View Full Version : Squirrel suddenly lost use of back legs

10-12-2019, 10:49 AM
Our squirrel lost the use of his back legs within the last 2 days. It started with his back left foot and now it is both back legs. He has MBD, but was doing amazing after adding calcium to his formula (fox valley 20/50). He had gained all use back and was getting stronger every day. Now it is like we are back to square one. Today he is very grumpy, squeaking out whenever we try and touch him. He is usually very quiet and only grumbles when we clean his face after a feeding. Is there anything we can do? Are there any vets in Suffolk County on long island that will see him even though we aren't rehabbers?

10-12-2019, 11:59 AM
I went back and read your initial thread on the little guy. Just so we have an idea of the extent of the problem, how long was he on Esbilac? I saw that you were transitioning to FoxValley at that time but the length of time on Esbilac gives us more background. I also noted the cat issue. Did the cat actually have the baby or was the cat just stalking him?

It is very unusual to have a relapse of paralysis while on supplemental calcium.

10-12-2019, 12:01 PM
One more thing, what is the babies weight? We can dose ibuprofen for pain. Do you have the baby on low heat?
It would help to soothe the pain.

It might be a good idea to get a UVB/UVA lamp for Vitamin D. The Vitamin D will help with calcium absorption. A well known vet suggested 15 minutes of exposure per day.

CritterMom has studied the lights extensively and could make a recommendation on which type to buy.

10-12-2019, 03:54 PM
He was on esbiliac for about 2 weeks. As of yesterday he weighed 257 grams. We didnt weigh him today because we didnt want to stress him out. He has a heating pad in his cage under his cloth house. He also sometimes sleeps in a hat off of the heating pad. I don't believe the cat was able to actually touch him, but it was my cousins who found him so I'm not sure. I'll definitely look into a UVB lamp. What is the recommended dosage for ibuprofen?

10-12-2019, 04:01 PM
Sending a PM with dosing.

10-15-2019, 09:38 AM

Here is a picture of his teeth. Not sure about any striations, but I definitely think he may have malloclusion. He has regained use of his back right leg but the left is still being dragged.

10-15-2019, 10:09 AM
I wonder if the longer tooth on the top could be trimmed. I’m not the one to comment on teeth trimming as I’ve never done it.

It seems like if the tops were even they might have a better chance to realign. Just a thought. Do you have a vet or know anyone that can trim the tooth?

I’m glad the one leg is coming back. That’s a good sign. Staying hopeful that the other leg will come back also.

10-15-2019, 04:38 PM
You said he was doing better...I wonder if he was feeling well enough to try and do too much and injured the already weakened legs? Maybe made a big jump etc.

Praying he gets better.:hug

10-15-2019, 09:26 PM
Thank you for the well wishes. We were keeping him somewhat confined but that is what I am worried about too. He wasn't able to get higher than a foot off of the ground unless he was on us.

Unfortunately I don't know any vets that will see him without taking him away from us because we aren't rehabbers

10-15-2019, 11:07 PM
There are several New York area folks on here. Maybe someone close by can recommend a vet or a rehabber that can help you and your little buddy out.

Nancy in New York
10-16-2019, 06:12 AM
Thank you for the well wishes. We were keeping him somewhat confined but that is what I am worried about too. He wasn't able to get higher than a foot off of the ground unless he was on us.

Unfortunately I don't know any vets that will see him without taking him away from us because we aren't rehabbers

Where in New York are you located?

10-16-2019, 06:59 AM
Hi Nancy,
She mentioned Suffolk Cty. on Long Island.