View Full Version : Squirrel fell, barely moves after 24hrs - Help needed asap
10-27-2019, 08:15 PM
Have raised many squirrels with pneumonia and injurys from falls as babies but this one is 230g with hair. The people who found thought it would have died but since it didn't they called us for help today since no vets where open. They did administer droplets of water So at 6pm est in Florida we treated as if it had MBD. So far have been able to administer 1cc of water along with 100mg elemental calcium AS A PASTE. Will dose tums again at 10pm. In meantime squirrel doesnt SEEM TO move at all but breathing normal and is able to move mouth to take liquid. Noticed she had some blood in urine and has pooped normal poop but a good amount has come out during last couple hours. We have on blanket with heating pad in quiet room.
Should I start antibiotics cause of blood in urine? And since I have formula would it be ok to administer some for nutrition? If so how much and how often. She does open and close eyes and is resting.
10-27-2019, 09:10 PM
Is MBD suspected because the people who found it have had it for a while?
Or is was the baby found by the only yesterday... in which case I would doubt MBD and be more concerned about a fall injury, cat caught or other trauma.
10-27-2019, 09:39 PM
Have raised many squirrels with pneumonia and injurys from falls as babies but this one is 230g with hair. The people who found thought it would have died but since it didn't they called us for help today since no vets where open. They did administer droplets of water So at 6pm est in Florida we treated as if it had MBD. So far have been able to administer 1cc of water along with 100mg elemental calcium AS A PASTE. Will dose tums again at 10pm. In meantime squirrel doesnt SEEM TO move at all but breathing normal and is able to move mouth to take liquid. Noticed she had some blood in urine and has pooped normal poop but a good amount has come out during last couple hours. We have on blanket with heating pad in quiet room.
Should I start antibiotics cause of blood in urine? And since I have formula would it be ok to administer some for nutrition? If so how much and how often. She does open and close eyes and is resting.
If this baby is like this from a fall my first concern would be pain management
and administer a med to address pain and inflammation.
I would not jump to an antibiotic at this time, internal injuries is always a concern
however blood in urine is not so unusual after a fall. I would want to see if urine
clears up after a few hydration's before considering an antibiotic for an unknown.
10-27-2019, 09:39 PM
The squirrel has no sign of external injuries, no bloody nose. Just fell out of oak tree onto there back walkway. They noticed it but didn't see the fall. They put in box and notice it flipped over on own over night while it was outside in protected area. Tomorrow will probably bring into a vet if still not moving will not have a choice. Figured it was safe to treat for MBD just in case And didn't want to take any chances since this is a wild ground squirrel. I might have something for pain management...let me see and if somebody can help with dose
10-27-2019, 09:47 PM
The poop is normal and has pooped a lot. Just got her to pee again and will keep eye on color change. How often should I hydrate and if not dehydrated can I administer formula watered down? I am lucky to get 1cc every hour but takes a bit to get her to swallow
10-27-2019, 10:00 PM
Is there a chance she could have gotten electrocuted or into poison?
10-27-2019, 10:01 PM
Most vets around here won't treat they would just put down so I don't mind doing the work. So any advice is greatly appreciated to save this baby. I am not handling much except for hydrating or feeding. Figured the less I moved the better but she did like her head rubbed or under arm I got a little stretch. She has made zero sounds.
10-27-2019, 10:02 PM
The poop is normal and has pooped a lot. Just got her to pee again and will keep eye on color change. How often should I hydrate and if not dehydrated can I administer formula watered down? I am lucky to get 1cc every hour but takes a bit to get her to swallow
I wouldn't water the formula down, she needs the nutrition.
What is the formula you will be giving?
If hydration is necessary give in between feeding.
Drop by drop if necessary, you don't want to risk aspiration if
she is slow on swallowing.
Are you addressing her pain/inflammation?
10-27-2019, 10:03 PM
Is there a chance she could have gotten electrocuted or into poison?
