View Full Version : CBD questions for Neru 10 week old

09-24-2019, 07:24 PM
Dumplin came to us 8/6/2019 approximately 3 weeks old after falling from nest 40-50 feet and on to concrete. She has had two 9 day treatments of prednisone. She can go for days without having seizures and than have bad days where she will have small seizures throughout the day. Her balance has gotten a little better. When feeding her, she gets excited and turns to the left. She potties on her own. She cannot eat on her own. I feed her formula, boo block, veggies & fruits that I blend & put in syringes & water through syringes. She may be blind in one eye. Have taken her to Vet but was not given any meds or treatment info. Vet wanted to see major improvement within 3 weeks (I took her to vet 8/27/19). She is a great eater but I have to hold her boo blocks in front of her mouth for her to eat them.

I found this https://getleafynow.com/cbd-and-a-squirrel-named-fig/ and ordered a bottle of CBD oil 150mg. Have not given her any, I was hoping someone could help with dosing or have any info about this because I would like to try her on it.

Today she weighs 293 grams and is approximately 10 weeks old.

This is the company where I ordered the CBD oil https://actnaturally.club/product/act-naturally-full-spectrum-hemp-tincture/

And here is the info on the back of the bottle:
NOT THC No psychotropic effects. Cannabidiol (CBD) is one of 85 cannabinoids found in the Hemp Plant. Cannabinoids are a class of botanical compounds that deliver an array of benefits. We begin with Certified Organic Industry Hemp, extracted purely and contains high levels of CBD.
Vegan/Gluten Free/Pesticide Free Non-GMO perfection!

150mg Full Spectrum
Dosage three/five drops 5mg/ml
CBD ,.10mg/ml CBG,.02/mg/ml
CBDA,.057mg/ml CBGA,.02mg/ml
CBN,.022mg/ml DELTA9THC

Could someone please help with dosing, how long she should be taking this and any other advice/help will be grately appreciated!

Thank You,
aka MyLittleMercy

09-24-2019, 08:21 PM
I haven’t used and/or heard of CBD used on squirrels.
But all this hype around it is backed by insufficient research in general.
What is known, however, is that it’s supposed success in treatment of seizures is inconsistent at best (aside from hyped marketing “stories”). It’s not recommended for children and teens whose brains are still developing. It’s addictive and it is mind-altering. Depending on one’s genetic makeup, it may trigger mental health problems in teens, young and not so young adults.

Now, applying the above scarce info to squirrels:
1. First off, no research
2. Squirrels’ metabolism is faster than that of human children and teens, their brains are even smaller (obviously) and nothing is known about genetic makeup of any given squirrel — all this means that all the negative effects observed in human consumption of CBD may be magnified in ways we don’t know.
Using CBD on this baby (or any sq for that matter) is pretty much using this baby as a lab rat.
3. Until there is solid research on CBD effect on squirrels, IMO using it is not a good idea.
4. Hemp is not part of a regular wild squirrel diet either

Behind all the hype around CBD/hemp/etc. there is very little conclusive research

09-24-2019, 08:22 PM
Someone should be checking this thread soon. Keep checking back.

Thank you for helping this baby!

Milo's Mom
09-24-2019, 08:35 PM
Julia, I use it on the groundhog but we are still experimenting with dose. I got it based on the experience and extremely high recommendation of 2 well known groundhog rehabbers.

I got the brand they both use which is different from yours.

The best advice I can offer is start low and slow. It seems to show effect in about 20 minutes and wears off at about 4 hours. Like start at a drop at a time.

In some rare cases it can cause irritability but I think that pretty rare.

Vet doesnt seem sold on it and has warned of placebo effect, but was willing to hear me out and allow me to try before going to prescription drugs. Vet unable to recommend dose...but did say I needed to take into consideration the difference of diet and gut between cats/dogs and squirrels/groundhogs.

That's all I've got. Wishing you the very best!

09-25-2019, 12:06 AM
Thank You MilosMom :) What brand did you use? Was the groundhog showing neru symptoms? Did you see improvement? How long did you treat for? Are you still treating?

Milo's Mom
09-25-2019, 05:12 AM
Thank You MilosMom :) What brand did you use? Was the groundhog showing neru symptoms? Did you see improvement? How long did you treat for? Are you still treating?

KOI brand 1000mg
No not neuro, it's for anxiety to help her with training
We are still working on dose so I'm not sure what I'm seeing. It's very difficult to replicate stressful situations so it's always new for her. She is very good at "come to Mom if you have a scary"
I use it as needed
Yes still using

11-12-2020, 08:29 AM
CBD https://impressionville.com/cbd-boxes/ have a lot of benefits for our health related issues. Am good to read this about .

Charley Chuckles
11-13-2020, 07:58 AM
Sorry for only seeing this thread now.
As I understand CBD has even been approved for infant children born with epilepsy.
I use it, I get only the best from USA the store is called 'YOUR CBD STORE' and they are in almost every state, or you can place a phone order, online order.
My 7 year old seizure squirrel who had been on phenobarbital most of her life is now on CBD oil.
Actually she's been on it for over a year and a half!
I've been reducing her phenobarbital and adding a bit more CBD oil.
The verdict is in she is doing so much better, so much more alert much more coordinated as I'm sure the phenobarbital drugged her.
She has had no seizures and slowly I hope to wean her completely.
Mind you she could go into grand mal seizures, not just light seizures, so this is HUGE. I'm so grateful for discovering this oil.
So amen to CBD👏
I only recommend what I use from the source I get it from as there are a lot of fake junk oils out there👍

04-16-2021, 08:04 AM

I'm going to tell you my experience with CBD, in Europe CBD and North America CBD is totally legal, always if it has less than 0,2% of THC which is the cannabinoide that gives you the feeling of being high.

I have use CBD for my dog, i buy cbd online (https://www.cbdcure.eu)from a company call CBD Cure, not sure if i can let the link here, in case it's forbidden the admin can remove it (i think) but if you put in Google CBD Cure it will pop up, you can buy their CBD oil for pets, my dog weights 25kG and i give him 2 drops per kilo, so maybe you can scale that down for your Squirrel.

Since my dog started taking CBD it has helped him a lot with his bones and now he sleeps a lot better, he is pretty old (11 years).

I hope this info can help you,

11-18-2021, 08:22 PM
I've not heard about CBD for squirrels however, I do know that CBD oil in low dosages can be administered. If you administer in low dosages you can see the pets reaction. This will tell you if it's working, or if you can increase the dosage. Having 3 dogs our selves, and 1 cat we had to search a lot and test a bunch of products. Here was the best cbd oil for dogs (https://pawselite.com/collections/cbd-for-dogs) I found.