View Full Version : Constipated w purplish color belly

10-01-2019, 02:02 PM
Chance is 5.5 ish weeks old
He’s had inconsistent pooping due to multiple food transitions (once a day instead of once a feeding and the whole gamete from bright yellow foam to dark yellow clay to long brown turds to dried little black pellets in his bed then back to a normal turd after a feeding...
He has not pooped since the 28th and this afternoon his belly looks purpleish to me
He cried his quiet little distress cry all night never really settling and is right now sitting on his feet curled in a ball after 4cc of water. What should I do?
The nearest lic rehabber is an hour away and they have to euthanize fox squirrels :(

10-01-2019, 02:18 PM
Does the belly looked bloated? Round, swollen and hard.

10-01-2019, 02:32 PM
No. It’s still soft it just looks purpleish to me right now and I just found an old thread by
java rat about Petey that looks like what chance is fighting ~ swollen anus

10-01-2019, 02:50 PM
Hey if any adept rehabbers feel like giving me a call I’m really worried that I’m losing him. It’s frustrating to skim the threads over and over looking for replies...
I don’t know what is the next right thing to do. Intuition says nothing but water which he hungrily drinks as if its formula. He didnt respond to the prune juice > over a few feedings he had a full cc of straight Anyhow i don’t know if its allowed even but here’s my number if anyone feels like they can help 541.285.5568
I have to set him down to type and i really don’t want to do that right now

10-01-2019, 03:20 PM
You need to float him in a bowl of warm water up to his arm pits. This will allow his muscles to relax and possible pass gas or poop. After that keep him warm. Gently rub his anus with warm oil to stimulate him.

I don’t like the dark abdomen. That has been a huge problem in recent days.

Nancy in New York
10-01-2019, 03:31 PM
Just got home a short time ago.
I saw your email, and finally got the video on my computer.
Does he always make these little sounds?

Do you have any antibiotics just in case?
His eyes look like he's not feeling well.

I'm wondering if this constipation has to do with him being on PetLac.
Have you done the protocol that I suggested in post #2 of this thread below?


10-01-2019, 03:53 PM
Try getting ahold of javarat. He has more experience with this issue than anyone. The experience I have is with the broken bones. How long was Chance on Esbilac?

10-01-2019, 03:54 PM
Nancy, I’m beginning to think the PetLac has the same issues as Esbilac. I need to read the original thread. He looks very thin to me.

10-01-2019, 03:57 PM
Chance is 5.5 ish weeks old
He’s had inconsistent pooping due to multiple food transitions (once a day instead of once a feeding and the whole gamete from bright yellow foam to dark yellow clay to long brown turds to dried little black pellets in his bed then back to a normal turd after a feeding...
He has not pooped since the 28th and this afternoon his belly looks purpleish to me
He cried his quiet little distress cry all night never really settling and is right now sitting on his feet curled in a ball after 4cc of water. What should I do?
The nearest lic rehabber is an hour away and they have to euthanize fox squirrels :(

We are all at a loss with this particular manifestation of issues with the Esbilac. My heart is breaking and my fists want to do major harm to whoever brought this on innocent babies...

10-01-2019, 03:58 PM
redwuff, he was on PetLac but I think it has the same problem as Esbilac.

10-01-2019, 04:37 PM
Hi everyone i believed from the beginning when i first saw the esbilac warning that the petlac is mfg by same producer. Has same ‘crafted in usa” lable even. When i worked at franz bakery the same bread came down the line and went into 20 different pkgs including the generic grocery ones. Same bread different wrapper.
He was on the petlac (never full ratio tho - got as high as 1;2) 9 days b4 the FV arrived in the mail.
But i also after hydrating him w pedialyte for first 6 feedings used the pedialyte to make the formula and intermittently supplemented between feedings because he was still dehydrated.
So maybe too much pedialyte.

He pretty much makes that squirrelly distress sound constantly unless he’s in a deep sleep on my chest. Part anxiety part loneliness part trauma? Pain...
Anyhow i have soaked him several times and we’ve done the prune juice too.
I put him back on just water but he didnt want it really. Took 4cc and went back to sleep.
I took him outside in the sun and he was like a new baby. Crawled around exploring, grooming, chewing he soaked it up! And in the light his tummy looked normal.
I just don’t know. The sound is not his breathing its squirrel chatter, it becomes quite loud when he doesn’t get his milk fast enough after waking him.
I just gave him his normal 5cc of 20/50 and he would have ate twice that if i let him he shoves the syringe down his throat!
I feel like i should let him wake on his own for the next feeding, do another bath and another regular feeding.

Is it possible that he’s not pooping because he’s not getting enough to eat? He always wants more.

10-01-2019, 04:39 PM
Nancy, I’m beginning to think the PetLac has the same issues as Esbilac. I need to read the original thread. He looks very thin to me.

If you think he looks thin maybe that confirms my suspicion that he’s not getting enough nutrition? He’s a desperate eater!

10-01-2019, 04:40 PM
Just got home a short time ago.
I saw your email, and finally got the video on my computer.
Does he always make these little sounds?

Do you have any antibiotics just in case?
His eyes look like he's not feeling well.

I'm wondering if this constipation has to do with him being on PetLac.
Have you done the protocol that I suggested in post #2 of this thread below?


I do have antibiotics but no dose chart

10-01-2019, 05:26 PM
:poop :poop :poop

10-01-2019, 06:29 PM
He is very thin. This will also result in him not producing much poop because his little body is trying to grab every scrap of nutrition from what he is eating and there isn't much to poop out.

What does he weigh and how often are you feeding him? Now that he is finally on ONE formula hopefully things will straighten out.

10-01-2019, 07:26 PM
Prism.. it’s so busy on the board I don’t have time to go back and review all the babies threads.

Could you review some of the babies care? It might help us to give recommendations.
How long on formula? Fox Valley 20:50? How often are you feeding? Warming formula? Baby on heating pad on LOW under half the container? How are you mixing the formula? Thanks.