What would be the signs of a poisoned squirrel?
10-27-2019, 10:09 PM
I wouldn't water the formula down, she needs the nutrition.
What is the formula you will be giving?
If hydration is necessary give in between feeding.
Drop by drop if necessary, you don't want to risk aspiration if
she is slow on swallowing.
Are you addressing her pain/inflammation?
Ok I have Esbilac puppy milk replacement powder with probiotics.
For pain I have on hand rimadyl 25 mg chewable tablet. Would need to know dosing for that.
10-27-2019, 10:11 PM
I'm sorry, I don't know. I'm just throwing ideas out to think about.
Do you have a scale to get a weight? For med dosing?
Thank you for caring for this baby!
She also needs a name!
10-27-2019, 10:17 PM
Can you get a weight on this guy. What is strength of rimadyl?
10-27-2019, 10:20 PM
There is a great squirrel vet in Port Orange, Florida. This baby needs to be seen by a vet. Dr Emerson is excellent!
10-27-2019, 10:20 PM
I'm sorry, I don't know. I'm just throwing ideas out to think about.
Do you have a scale to get a weight? For med dosing?
Thank you for caring for this baby!
She also needs a name!
230 grams is Veda's weight. I also have baby aspirins if that helps with squirrels. ALSO HOW OFTEN should I try formula. Figured I would do one more b4 I call it a night then start again tomorrow with small amounts. I am using miracle nipples with 3 cc syringe and have a 1.0cc for med dosing
10-27-2019, 10:28 PM
Give me a min and will send dosing in a pm
10-27-2019, 10:33 PM
There are a lot of knowledgeable on this board to help you. They have been very busy this fall. Please be patient. They WILL help you. And thank you again for helping Veda.
I am NOT an expert.
I would think that hydration is more important right now than nutrition. And the experts on here are not recommending
Esbilac any longer due to problems with a formula change from the factory.
And, I believe INFANT ibuprofen is the go to for pain for these little guys. Verify prior to giving though. I'm not sure about aspirin.
Praying for you and Veda.
Please keep us posted on her condition. And keep checking back here often.
10-27-2019, 10:38 PM
Dosing sent. Rockypops, I looked up in the rat guide and they can do rimadyl. I would prefer seeing this baby started on prednisone. Finder will let us know if they have that.
10-27-2019, 10:52 PM
I bet you have the old Esbilac. Would you take a picture of the front of your can. As RP said we have had horrible issues with Esbilac this fall. I bet your can is an older can. That would be good. Have you kept it in your freezer. If not, throw it away. Powders go rancid fast.
Your squirrel is an older baby that could do well on formula still. I bet she just came from mom. Someone said that hydration is more important. I agree. If your Esbilac is still good, start her on that in the morning. No more MBD treatment. This girl most likely has an injured spine. We will work with you on that in the morning.
Start her 50/50 water/ and give her what she will take.
Any chance getting her to a good vet.
10-27-2019, 11:00 PM
Gabapentin would also help with pain.
10-27-2019, 11:22 PM
I bet you have the old Esbilac. Would you take a picture of the front of your can. As RP said we have had horrible issues with Esbilac this fall. I bet your can is an older can. That would be good. Have you kept it in your freezer. If not, throw it away. Powders go rancid fast.
Your squirrel is an older baby that could do well on formula still. I bet she just came from mom. Someone said that hydration is more important. I agree. If your Esbilac is still good, start her on that in the morning. No more MBD treatment. This girl most likely has an injured spine. We will work with you on that in the morning.
Start her 50/50 water/ and give her what she will take.
Any chance getting her to a good vet.
I will update everyone tomorrow on Veda. So far she is nibbling on block if I hold in my hand. Left in picture is one that is open and the right one is my backup in freezer. I mark dates after they are opened.
ALL I know is to get the formula with blue band across top however looks like my right can is missing writing across top which hopefully is a label error. Didn't notice til now. So are these ok?
