View Full Version : Possum diet

10-09-2019, 10:32 PM
Hello. I have been contacted by a girl that has a young adult possum. The possum has been fed a poor diet with junk food and wet/dry cat food so far and is now obese. She wants to do better with the diet but needs some help. I am asking you guys on her behalf. I used to rehab possums but for the life of me I can't remember exactly how the long term diet should be. I remember feeding boiled chicken, plain or vanilla yogurt, and veggies with a little bit of fruit. But I can't remember exactly what was fed and in what ratio. I also used to have a copy of the NOS diet where I think they blended dog food and yogurt but I can't remember the ratio for that either. All this info was on my old computer which was lost. She also needs a few tips on how to get a possum addicted to junk food to eat healthy food. Thanks!

10-09-2019, 10:48 PM
I found the Peter's Diet. In the past I didn't have much luck with it though. Is the yogurt a good enough calcium source alone? Any information on a diet consisting of the chicken and veggies maybe?

10-09-2019, 11:03 PM
Click on the blue button that says Learn More at:


10-09-2019, 11:15 PM
Click on the blue button that says Learn More at:


Thank you but they post the Peter's Diet which I already have. I'm looking for a fresh food diet as an alternative. Like I said, I used to feed chicken, veggies, and yogurt with a little bit of fruit but can't remember the details.