View Full Version : .Need a caravan from LA to Vancouver WA for a 3 year old squirrel Not urgent yet.

10-25-2019, 04:32 AM
I have a lady who has a 3 year old squirrel. She just moved to LA from Texas (yet somehow got past the Border Inspection station!) to take care of her sick son. The place she is renting told her she could have a cat, but not a squirrel. We have about a month to arrange this, so I am hoping during this time that we can arrange it. She is willing to put what she can towards travel expenses, but anything not covered by her, the Refuge will pick up. The entire trip is just over 900 miles one way. If we can't find a caravan, I will have to go get it, which I will do, but most know I am disabled due to my back and this one is going to hurt! Please comment here or PM me. Thanks!

10-27-2019, 10:56 AM
Bump! :bump:bump