10-27-2019, 11:24 PM
Is that powder or liquid?
10-28-2019, 06:12 AM
If the can on the left is powder and has been stored in the freezer since it’s been opened...or fridge if it was recently looks like it is the old formulation, which is GOOD. We are differentiating the old formulation from the new by the flag logo on the side of the can. The new, BAD formulation no longer has a flag, it has a star and says “crafted in the USA”.
Mix the formula according to the directions, don’t water it down. Go slow.
Where are you located in Florida? There are several vets in the state that will see squirrels, but as was said, Dr. Emerson in Port Orange is the best. If she is too far from you I can direct you to other vets that may be closer if you list your location.
Nancy in New York
10-28-2019, 07:13 AM
Do you have any prednisone, metacam, gabapentin, or tramadol?
Are you going to try to get her to a vet this morning?
Thank you for helping this little one.
10-28-2019, 09:56 AM
Is that powder or liquid?
Always the powder. Since the can on right is in question that is my newer can I will not use it and return to store. The can on left is still good until Dec and is kept in freezer. I recently had two girls that did awesome on this older can.
10-28-2019, 10:25 AM
If the can on the left is powder and has been stored in the freezer since it’s been opened...or fridge if it was recently looks like it is the old formulation, which is GOOD. We are differentiating the old formulation from the new by the flag logo on the side of the can. The new, BAD formulation no longer has a flag, it has a star and says “crafted in the USA”.
Mix the formula according to the directions, don’t water it down. Go slow.
Where are you located in Florida? There are several vets in the state that will see squirrels, but as was said, Dr. Emerson in Port Orange is the best. If she is too far from you I can direct you to other vets that may be closer if you list your location.
I am in saint Petersburg Florida. So far this morning 6am 1cc and again at 10am 1.5cc Velda ate formula slowly. She also pooped and peed.
She did push arms and legs out kind of like a stretch then resumed normal. I been flipping her to keep her comfortable while on heating pad. I don't mind taking her to the vet ...would that be out of own pocket? Or do the vets help us since we rescue. Last time I went to a vet for squirrels was 3 years ago when we had one neutered since we have our own pet squirrels and I had to drive to Lakeland. A neighboor said Animal Emergency on 30th & 26 street N. Guess I can call to see pricing. Most any squirrel I have rehabbed I just treated injuries at home. We have expensive vets here or ones that just put an injured down. I don't want that unless it is spine
10-28-2019, 10:37 AM
Do you have any prednisone, metacam, gabapentin, or tramadol?
Are you going to try to get her to a vet this morning?
Thank you for helping this little one.
She is taking Rimadyl 25 mg chewable tabs I have for my dog. Was administered dosing by pm. Zelda has had one dose last night and one at 10am this morning. Rimadyl is a anti inflammatory and pain pill from what label says. However I am checking to see if I can get prednisone. Will advise if I do so you all can advise me further.
10-28-2019, 11:28 AM
Can you or your mom sub q this baby? She must have more hydration. This might be one reason why this baby is not too interested in eating. Sub q will by-pass the need to swallow. As far as formula, she needs at least 13 ccs 3 - 4 times a day.
As far as a vet is concerned I think she definitely needs to see one. If you don’t have sub q supplies, you could get that from the vet too.
10-28-2019, 03:14 PM
I sent the finder the name of a highly regarded vet in the St. Pete area via pm.
