View Full Version : NEED HELP !! Pleaseee

10-02-2019, 09:20 PM
Im not really sure at all how to use this i randomly found this page but it seems like everyone could help ill make a long story short ... near a consturction site a baby mouse maybe i wanna say 7 days old or so was in a pile of insulation and hidden in a cinderblock well those cinderblocks were on a pallet being drivin by a forklift and the pallet snapped one of the workers found this lil guy and just left him in a bush i couldnt leave him crying so i got what i could for him but he had one solid poop that i had to get off his butt i have had him since 11 am i wanna say and have gotten him to eat a couple times but not really use the bathroom that i know of i love animals but im terried this animal either wont make it or wont be strong enough i will not abandon this animal at some zoo or anything like that its outta the question the zoos over here are disctusting there people working there and the overall care of the facilitys i know this little baby has to use the bathroom ive tryed rubbing and even the warm compress and still nothing i dont want this baby to die and as of now is being fed KMR and is in a tiny cage with a bunch of wripped up napkins and soft materials for it to sleep on and cover itsself please help me keep this animal alive every life is precious no matter how small i also dont know really how to use this website but i will give me phone number if help can be given somehow

island rehabber
10-02-2019, 09:36 PM
Welcome to TSB and bless you for caring for this little one. If you could post a pic it would help us a LOT in really giving you the right kind of advice. You know the basics: keep baby very warm in a container he can't bust out of. KMR is not the best for rodents, as it is truly formulated for kittens wth a high protein content. If you can get some Goats Milk Esbilac (Petco and Pet smart sell it) that would be better.

Feed with the smallest syringe you can get your hands on. The baby made be dehydrated at this time, also, so he may not pee for awhile. Kee offering hydration every couple of hours during the night.

10-03-2019, 08:56 AM
im not sure how to send or upload pictures to this or much how the site works but if someone had a momenet my email is chrissmith73117@aol.com i can give my phone number there for pictures or whatever i want this guy to survive even if it means having to surrender him to someone more qualified but no zoos or shelters he might only be a mouse but still has a heartbeat

10-03-2019, 09:37 AM
I sent my email address.

10-03-2019, 09:54 AM
my email wasnt letting me send anything out but i think this will work as a picture

10-03-2019, 10:18 AM
It’s definitely a mouse. Island Rehabber suggested Goats milk Esbilac. Get some of that to feed him. You should also offer some plain water or slightly sweetened water in case he’s dehydrated. I don’t know if he can maintain his body temperature or not at this age. I really don’t know much about mice, but if he feels cool to the touch then I’d suggest putting a non shut off heating pad under one half of his bin. Set it on low. That way he can crawl off the heat source if he’s too warm. Some blankets or hamster nesting material from the pet store would be perfect for him.

10-03-2019, 10:32 AM
I will definitely get GME i wish i could post the video of him eating to show some of the sounds hell make i think its a normal just clicking kinda sound ive started a schedule i was told he should be fed 6-8 times a day at his age so me and my girlfriend well she lol came up with a feeding schedule its every 3 hours my only fear is yes ive actually wipe poop out of him twice it was yellowish orrange kinda on the harder side but i havent seen him pee and i mean theres a big chance he could have but when i found him he was budnled up in insulation and whatever else they made the nest out of so i kept some of it and kept it in his cage just to maybe keep him more calm cause i seem him sometimes gravitate towards it but as of now i have him in one of those plastic fish tanks with a open top and a bandana as a bottome cover then a bunch of stuffing and ill at times take him out and let him ball in my hand or chest wherever he will feel my body heat and be comfy so afraid of waking up and just finding the animal stiff i had this happen once a long time ago with a baby racoon idk why it happens or what happend it went in the night i wasnt able to give as much care as i am now but i will try and post a pic of his habitat

10-03-2019, 10:55 AM
The baby is precious. :grin2 You could make a rice buddy for the baby. Put dry rice in a cotton sock and tie the end. Microwave until warm. Squish the rice around to mix hot spots inside. Wrap it in a cloth and put near the baby. Make sure it’s not too warm. The baby needs the warmth as they can’t regulate their body temperature at that size. Thank you for caring.

10-03-2019, 11:02 AM
Yesss he is atleast pretty sure its a he lol not sure but yeah i couldnt just leave him alone last night was really cold pouring rain and terrible winds if i didnt grab him when i found him he probably wouldnt have made it but i did put him with that tank in a cubby stack the tank had way more then enough room but i placed a regular lamp light facing into it hea still covered from most of the light and it should give atleast some heat in there i dont wanna over heat or dehydrate him we have been keeping our room at like 72 degrees or more dpending on how it feels but i also noticed my girlfriend had a really soft furry jacket and i placed him on it and wrapped him up if i could post the video of it i would but it was him trying to suck on the fur thay when i realized what he was doing he had latched on to the fur i thought it would be a calmy thing to feel the softness but instead he tryed sucking on it like a nipple but he wont grab the dropper but will lick and suck up the formula out if the crevesis in my hand

10-03-2019, 11:12 AM
I have heard the best way to feed a tiny mouse is with an artists soft tiny paint brush. Drip the formula on the bristles and the baby will sucks the formula from the bristles.

10-03-2019, 11:53 AM
Okay so i got a bunch of atuff a minit 4 wat heating mat also nesting material and a treatment just to help incase casue it doenst seem like his poops have been that great i know they normally are like pellets right ? But what im wondering is what temp should i keep the interal of the cage right now the thermometer i got i stuck to the inside of the cage and right now its reading 81 sorry i keep blowing everyone up with notifications on this just want the best advice and obviously this would be better then google u all have first hand