View Full Version : Diarrhea

10-21-2019, 09:02 PM
Hi All,

I'm new here and am so grateful for this forum. I have an eight week old gray (Oliver) that has some digestive issue. A neighbor brought him to me when he was 4-5 weeks old (eyes were open), I think because I have fostered a few baby birds. He has been doing great until today. He is just about weened. He is not really interested in formula anymore. He will have a little bit and that's it. I read a post here that some folks put a little in a small saucer so I will try that. He loves his veggies (brussel sprouts, broccoli, etc) and nuts (too many but now I know better). I originally introduced him to Oxbow rodent blocks and he ate a little bit but isn't that interested. I ordered HHB today! Yesterday, he had a field day with butternut squash, including some of the seeds and I'm wondering if that would cause loose stools. He had a nice nap this afternoon and it is not quite as loose but very orange and not his normal. Perhaps I am being too cautious but he is still a little guy. Would I be worried? Any suggestions? He is such a sweet child.

Thanks everyone...

island rehabber
10-21-2019, 10:45 PM
It most likely was the squash that gave him the runs, especially if he ate a lot of it for the first time. Make sure he is hydrated -- diarrhea causes dehydration -- and tomorrow just give him a very small bit of squash until his system regulates itself. Chances are the diarrhea will go away, but if not you can try a drop of Kaopectate to straighten him out.

10-22-2019, 11:05 AM
Thank you! I will keep an eye on him.

10-22-2019, 12:45 PM
Just curious, which formula did you use? Have you heard about the recent issues with Esbilac?
8 weeks is a bit early to wean but if the baby was on Esbilac I would definitely discontinue it.
At this time, for the older babies FoxValley 20:50 is the recommended formula.

10-26-2019, 05:25 PM

Oliver is fine now. I do have some other questions I will post in another thread though. Re formula, my neighbor who brought him to me gave me PetLac by PetAg.