View Full Version : Found Baby Reds in Wall

10-03-2019, 02:35 PM
It's been a while since I last posted here. Many of you were kind enough to offer advice (and even shipped feeding supplies) on taking care of a baby Red we found a couple of years ago. With the advice I got here, we successfully raised and released our little Emma. She's doing great living outside now and has lived outside for more than a year. However, Emma has moved back from whence she came, LOL. She stayed among the trees and bushes, for more than a year, even through a few days of VERY cold weather last year. But she recently moved into my soffit. I'm positive she was born in my soffit about 2.5 years ago. It's too close to winter to lock her out, so I'm going to let her stay until spring. Problem is, she had babies. Those baby squirrels, one by one, fell down inside one of my walls. I have retrieved 4. When I say baby, they're at least several weeks old. They're obviously young, but can drink water and climb just fine, have plenty of fur, etc. I have placed them in a release cage (the same one we built for Emma) just under the soffit so Emma can see them. Emma doesn't seem very interested though. I was just outside putting some food and water in the cage and Emma showed up. I opened the release portal hoping Emma might go in and check on her babies. She went right to the portal, looked in at one of the babies then came over to me for an almond. I have a couple/few questions. Should I just keep the portal closed and continue caring for the squirrels myself, or leave the portal open so she can enter? I'd rather the young squirrels not go back into the soffit. Already will have my hands full dealing with Emma come spring. If I offer enough building material, can the squirrels survive outside through winter? If not, I'll try and find a wildlife rehabber to see if they can take them.

10-03-2019, 03:28 PM
Keep checking back here, someone will help you.

Thanks for taking care of these babies.

10-03-2019, 05:50 PM
Leave them out for mom (Emma)... if you found any of the nesting materials in the wall, put that in the cage with the babies. If Emma is mom but did not get them right away, she may possibly be waiting to get them while she builds or rehabs another nest... though they usually have a back up. Emma may not believe they are in danger since they are with her human.

Do not leave them out overnight or at rusk of predators.

If she does not get them by night time, bring them indoors. Warm, dark and quiet. And I would try reuniting again in the morning.

Do they need hydration?

10-03-2019, 05:58 PM
Leave them out for mom (Emma)... if you found any of the nesting materials in the wall, put that in the cage with the babies. If Emma is mom but did not get them right away, she may possibly be waiting to get them while she builds or rehabs another nest... though they usually have a back up. Emma may not believe they are in danger since they are with her human.

Do not leave them out overnight or at rusk of predators.

If she does not get them by night time, bring them indoors. Warm, dark and quiet. And I would try reuniting again in the morning.

Do they need hydration?

I placed a bowl of water in there and each has drank from the bowl, so I think they're okay for hydration. I also placed rodent blocks in the cage, but I don't think they have eaten any. I have a small cage I can keep them in inside for the evening if you thinks that's best. Nothing can get in the release cage though. I covered the portal that allowed Emma to go in and out. I only opened it when she was near her babies to see if she would go in and take care of them.

10-03-2019, 07:46 PM
Could you get photos of the babies? Or video?

You think mom is kicking them out due to their age?

10-03-2019, 08:23 PM
I would try playing the baby cry in the morning just put your phone on a loop and put your phone in the cage so she comes to investigate. Is she still sleeping in the Soffit?



10-04-2019, 10:29 AM
Could you get photos of the babies? Or video?

You think mom is kicking them out due to their age?

I'll post pictures this afternoon. I guess she could be kicking them out. They're young, but I'm guessing they're old enough to be off mom's teat (based on my limited experience with Emma).

10-04-2019, 10:48 AM
I would try playing the baby cry in the morning just put your phone on a loop and put your phone in the cage so she comes to investigate. Is she still sleeping in the Soffit?



Emma (mom) is still in the soffit. I'm guessing she will stay there for the winter. I know it's a little crazy to let her stay, but I'm not going to try and lock her out with winter around the corner. She's like a free-range pet, LOL. The area she is in is adjacent to my kitchen. I can hear her above my cabinets, so she's going to be fairly warm there. I was hoping she would go in and out of the release cage to care for the young squirrels, but that would also mean leaving the exit portal open. The young squirrels could get out. I really don't want the entire family in the soffit. The more I type this out, I realize the best option may be to find a wildlife rehabber. Bringing the young squirrels inside is a huge commitment. I would have to make some major changes to fit them in as I did for Emma. Unfortunately, I'm very limited on space to accommodate the large cage we built. The release cage that is currently outside (and housing the young squirrels) is the same cage we used in the house.