10-28-2019, 05:13 PM
How is this baby doing? I know you have your hands full...:grouphug
10-28-2019, 05:23 PM
I know of LOTS of rehabbers in that area that would be happy to help, either with supplies or assistance. Please let me know if this is something you need. I’ve been thinking and worrying about your little one. :Love_Icon:hug
10-28-2019, 09:07 PM
Ok evening update on Vada.... I been so tired that I think even I cant spell her name right lol. I took Vada outside for some Florida sunshine. Her eyes opened and she seemed happy smelling the air and hearing sounds. She was alert. I was able to successfully give her 12 cc in one feeding at 3pm. SHE was more alert. She will get another feeding now and tomorrow we will hit new goals. She also chewed on an apple stick moving her head to chew it. I keep these sticks for release squirrel training. She did go to town and I thought that was good exercise for her. I have a contact now for a vet in my area so will make that call tomorrow. Still no arm, legs or tail movement. I also was able to get predisone so if you feel I should switch that tomorrow let me know however will that help pain? She had her two doses of rimadyl today 10 hrs apart. She is still peeing an pooping normal. She does pee light blood but lots of pee multiple times a day. Thank you all for helping me thru this sad event just keep praying for her.
10-28-2019, 10:38 PM
I so hope she begins to show signs of improvement!
Prayers sent! For you both!
Some pretty good offers for help you may think about also.
Nancy in New York
10-29-2019, 06:10 AM
Ok evening update on Vada.... I been so tired that I think even I cant spell her name right lol. I took Vada outside for some Florida sunshine. Her eyes opened and she seemed happy smelling the air and hearing sounds. She was alert. I was able to successfully give her 12 cc in one feeding at 3pm. SHE was more alert. She will get another feeding now and tomorrow we will hit new goals. She also chewed on an apple stick moving her head to chew it. I keep these sticks for release squirrel training. She did go to town and I thought that was good exercise for her. I have a contact now for a vet in my area so will make that call tomorrow. Still no arm, legs or tail movement. I also was able to get predisone so if you feel I should switch that tomorrow let me know however will that help pain? She had her two doses of rimadyl today 10 hrs apart. She is still peeing an pooping normal. She does pee light blood but lots of pee multiple times a day. Thank you all for helping me thru this sad event just keep praying for her.
The quicker this little one is on a steroid, the better. IF a steroid is the help she needs
(as opposed to having something broken, in which case, a steroid won't help) the sooner
it's given the better. However, she cannot be given Prednisone for at least 24 hours after
taking Rimadyl.
If you take her to the vet, please inform them of the drugs she's on.
If you can't get her to a vet, I suggest that you try to find a couple of prednisone pills
(we can dose for you if we know her weight)
which CAN be used with Tramadol (excellent pain reliever).
You would need to stop the Rimadyl now if we go the Prednisone route.
Thank you for helping this poor little soul. :Love_Icon
10-29-2019, 07:17 AM
Is your princess urinating on her own? So glad she is eating more. Weigh her every day so you can tell if she is losing weight.
10-29-2019, 07:27 PM
The quicker this little one is on a steroid, the better. IF a steroid is the help she needs
(as opposed to having something broken, in which case, a steroid won't help) the sooner
it's given the better. However, she cannot be given Prednisone for at least 24 hours after
taking Rimadyl.
If you take her to the vet, please inform them of the drugs she's on.
If you can't get her to a vet, I suggest that you try to find a couple of prednisone pills
(we can dose for you if we know her weight)
which CAN be used with Tramadol (excellent pain reliever).
You would need to stop the Rimadyl now if we go the Prednisone route.
Thank you for helping this poor little soul. :Love_Icon
❤, so I was able to get " predNISOLONE 5mg that are breakable into a half 2.5 mg & I have Tramadol 50MG tabs personal script. Yes I would need dosing for both FOR Vada is 214 grams today. I will wait the 24 hrs before making change. However I do have a question..
I read up on Rimadyl and comparing the two (see picture) wouldn't the Rimadyl be better just curious.
Also how long will she stay on these meds.
