View Full Version : Squirrel friendly vet in MI?

10-03-2019, 12:58 AM
Tl;dr version of my last post: I need to take an 8wk old in for an xray and tx for non-weight bearing forelimb. Day 2 and still no vet will take him, and no rehabber within 200 miles answers or calls me back. Thank you in advance! I'm in Grosse Pointe, MI.

10-03-2019, 04:52 AM
I cannot help with the vet, but...can you tell us which formula you have had him on?

10-03-2019, 06:57 AM
Tl;dr version of my last post: I need to take an 8wk old in for an xray and tx for non-weight bearing forelimb. Day 2 and still no vet will take him, and no rehabber within 200 miles answers or calls me back. Thank you in advance! I'm in Grosse Pointe, MI.

I know of a vet that will see squirrels in Clinton Township. If this will help you I will send the name of the vet in a private message. Private messages are accessed from the “Notifications” heading at the top of the page.

As Crittermom asked, what formula have you been feeding?

Edit: Vet contact information sent in a pm.

10-03-2019, 10:37 AM
Jailey, what you have described in your baby is being seen all over the country this year. The bones of babies are breaking under the weight of their little bodies. It is due to the formula, specifically powdered puppy Esbilac. At this time, the product is defective and is causing fractures, Metabolic Bone Disease, GI issues including bloat, diarrhea, constipation, Failure to Thrive and death.

We would love to help you.

Nancy in New York
10-03-2019, 11:14 AM
I just sent this member an email telling her there are people
who are trying to help her and to please come back to the board.