View Full Version : Lump on tail

10-14-2019, 11:12 PM

Ford is a 9 week old eastern gray. He joined me 3 weeks ago after a hawk attacked his nest. He was the only survivor. Witnesses watched him fall to the ground and immediately took him in and contacted me. Other than a bloody nose, no injuries were observed.

He’s healthy and quite feisty, as expected. Today, I noticed a knot/lump on one side of his tail, midway down. It’s hard to see, but I did manage to get a pic. Any idea what this is and should I be concerned?

10-15-2019, 08:12 AM
Can you describe the knot. Is it attached to the bone or part of it? I would not worry much about it as long as it does not grow. Tails are a safety measure for a squirrel and break off by segments if needed. could his tail have been broken at that spot?

10-15-2019, 08:22 AM
Can you describe the knot. Is it attached to the bone or part of it? I would not worry much about it as long as it does not grow. Tails are a safety measure for a squirrel and break off by segments if needed. could his tail have been broken at that spot?

My guess is that it was broken at that spot. It seems to be attached to the underside of the bone. Ford is my 9th baby, and his behavior is no different than others I’ve rehabilitated. I’ll just continue to keep an eye on it to ensure it doesn’t grow or change. Thanks for your response!