View Full Version : 3 legged (FL) Squirrel HELP...the monster is emerging.........
10-19-2019, 09:13 AM
I have a 3 legged squirrel called May around 6 months old. She was bitten by a cat and eventually had to have her front left arm amputated hence she cant be released. After helping a re-habber friend with several squirrels on slow release, I was given the opportunity to foster May. So May is stuck with me and I her. I love her but I don't always like her. She has bitten through my finger to the bone (its still not working properly after 8 weeks!) Gloves are now used unless she is in a good mood then I occasionally risk stroking her. It goes against everything I believe in, having a wild animal in a cage, I hate seeing her missing out. But she falls all the time in her cage, so wouldn't long in the wild. I have committed to making her life as good as possible and I would rather we were friends, but I am not sure whats going on with her. She can be lovely and then just turn. She watches the other wild animals in the garden (especially the other squirrels) and now gets very angry, grunts at them then turns on me. I am having an outside aviary cage built so she will have lots of room. She doesn't run round the house, but I do let her out in my garden studio.
Any advice on toys, special treats and especially advice on how to help us make friends would be really appreciated. We have years to spend together and I would rather a happy May, as an unhappy May is a Monster.
10-21-2019, 08:43 AM
I am sorry your post got missed - it has been so terribly busy here that the emergencies get all the attention!
I have raised two boys but no girls so there will undoubtedly be differences, but... You are in a really tough time of her life right now. For boys, they become insane little monsters at around 9 or 10 months and it lasts for a while - months and months. Mine were not nasty but the damage they could inflict with their claws was insane. The thing is, it is hormonal - they have hormone bombs dropped on them at that age and it takes some time until they begin to calm down.
What you need to do is take whatever precautions you need to take in order to safely interact just as much as you possibly can with her. I actually built a "helmet" out of hardware cloth to cover my head and face! But they got out and played with me for hours every day, and got petted and stroked constantly. And finally, finally, they calm down - and while they will always be a little wild, and will go through hormonal changes all their life that you will learn to recognize, the first one is the worst and longest.
My little Zeke, who recently turned 3, spent about a half hour curled up in my lap, hugging one of my hands, snuggling this morning. His nickname, given to him as an adolescent, was The Kraken - after the mythical 8 armed sea monster that wrecked ships and ate sailors. It seemed appropriate at the time. The Kraken very seldom shows himself these days, happily! So suit up and keep going in there - when you come out the other side, you will be happy you did.
BTW, when she bites hard - not like playing, but trying to inflict damage, just gather her up (no drama!) and back to her cage and then leave the area. If she wants to be with you and out playing, she will very quickly learn not to hurt.
Binkers mom
10-21-2019, 07:05 PM
I have used squirrel hand puppets in the past and the over winter squirrels really liked to wrestle with it on my hand. Interestingly, they never bit through it and hurt me. It helped relieve some of their tension.
I try to get them out and exercised enough so they don't get frustrated. In an contained room, of course.
Another game I played is with an old large towel. The squirrels love climbing it, or being pulled around on it, or flopping it over on them and they peek out.
Also, a verbal sound , like a grunt, when they are behaving in an unwanted way can work. Squirrels are smart and can really learn and get in sync with their handlers.
Introducing new games and toys seems to entertain them. Putting natural branches and antlers to chew on may help.
You are an angel for helping your 3 legged girl.
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