Update is yes she lost weight however today's food intake is much improved. Also she is starting to get feeling cause she did flip over on own and she is more sensitive if I clean her private area. Yes she poops and pees whenever she wants to but usually only when I have her. I was able to use crumbs of my Mazuri 5663 and use the formula to make a paste and she took it no problem. Hard to know how much actual was consumed. If their is anything else you all can suggest to help her weight gain. I added 1/8 tsp of heavy whip to formula of 1 scoop powder to 2 tablespoons of H20. Same thing I do for all my baby's that are older then 5 weeks. I guess it is a good sign that she wants to chew the apple stick. She is lapping formula cause her teeth killed two nipples haha so now I have her lap the milk. She tells me when she is done. Her happy time seems to be like 4pm everyday and today she chewed a carrot peace I held. She also been stretching arms and legs out more. She does Chadder at me now lol. Softly. 🐿
Thank you all so much for responses it has helped me stay positive.
10-29-2019, 07:34 PM
Is your princess urinating on her own? So glad she is eating more. Weigh her every day so you can tell if she is losing weight.
Yes she does both on own. She is more sensitive today when I wipe her clean in lower area. No movement of tail but today she had some moments of movement of body. Like one time she looked as if she shook like a dog however this was during feeding and I keep her on a bean bag laying back for comfort.
214g will monitor everyday and I lowered the am Rimadyl just a bit after I weighed her.
Thank you so much for your help with Vada she sends squirrel kisses your way.
10-29-2019, 08:39 PM
Thanks for the update.
Praying for her!
10-29-2019, 09:13 PM
Just read this thread. Thank you for helping Vada. Adding my prayers to the rest. :please
10-29-2019, 10:23 PM
And just my curiosity, do you re-position her from time to time since she can't do it herself?
Poor baby! And I know this is stressful to you!
10-29-2019, 10:34 PM
Yes she does both on own. She is more sensitive today when I wipe her clean in lower area. No movement of tail but today she had some moments of movement of body. Like one time she looked as if she shook like a dog however this was during feeding and I keep her on a bean bag laying back for comfort.
Very important not to feed on her back. She should be on her stomach with the syringe pointing up toward the roof of her mouth. Thank you for working so hard to help her!:Love_Icon
10-29-2019, 11:50 PM
And just my curiosity, do you re-position her from time to time since she can't do it herself?
Poor baby! And I know this is stressful to you!
Yes great question! actually first night I was worried cause I am using heating pad on low below her container and it made no sense to have half half (hahaha) cause she can't move so I flipped her myself.....however now a few days in ....last night she flipped herself so now I sleep peacefully. She is an older squirrel cause tonight I examined teeth and her uppers are orange. They look like they should and obviously needed grinding cause she chewed for a whole hour felt like eternity since I was holding stick lol. :sereneI told her don't worry I will clean the mess lol. I now use a small bean bag I have to prop her works well. But I get her out a few times a day and stimulate her arms or legs. Will see tomorrow if I can come up with another position for feeding. If I move her a tiny bit, now she will reach her arms out and stretch. She is much more aware now. So keep the prayers coming she is a fighter that is for sure. ❤👍
Nancy in New York
10-30-2019, 07:26 AM
❤, so I was able to get " predNISOLONE 5mg that are breakable into a half 2.5 mg & I have Tramadol 50MG tabs personal script. Yes I would need dosing for both FOR Vada is 214 grams today. I will wait the 24 hrs before making change. However I do have a question..
I read up on Rimadyl and comparing the two (see picture) wouldn't the Rimadyl be better just curious.
Also how long will she stay on these meds.
I have never used Rimadyl, so I can't comment on which is a better option.
We have had great success with Prednisone for inflammation. Tramadol
is a great pain reliever.
She would typically stay on the Prednisone for a total of 11 days, as it's
dosed with a step down method. Of course it also depends on how and if
she responds to it. If it's going to work you would typically notice some
improvement in ~5 days.
I know that Mel1959 has a vet (one of the best in the country) that
leaves them on considerably longer.
My vet used Gabapentin and Metacam when I had a little "front end"
"paralyzed" squirrel and it worked wonders.
Nothing is a guarantee, as it really all depends on the injury.
I hope that others will chime in on which way they would suggest going.
