next button on the top right corner.
I am sorry I never returned to the other post. The other baby died shortly after I posted, she stopped breathing and I did everything I could but she didn’t make it. I don’t have much experience but I am learning from my mistakes and have done research and continue to do research. Thank you for helping. I believe my baby I have left is either 7-8 weeks old, I have ordered squirrel blocks and squirrel formula from Henry’s. I think he’s doing okay and I named him Sammy. Here’s a picture of him eating a walnut. 311987
Nancy in New York
10-29-2019, 06:25 AM
Thank you for coming back and posting this adorable picture of your little Sammy.
I'm sad to hear that your other little one passed.
I'm not scolding you, I know you are eager to learn.
We never give little ones nuts. Once they get the taste of nuts
that's all they want, and it can be very difficult to get them to eat
the good stuff.
After they are eating their squirrel block (which is the first solid
food they should have) and
veggies, a nut can be given as an occasional treat.
That would be no more than once daily, and that is also somewhere
down the line after they eat the healthy stuff really well.
Here's a list that can help you out with the diet.
Please follow this diet, and your little one will be healthy and happy.
If you have any questions, please let us know.
We all started out as newbies once, so we have all been where
you are. :hug
10-29-2019, 09:52 AM
Thank you for coming back and posting this adorable picture of your little Sammy.
I'm sad to hear that your other little one passed.
I'm not scolding you, I know you are eager to learn.
We never give little ones nuts. Once they get the taste of nuts
that's all they want, and it can be very difficult to get them to eat
the good stuff.
After they are eating their squirrel block (which is the first solid
food they should have) and
veggies, a nut can be given as an occasional treat.
That would be no more than once daily, and that is also somewhere
down the line after they eat the healthy stuff really well.
Here's a list that can help you out with the diet.
Please follow this diet, and your little one will be healthy and happy.
If you have any questions, please let us know.
We all started out as newbies once, so we have all been where
you are. :hug
Thank you so much, I won’t give him any more until he is weaned.
10-29-2019, 07:33 PM
Thank you for coming back and posting this adorable picture of your little Sammy.
I'm sad to hear that your other little one passed.
I'm not scolding you, I know you are eager to learn.
We never give little ones nuts. Once they get the taste of nuts
that's all they want, and it can be very difficult to get them to eat
the good stuff.
After they are eating their squirrel block (which is the first solid
food they should have) and
veggies, a nut can be given as an occasional treat.
That would be no more than once daily, and that is also somewhere
down the line after they eat the healthy stuff really well.
Here's a list that can help you out with the diet.
Please follow this diet, and your little one will be healthy and happy.
If you have any questions, please let us know.
We all started out as newbies once, so we have all been where
you are. :hug
Sammy has not eaten a lot today, his belly is a little full but I’m worried about him. He seems fine and he’s energetic but he’s just not interested in eating. Do you have any ideas about what might be happening?
10-29-2019, 07:55 PM
Sammy has not eaten a lot today, his belly is a little full but I’m worried about him. He seems fine and he’s energetic but he’s just not interested in eating. Do you have any ideas about what might be happening?
Make sure he is pooping or peeing on own. Otherwise you will need to stimulate him with qtip by lightly going over his pee area. Most pet stores have the nuggets you need but please try to stay with the ones the squirrel board has on food list. Make sure you are letting your formula if you are using powder stand a few hours in fridge otherwise if you make it and use it can cause stomach upset. He should still be on formula right??? He will catch onto water bottle after he is done with formula feedings which usually they decline when they are ready. I use to put a drop of formula on the metal and that would get them interested to lick but don't worry he is getting water with your formula. The rodent block he will start gnawing on even though he is on formula.
We use Mazuri 5663 rodent block and that is the diet all our squirrels get if they are in captivity that is 85% of Sammy new diet then 15% is veggies examples like carrot, kale, sweet potato, summer squash or butter nut squash cut peaces stay away from avocado and fruits cause of the sugar but some veggies a day along with the block will be his forever diet. Yes please no nuts if you keep as a pet.
