View Full Version : Baby Squirrel Found on Road (maybe 6wks) Some signs of Illness, perhaps? Please help.

10-07-2019, 07:56 PM
Hi there, I cannot tell you how glad I am to have found this site. I really love all of you that would take your time to offer help and knowledge to us.

I found a baby squirrel on the side of the road, I am guessing somewhere 6-7 weeks old. My friend can move, but slowly, mostly raising and lowering it's head, although it did turn around once.
I noticed that it has some whitish/perhaps yellowish spots around it's eye, back left leg, and a kind of whitish/yellowish lesion of some sort on it's right abdomen. I took pictures as clearly as I could and would appreciate any help. I can't find too much information online about where to take the poor little being and currently have him in the spare bedroom to safe guard from our curious cat.

If possible, I would also like advice regarding my own health. I tried to coax the squirrel into a cup before putting them in the enclosure, but doing so seemed to pain the squirrel, so I carefully picked him up and placed him inside with my bare hands. Two minutes later I washed with antibacterial soap and hydrogen peroxide. Should I be worried? My wife is pregnant, so if I put myself at risk of some infection, I feel as though I should consider sleeping somewhere else for a few nights.

Really would appreciate your advice. https://ibb.co/dMBWK5j https://ibb.co/VNR5JpFhttps://ibb.co/Rvjx6N3https://ibb.co/ss9h3v9https://ibb.co/VCZRYBm


10-07-2019, 08:05 PM
Hello and welcome.

Thanks for helping this little one.

He looks like he needs help. I can't help but someone will be checking in soon. There is a lot of good people on this board.

Meanwhile, if you can weigh the baby that will be needed. More pics may be helpful as well.

And I don't think you have to be worried about catching anything from the baby.

Thanks again and keep checking back here often.

10-07-2019, 08:10 PM
The spots are very odd looking. It may just be the pic but...does it look like spray expandable foam? Or can you tell that it is an actual lesion of some sort? Betadyne (10% povidone iodine) is wonderful for mystery skin issues. Add about 25 drops to 1/4 cup water and use to wipe down the areas.

Baby look dehydrated. Can you add a pinch of sugar to some water, heat it, and see if you can deliver it to him a drop at a time, very carefully, with an eyedropper if you do not have a syringe? He should be kept warm - a heating pad under his container would be very appreciated.

10-07-2019, 08:55 PM
The spots are very odd looking. It may just be the pic but...does it look like spray expandable foam? Or can you tell that it is an actual lesion of some sort? Betadyne (10% povidone iodine) is wonderful for mystery skin issues. Add about 25 drops to 1/4 cup water and use to wipe down the areas.

Baby look dehydrated. Can you add a pinch of sugar to some water, heat it, and see if you can deliver it to him a drop at a time, very carefully, with an eyedropper if you do not have a syringe? He should be kept warm - a heating pad under his container would be very appreciated.

Hi and Thanks so so much. He is moving a bit more now after the sugar water and it is a little boy. After the water it seems he has quite a bit more energy and his eyes are now opening. I have been told to bring him to Tufts Wildlife Clinic in North Grafton. My concern is that they are telling me they will rehabilitate and will instead euthanize. They said that I could call to check in a day or two for assurance - do any of you have any information about this?

10-07-2019, 09:00 PM
Any advice for how often I should offer water, how much, etc...

And what about food? My wife thought we should go buy some vanilla Ensure - any advice?

Kind regards and many thanks,

10-07-2019, 10:00 PM
The white spots of rice looking things around it eye looks like fly strike or fly eggs that will turn into maggots a If so, they must be all removed. I also see them in the pic of the hair. Every aspect of this baby’s body, especially orifaces must be checked, and if this is fly strike, it means hours of picking them off. Tomorrow if your buddy makes it, first thing in the morning go to Pet Smart and get capstar. That will kill any internal maggots. Let us know if this is fly strike and we will give some pointers on how to remove them.

10-07-2019, 10:11 PM
This baby should be taken off of the pine shavings and bedded in t shirt material or fleece. Have enough material that he can burrow under.

Please add a pinch of salt to your hydration fluid. The salt is the substance that balances the electrolytes in the body.

10-07-2019, 11:33 PM
Cedar and other soft wood shavings, including pine, emit fumes that may be dangerous to small mammals like hamsters and gerbils. Plicatic acid is an irritating substance found in cedar wood and shavings.

Also, you need to slowly transition this baby to formula over 4-5 feedings. Do not start your baby on 100 % strength formal. But first you should hydrate your baby for at least another feeding and then start 1/4 strength formula for 2 feedings then 1/2 strength formula for 2 feedings, move to 3/4 strength if the baby is tolerating the formula and finally 100% strength formula. You need to feed with a 1cc syringe with a small nipple. Put a tiny tiny tiny hole in the nipple so you do not aspirate the baby. Feed slowly or drop by drop if you need to.
Here is the link to baby squirrel care. It is 6 pages long. Click the upper right corner of each page to proceed to the next page.


10-08-2019, 07:12 AM
Were you able to remove the fly eggs. You must give some capstar ASAP.

10-08-2019, 09:02 AM
I greatly appreciate all of the detailed advice, wow! I made the decision in the middle of the night to make the one hour drive to the Small Animal Hospital's 24-hour emergency room, which is connected to a wildlife rehabilitation center. After asking them many questions, I decided to trust them with him, and they said if he could make a full recovery I could pick him up and release him in the wild where he was found. I have been calling to check up but they have no new information yet. Very worried but hopeful, and will update when I know more.

Thank you so much,

10-08-2019, 09:26 AM
You are a treasure. It was a wise decision. Thankyou for going the extra mile for this little one. His chances are not great, but he was warmed and has been cared for. Praying for the little fella...:grouphug

10-09-2019, 09:19 PM
I am sad to update that he did not make it. I called yesterday and they said it was too early to tell, but that he had the fly eggs removed, was on pain meds, received capstar, and being hydrated. Unfortunately he passed away from his injuries sometime night. I take some comfort knowing his pain was being managed, and want to once again thank the members of this community.

10-09-2019, 09:25 PM
I’m so sorry to hear that...R.I.P. little buddy

Thank you for letting us know:grouphug

10-09-2019, 09:46 PM
Thanks for helping him out. It does not always end the way we want it to but all we can do is try.

Godspeed little squirrel.