I'm sure some have more experience than I in this situation.
10-30-2019, 08:46 AM
You I also am not familiar with the drug rimadyl. I would think if it was preferred by Dr. Emerson then she would use it. She hasn’t ever mentioned it in any of her talks. In her hand out sheet at one of her talks this is how she describes the use of prednisone and metacam:
Activity of prednisone is dose dependent.
At lower dose, prednisone is an anti-inflammatory (usual dose 0.25-0.50mg/kg)
At higher dose, prednisone is immunosuppressant (1-2mg/kg)
Prednisone vs metacam
Prednisone is an anti-inflammatory for central nervous system tissue
Metacam is anti-inflammatory for non-nerve tissue.
(For brain trauma and spinal cord injury...PREDNISONE...PREDNISONE...PREDNISONE)
The info above comes directly from her.
As for the use of Gabapentin, my notes from her lecture was: that it blocks the nerve pain transmission but is better used with metacam or tramadol.
Have you taken this sweetie to the vet? Since there are multiple vets in Florida that will see squirrels I think it’s prudent to get an examination done. It would really be in her best interest to be examined so we know exactly what we’re dealing with. IMO
Nancy in New York
10-30-2019, 08:50 AM
You I also am not familiar with the drug rimadyl. I would think if it was preferred by Dr. Emerson then she would use it. She hasn’t ever mentioned it in any of her talks. In her hand out sheet at one of her talks this is how she describes the use of prednisone and metacam:
Activity of prednisone is dose dependent.
At lower dose, prednisone is an anti-inflammatory (usual dose 0.25-0.50mg/kg)
At higher dose, prednisone is immunosuppressant (1-2mg/kg)
Prednisone vs metacam
Prednisone is an anti-inflammatory for central nervous system tissue
Metacam is anti-inflammatory for non-nerve tissue.
(For brain trauma and spinal cord injury...PREDNISONE...PREDNISONE...PREDNISONE)
The info above comes directly from her.
As for the use of Gabapentin, my notes from her lecture was: that it blocks the nerve pain transmission but is better used with metacam or tramadol.
Have you taken this sweetie to the vet? Since there are multiple vets in Florida that will see squirrels I think it’s prudent to get an examination done. It would really be in her best interest to be examined so we know exactly what we’re dealing with. IMO
Excellent post!
Thank you Mel!
11-01-2019, 07:27 AM
:hello:hello. What happened with this little one? Did you get her to a vet? Please let us know how she’s doing? :Love_Icon
11-02-2019, 12:02 AM
You I also am not familiar with the drug rimadyl. I would think if it was preferred by Dr. Emerson then she would use it. She hasn’t ever mentioned it in any of her talks. In her hand out sheet at one of her talks this is how she describes the use of prednisone and metacam:
Activity of prednisone is dose dependent.
At lower dose, prednisone is an anti-inflammatory (usual dose 0.25-0.50mg/kg)
At higher dose, prednisone is immunosuppressant (1-2mg/kg)
Prednisone vs metacam
Prednisone is an anti-inflammatory for central nervous system tissue
Metacam is anti-inflammatory for non-nerve tissue.
(For brain trauma and spinal cord injury...PREDNISONE...PREDNISONE...PREDNISONE)
The info above comes directly from her.
As for the use of Gabapentin, my notes from her lecture was: that it blocks the nerve pain transmission but is better used with metacam or tramadol.
Have you taken this sweetie to the vet? Since there are multiple vets in Florida that will see squirrels I think it’s prudent to get an examination done. It would really be in her best interest to be examined so we know exactly what we’re dealing with. IMO
Thanks Mel ... great information. I have prednisone 5mg tabs and 50mg tramadol per tablet if you can send me dosing info for Vada, her current weight is 205 grams now. It is possible I will be starting at least the prednisone if needed in a few days.
