View Full Version : penis injury

10-17-2019, 10:11 PM
So I just got done feeding for the night and I noticed Squilliams penis looked strange, I had problems with Penelope sucking on his penis for the first 6-7 weeks I had them but I kept them separated (but still close enough through bedding to cuddle and such) until they became to mobile and found their way to each other, but sense they went down to 4 feedings and moved outside I hadn’t noticed a problem they are 9 weeks now and I dropped to 3 feeding today and noticed Squilliams little squill was damaged could Penelope be sucking again? Or could this be a separate issue, his penis never seemed cut before. I rinsed it out and he seemed unbothered and it looks much better now. Also both of them weigh 150-160 grams as of today at 9 weeks is that to light? They are eating fruits and such and I have tried rodent blocks, they’re pretty unimpressed any suggestions solid food wise? I only bring them inside for feedings now.
sorry still can’t figure out how to merge threads.

10-18-2019, 09:43 AM
Yes, she could definitely be suckling again. His penis looks as though there may be a scab on the tip. It’s important to soak the penis with a warm cotton ball and be sure the tip is free from any scab and that he can urinate freely. This can be life threatening if he cannot urinate freely.

If you’ve dropped to three feedings how much are they eating at each feeding? They should increase the amount they eat at each feeding if they are eating less often. I’m not near my notes at the moment, but my 12 week olds were eating about 21-30ccs at a feeding when they were down to two feedings a day. I’m also in Florida and our squirrels are significantly smaller and lighter than they are in other areas of the country. I’m sure their size and weight even varies slightly depending on where in the state you’re located. I’m on the east coast near Cocoa Beach and the adult wild squirrels here weigh about 350-400 grams. One of my released pregnant squirrels weighed 428gr when she was at the vet and about 1.5 weeks from delivering.

10-18-2019, 03:09 PM
Yes, she could definitely be suckling again. His penis looks as though there may be a scab on the tip. It’s important to soak the penis with a warm cotton ball and be sure the tip is free from any scab and that he can urinate freely. This can be life threatening if he cannot urinate freely.

If you’ve dropped to three feedings how much are they eating at each feeding? They should increase the amount they eat at each feeding if they are eating less often. I’m not near my notes at the moment, but my 12 week olds were eating about 21-30ccs at a feeding when they were down to two feedings a day. I’m also in Florida and our squirrels are significantly smaller and lighter than they are in other areas of the country. I’m sure their size and weight even varies slightly depending on where in the state you’re located. I’m on the east coast near Cocoa Beach and the adult wild squirrels here weigh about 350-400 grams. One of my released pregnant squirrels weighed 428gr when she was at the vet and about 1.5 weeks from delivering.
Yes I have been making sure that his appendage is not blocked and is clean, I am feeding 6% of their body weight which is 9ml or cc or whatever that measurement is, I will bump them up to 10. Thank you❤️

10-19-2019, 06:02 PM
Well versed in this problem unfortunately. Looks like he’s being suckled. I applied neosporin to help keep it healing and had to buy a separate cage. Mine are 10 weeks and are on two formula feedings a day to their limit that they tell me and if they sleep in the same space his little penis gets suckled. I think it’s habit for the girl so feeding more often didn’t stop it for me. I let them free play outside the cage and don’t let them have access to the cage if I’m not in the room. After three days his penis healed up fine and no issues since. I just made sure while he was healing I witnessed him pee otherwise he would get a warm bath to soften the scab and open his blockage.

Nancy in New York
10-20-2019, 09:05 AM
So I just got done feeding for the night and I noticed Squilliams penis looked strange, I had problems with Penelope sucking on his penis for the first 6-7 weeks I had them but I kept them separated (but still close enough through bedding to cuddle and such) until they became to mobile and found their way to each other, but sense they went down to 4 feedings and moved outside I hadn’t noticed a problem they are 9 weeks now and I dropped to 3 feeding today and noticed Squilliams little squill was damaged could Penelope be sucking again? Or could this be a separate issue, his penis never seemed cut before. I rinsed it out and he seemed unbothered and it looks much better now. Also both of them weigh 150-160 grams as of today at 9 weeks is that to light? They are eating fruits and such and I have tried rodent blocks, they’re pretty unimpressed any suggestions solid food wise? I only bring them inside for feedings now.
sorry still can’t figure out how to merge threads.

These little ones are too young to be outside. Is this in a pre release cage?
I would bring them in for another 4-5 weeks and then move them out.
This way too, you can keep a better eye on them.
We never cut their formula back, especially if they aren't eating solids well yet.
Remember formula is the best insurance against metabolic bone disease.
Here's an informative link about the 5-7% "rule of thumb"

When you increase the amount, remember to do so slowly.
Typically at this age, you can increase 1 ml for a few feedings, etc.
Just make sure that the tummy is never hard. .It should feel like
a water balloon when done feeding. Gradually increase the formula
as they want.
Watch for white poop, which means you are over feeding.

Fruit should be limited to 1 to 2 pieces daily and only given once they are eating block, and veggies.
Have your tried Henry's squirrel blocks? I would get the picky blocks or the hazelnut blocks.
Here's the food pyramid we go by.
I would introduce a block that they eat first like Henry's. I get the block for picky
eaters and have never had a problem with the little ones eating it.

If you have any questions, let us know. We're here to help.