View Full Version : Long post but need your expertise...

10-09-2019, 10:05 AM
I had a baby squirrel that came in very dehydrated and skinny, weighing 50grams, approximately 4 weeks old. After having him for 5 days giving electrolytes and then gradually introducing Fox Valley formula (never was a good eater, but didnt get any formula up his nose), I got him up to 58g. His pee was clear and poop normal. The next morning I woke up to him aspirating with a very bloated belly and pooping green. I started him on Baytril right away, stopped formula, and gave sub q liquid. He sounded congested so I also tried sucking out his nose with a baby bulb and found a little white mucus. He started breathing back through his nose around 1am. I thought we were on the right path and he seemed to be getting better. The next morning the bloat was gone, and he wanted to eat, so i started very slowly with small amounts of electrolytes and by 3pm started back on very diluted formula, about 1-2ccs because he was so skinny. I also gave a little panacur thinking maybe that was causing green poop and some benebac. Around 5ish, he took a turn and went back to gasping for air. The green poop never went away. After another dose of Baytril and suctioning, he was breathing again through his nose, but never regained strength, was extremely skinny, and his diarrhea became paste like. He died that night around 4am. Any thoughts about what I could have done differently (be gentle)? I‘m fairly new at rehabbing, and would love some feedback on the cause of the symptoms. Could they all be related or was I dealing with different issues? Anyone with similar issues have a better outcome?

10-09-2019, 12:14 PM
Just curious, which Fox Valley were you using?
Also, did the poop have a foul odor?
Did you ever hear clicking?

10-11-2019, 01:50 AM
Thank you for your questions. I was using Fox Valley 32/40. I have several other squirrels eating from the same formula with no problems. Can squirrels be allergic? The poop never had and odor but was green and slimy. And I didn’t hear clicking until I found him in the morning. He definitely had something going on and sounded very congested.