View Full Version : 6/7 week old squirrel help

10-01-2019, 01:24 PM
Idk how to post in a forum to be honest. So idk if this will post or what not but anyway a couple weeks ago about 3 weeks two squirrels fell out of my neighbor's tree. From what I've read online they were about 3 weeks old. I have been giving them puppy milk replacer in 3 cc syringe every 3 - 4 hours. They are now 6 - 7 weeks old. The female's name was Dorothy and the boy's name is Charlie. About four or five days ago Dorothy was found in the cage dead. We fed them both some apples and carrots before we left to run some errands (they are/was around 6 - 7 weeks now) and 5 hours later we came back and Dorothy was dead. At first Charlie was fine after Dorothy died. For like the firdt day or 2. Now for the past 3 days he's been anxious and scared. Before I would hold him on my lap and feed him formula and apples and cuddle with him. Dorothy and Charlie we're both like this. Now Charlie acts like he doesn't know who we are. He won't let me feed him on my lap. Before the moment you opened the cage both of them would try to escape anf explore but now Charlie is so skiddish he barely will leave the cage. If he does he's only a foot away or less and usually scares himself anf runs back in the cage. I'm not sure what I can do for him. I'm thinking maybe now's the time for me to turn him over to a wildlife rehabilitator. I don't have much knowledge on squirrels besides all the articles I've read on keep pet squirrels. I'm more worried about how scared he is but I would also like advice on anything else that seems helpful. Like should I take him to a rehabilitator? Should I work more with him? Please help. Thank you :Love_Icon:Love_Icon:Love_Icon

10-02-2019, 10:10 AM
I know of a rehabber if you want to go that route.:grouphug

10-02-2019, 10:13 AM
Sent you a private msg

10-02-2019, 10:25 AM
Why do you think Dorothy died?