View Full Version : Found baby squirrel being “played” with by neighbor’s cat

10-06-2019, 05:56 AM
Based on everything I have read since rescuing this baby, I am pretty sure he(definitely a he) is at least 5-6 weeks old and weighs about 94 grams. I’ve had him for about 10 hours now and have been giving him Pedialite every few hours as he seems to be drinking well. I did the dehydration skin turgor test and he seemed moderately to severely dehydrated at first. He has perked up with each “feeding”. I didn’t want to feed him too soon and plan to get Goats milk, yogurt and whipping cream to make a temporary formula as soon as possible. I have a friend who knows a squirrel rehab lady near where I live who may take him in the next few days. Until then, I want to do everything I can and correctly. My first concern is that he hasn’t peed or pooped yet. I know is is probably old enough to go on his own, but I did try to stimulate every feeding and he has just seemed more interested in sleeping. He had a hard black bit(I’m guessing dried poop)on his butt at first but that has since come off.
I am also concerned about the possibility of a cat bite infection since I have no idea if he has been bitten(no blood/redness/swelling or limping/pain). I have an unused bottle of 500mg Cipro that I have read could work, but have no idea how to dose it. I would appreciate any advice you can give. Thanks!

10-06-2019, 09:34 AM
Dosing sent by PM.

Baby will need food SOON - like this morning. Your instinct regarding the cat is spot on as is the drug you have available, so I would start that immediately.

The following is just a wonderful write up for successfully "building a baby squirrel." It is 6 ages long. It pre-dates all of the issues with Esbilac so ignore any specific food info but everything else is spot on. It is 6 pages long: https://www.henryspets.com/1-caring-for-a-baby-squirrel/

10-06-2019, 01:59 PM
Thanks for all that info!
Luckily I was able to get in touch with the lady that rehabs squirrels this morning, and she took him in a few hours ago! He is now getting proper antibiotics and Fox Valley formula. He is also going to have some new buddies to room with since she currently has some babies about his age. I’m so glad I was able to get him some proper care, though it was a bittersweet goodbye. He wormed his way into my heart so quickly! I don’t know how all you wildlife rehab parents do it, but it’s amazing!