10-16-2019, 02:03 PM
Hi, I have a couple more questions about my little guy, Pipsqueek. He is about 8 mos and still a real cutie. Questions:
1) Is there a type of litter I could use in his litter pan? I used to use paper towels but he started taking them to add to his house for bedding. Right now I just clean the plastic litter tray regularly, which is ok but if there is something better I'd like to know. It's a good size so it is pretty easy.
2) He eats a varied diet of Henry's blocks which he tries not to eat but chews up some, dark leafy greens, veggies which he doesn't like but eats some of, seeds & a little bit of nuts, fruit which he hates so doesn't eat much of. I've read about squirrel calcium needs and am thinking I should give him some calcium supplements to make sure he gets enough, as calcium deficiency sounds scary. He acts super healthy and his fur is nice and glossy, but I am still concerned because I don't want him to have issues. The forum mentioned Tums, could I give him small pieces, and if so how much should I give him and how often? He does like Tums a lot.
3) He really likes his cage. It's 3 single levels put together so it is 6 feet high with the 3 main levels and 3 shelves (6 levels to run around on). When I let him out for play time he is ok getting treats, climbing on furniture, and running around, but likes to go back to his cage and hang out after about 30 minutes. He has a big wheel he uses for exercise too and loves plain cardboard boxes which he moves around to decorate everywhere. He has really specific ideas about how he likes his cage arranged. He loves to be talked to and I interact with him throughout the day. And he likes visitors and family to talk to him but only likes me to touch him, so he does get attention through each day. Do I need to encourage him to run around more out of his cage even if he doesn't want to?
Here is a photo of Pipi shoving his face in the phone camera yesterday, he likes my phone. His cheeks are chubby because he is carrying around food for a snack later :)
1) Is there a type of litter I could use in his litter pan? I used to use paper towels but he started taking them to add to his house for bedding. Right now I just clean the plastic litter tray regularly, which is ok but if there is something better I'd like to know. It's a good size so it is pretty easy.
2) He eats a varied diet of Henry's blocks which he tries not to eat but chews up some, dark leafy greens, veggies which he doesn't like but eats some of, seeds & a little bit of nuts, fruit which he hates so doesn't eat much of. I've read about squirrel calcium needs and am thinking I should give him some calcium supplements to make sure he gets enough, as calcium deficiency sounds scary. He acts super healthy and his fur is nice and glossy, but I am still concerned because I don't want him to have issues. The forum mentioned Tums, could I give him small pieces, and if so how much should I give him and how often? He does like Tums a lot.
3) He really likes his cage. It's 3 single levels put together so it is 6 feet high with the 3 main levels and 3 shelves (6 levels to run around on). When I let him out for play time he is ok getting treats, climbing on furniture, and running around, but likes to go back to his cage and hang out after about 30 minutes. He has a big wheel he uses for exercise too and loves plain cardboard boxes which he moves around to decorate everywhere. He has really specific ideas about how he likes his cage arranged. He loves to be talked to and I interact with him throughout the day. And he likes visitors and family to talk to him but only likes me to touch him, so he does get attention through each day. Do I need to encourage him to run around more out of his cage even if he doesn't want to?
Here is a photo of Pipi shoving his face in the phone camera yesterday, he likes my phone. His cheeks are chubby because he is carrying around food for a snack later :)