I did take her to the vet oct 30th and she did not show any spinal detachment Yay thank God, she had zero breaks but she did have a mass by bladder possibly from fall that caused her to pee blood. The doctor said I was smart to treat for all symptoms MBD, cause any extra calcium will secrete thru urine when the body doesn't need it so it didn't hurt her doing initial day 1 dose. However the doctor advised me to continue smaller tum dosages twice a day instead of 4x as she built up her strength. In Vada case she went from 100mg down to 25mg calcium. Since she was already on Rimadyl & Antibiotic Clavamox since day 1 he thought it would be best to carry out the 7 days then stop antibiotics and then decide on the predisone. Either way you all helped guide me and the fast responses on here saved Vada life 🐿❤❤❤🐿 This was the hardest rescue I have ever had besides all the IRMA squirrels I took on from burying and driving around collecting hurt squirrels from friemds but luckily my experience of 3 years has paid off with the help and kindness of you all. So thank you from the bottom of my heart.
So you all now want to know her progress, :tap simply amazing. She has never had abnormal poop not once yet. If anything she makes a small pile all on her own when I get her up. Her pee is normal now, her tail is now moving and has fluffed out. She has complete use of rear legs, ears are up and eyes are clear now. She can squat now like a squirrel however not using hands to hold yet so yes that has been challenging but I fed her on belly and continued to figure out ways to help her get proper with emulsifier I made a batch of "spinach, small peace of apple, carrot, water, and the crumbs from 5663 Mazuri and after she has chewed several plastic tips I used a bigger syringe that allowed her to get the food herself as it came out. Since she was an older squirrel you can't feed like a baby. Yesterday she was chewing her own food as she made her way around the bin but today she actually started gaining her weight back so that made me happy. Everyday we sit in the sunshine but she did bite me yesterday when she got startled and my pinky was their.. (ouch) but I will live. So just seeing these pics will make all our hearts smile. So happy I was picked for this rescue cause the outcome could have been different for her. 🐿❤❤🐿👍👍 Marykay & Vada
11-02-2019, 12:09 AM
Very important not to feed on her back. She should be on her stomach with the syringe pointing up toward the roof of her mouth. Thank you for working so hard to help her!:Love_Icon
Thanks for that info, because she was paralyzed I was not thinking but after your post I used a towel roll to have her lean over and then her back legs adjusted and she ate much better so thanks for noticing from my pics. :serene I think her teeth needed grinding cause she devoured 3 sticks since day 2 and I hope most would think just cause they are sick they really know what they want. She clicks now when she is done with food with me lol.
11-02-2019, 09:09 AM
Yay! :dance
I love good news stories!
Vada is doing so much better. Thank you for the dedication you continue to show for her.
Thanks for the update.
She 's beautiful and more pics please when you can.
11-02-2019, 04:38 PM
wow, just wow! Good job Momma:grouphug
11-04-2019, 11:20 PM
Vada day 8 update. She does not use upper arms to hold anything yet. She tucks one arm but right seems strong. She is strong girl now trying to jump out of box when I offer her food mixture. Day 7 stopped antibiotics but how long should she stay on pain management/anti inflammatory?? She can move fast and jump up that's for sure. I moved her into cage with no height just flat bottom so she can try to get food or water on own but right now I feed her in am, afternoon and snack, potty and meds before bed.
She sleeps not so active yet only when I take her out of bed haha. I figured she is still healing. The good news is she not biting or getting MAD at me anymore but she does try to leap away. Why don't they make squirrel harnesses? I never had one that worked.
Enjoy the pics :dance from Vada
Nancy in New York
11-05-2019, 05:55 AM
Vada day 8 update. She does not use upper arms to hold anything yet.
I've posted this before but wanted you to see how the right combo of drugs helped
my little one. He came in with no movement in his arms. My vet put him on
Gabapentin and Metacam, and after a week, he was up and walking (wobbly, but walking)
This was the day I got him.