10-29-2019, 08:09 PM
Make sure he is pooping or peeing on own. Otherwise you will need to stimulate him with qtip by lightly going over his pee area. Most pet stores have the nuggets you need but please try to stay with the ones the squirrel board has on food list. Make sure you are letting your formula if you are using powder stand a few hours in fridge otherwise if you make it and use it can cause stomach upset. He should still be on formula right??? He will catch onto water bottle after he is done with formula feedings which usually they decline when they are ready. I use to put a drop of formula on the metal and that would get them interested to lick but don't worry he is getting water with your formula. The rodent block he will start gnawing on even though he is on formula.
We use Mazuri 5663 rodent block and that is the diet all our squirrels get if they are in captivity that is 85% of Sammy new diet then 15% is veggies examples like carrot, kale, sweet potato, summer squash or butter nut squash cut peaces stay away from avocado and fruits cause of the sugar but some veggies a day along with the block will be his forever diet. Yes please no nuts if you keep as a pet.
Thank you. He is going to the bathroom by himself, and I bought some squirrel blocks but they aren’t coming until Thursday so, and I do let it sit. Which is why I can’t think of a reason why he wouldn’t want his formula.
10-29-2019, 08:13 PM
What have you been feeding up to this point? Has Sammy been eating the same formula/food that the one that passed away did? If he's not interested in eating I'd definitely be concerned.
10-29-2019, 08:17 PM
What have you been feeding up to this point? Has Sammy been eating the same formula/food that the one that passed away did? If he's not interested in eating I'd definitely be concerned.
I’ve been feeding esbilac puppy formula, it’s been doing fine. I ordered the formula that this forum recommends from Henry’s healthy pets but it is coming in the mail and should be here Thursday. I’m might try to see if he wants some veggies.
10-29-2019, 08:49 PM
Can you post a close up picture of the Esbilac can you're feeding?
Does it have a flag emblem on it? Say made in USA?
Or a Star and say Crafted in the USA?
10-29-2019, 08:54 PM
Can you post a close up picture of the Esbilac can you're feeding?
Does it have a flag emblem on it? Say made in USA?
Or a Star and say Crafted in the USA?
It is the one with The American flag, which I believe is what the forum about the esbilac said was the okay one. If I remember correctly. If it wasn’t the right one I would have stopped using it, but since it is thought to be okay I am just using it until Thursday when I get the new formula.
10-29-2019, 08:57 PM
Good news, he decided he was hungry and ate the formula!
10-29-2019, 09:00 PM
Is it powder?
Not liquid?
And are you mixing it fresh according to directions and ratio?
Can you do pictures?
10-29-2019, 09:10 PM
Is it powder?
Not liquid?
And are you mixing it fresh according to directions and ratio?
Can you do pictures?
It is the powder and I am making it fresh along with a 1:3 ratio.
I try to follow all the guidelines that I see for keeping baby squirrels healthy, and I read that it shouldn’t be the liquid so I got the powder.
10-29-2019, 10:26 PM
Thank you. When you can we'd love to see your baby!
10-29-2019, 10:57 PM
Thank you. When you can we'd love to see your baby!
Of course!! I love taking pics of him. Here are a few:
10-29-2019, 11:13 PM
Sammy is such a handsome little guy. I don't know of anything cuter that a squirrel his age....except maybe a speckled pup!!
Thanks for the pics and for caring for him.
Nancy in New York
10-30-2019, 08:44 AM
It is the powder and I am making it fresh along with a 1:3 ratio.
So glad the little one is eating better and liking formula! :w00t
The ratio should be 1 part powder to 2 parts HOT water.
What many of us do is make it ahead of time, and let it
sit, stirring occassionally, for about 4-6 hours in the refrig.
This step helps ensure that it has dissolved completely.
Such a cute little rascal you have there! :klunk:Love_Icon
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