This is Harvey on release day. :w00t
Just for giggles, here he is chasing a bunny off his property. :tap
Good luck with your little one. :hug
island rehabber
11-05-2019, 05:58 AM
You may want to reach out to Milo's Mom here on TSB: her Snags has a harness that works very well for her.
Do you do some physical therapy with her on her arms? Gently rotating at the shoulder......pushing forearms in and out, slowly. This can work wonders with these little ones. If it's nerve damage it can take a really long time to heal.
island rehabber
11-05-2019, 06:00 AM
:goodpost:highfive Nancy I am so glad you posted -- was thinking about Harvey as I caught up with LanSeaAir's thread!
Nancy in New York
11-05-2019, 06:01 AM
:goodpost:highfive Nancy I am so glad you posted -- was thinking about Harvey as I caught up with LanSeaAir's thread!
11-05-2019, 10:28 PM
I've posted this before but wanted you to see how the right combo of drugs helped
my little one. He came in with no movement in his arms. My vet put him on
Gabapentin and Metacam, and after a week, he was up and walking (wobbly, but walking)
This was the day I got him.
This is Harvey on release day. :w00t
Just for giggles, here he is chasing a bunny off his property. :tap
Good luck with your little one. :hug
Amazing thanks for sharing. Well she does want to run off like a scared bullet. Had a temporary harness I tried but only was short lived. She is wobble with fronts but yes if she uses hands then I will be able to release back however she is a bit off but getting strong.
11-05-2019, 10:38 PM
You may want to reach out to Milo's Mom here on TSB: her Snags has a harness that works very well for her.
Do you do some physical therapy with her on her arms? Gently rotating at the shoulder......pushing forearms in and out, slowly. This can work wonders with these little ones. If it's nerve damage it can take a really long time to heal.
I was hoping to let her use a small cat tree for exercise with a harness but right now if you put her down she takes off crazy on ground but zero balance in front. However I did therapy for the 1st week before she got active feels like eternity but now if she gets mad at me or startled she bites me. And harder to handle but she does get out of bed to pee on her own and she ate blocks on her own today nibbled while they where in a flat dish. She also lapped water. However I think she is probably missing her family or just scared. Much different caring for a wild squirrel then a newborn raised by you. Hopefully she will continue to heal.
11-05-2019, 10:56 PM
Thanks Nancy amazing wow. Wonders of meds with these squirrels. I will say Vada wants to run off but she is still wobble and she doesn't climb like others would. However in a week she has bounced back a lot. So should I continue the meds twice a day or once a Day? She is strong and harder to handle now cause she wants to run away. Unless I want to carry her in a pouch she will stay resting in it. I know she needs to have balance or be able to use hands before she can be soft released. I was happy today seeing that she ate a block just by nibbling it on a flat plate I had in cage to somewhat hold them. She lapped water so that's improved. She ate a grape no problem lol. Let me know twice a day or is just once on the medicine for anti-inflammatory / pain ok to continue until full recovery?
Nancy in New York
11-06-2019, 05:36 AM
Thanks Nancy amazing wow. Wonders of meds with these squirrels. I will say Vada wants to run off but she is still wobble and she doesn't climb like others would. However in a week she has bounced back a lot. So should I continue the meds twice a day or once a Day? She is strong and harder to handle now cause she wants to run away. Unless I want to carry her in a pouch she will stay resting in it. I know she needs to have balance or be able to use hands before she can be soft released. I was happy today seeing that she ate a block just by nibbling it on a flat plate I had in cage to somewhat hold them. She lapped water so that's improved. She ate a grape no problem lol. Let me know twice a day or is just once on the medicine for anti-inflammatory / pain ok to continue until full recovery?
I'm glad that Vada is doing better.
Please remind me again what drugs she's on.
What is she eating on a regular basis?
Is she on formula? How much water does
she drink daily? Hydration is so important.
11-06-2019, 07:02 AM
More good news from little Vada! :glomp
Good job and bless you LanSeaAir! :grin2
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