View Full Version : Irritated Bottom

Leslie Ann
09-23-2019, 07:44 PM
Can you take a look at the photos I'm uploading and share your wisdom with me?

Jasper's poop is always soft, but today it really loose. He seemed to be scooting his butt on my arm. His bottom and legs are irritated as well - see photo. I'm feeding him Fox Valley and rodent block only.

He's been with me since Labor Day and has steadily been gaining weight, loves his formula, and is very active - increasingly so each day. He gets pretty rambunctious and bites me often when playing. I'm assuming this is expected???

Thanks for any help you can offer.


09-24-2019, 03:50 PM
How often and how much and what are you feeding? How much does jasper weigh? His tummy looks very round and possibly you are over feeding. At his next feeding give him hydration fluid instead, Give his tummy a chance to reset. After that take 3 Tablespoons of formula. Add 1/2 teaspoon of Gerber baby rice cereal and 1/2 teaspoon of baby banana food to the formula. Feed this to Jasper at 5-7% of his body weight.

The irritation on his bottom comes from needing to have his bottom cleaned. HS he had diarrhea for awhile. Usually when their anus sticks up like that, they have.

Leslie Ann
09-24-2019, 10:06 PM
Thanks for your help, Redwuff. I am following your advice. I sure do hope it helps.

Jasper only weighs 121g. A little light for the age I think he is - 7 weeks. Could be the diarrhea problem.

He typically has been eating between 9 and 15 cc 3X a day, plus rodent block. Too much - right? Likely causing the problem. Yesterday and today, though, he has been eating less - between 3 and 12 cc. He did drink about the hydration fluid tonight and enjoyed about an hour of out of the cage time. Each day, he is more active.

As for cleaning his butt.... any advice? I have given him baths in warm water with a little Dawn, but I haven't gotten all that dried up poop off. Keeping him still enough to complete this task is crazy hard.

The more I learn, the less I seem to know. Thanks again!

09-25-2019, 12:56 AM
Yes, too much formula per feeding for his weight, it should be between 6ml and 8ml. Here is a cheat sheet:

Leslie Ann
09-25-2019, 04:19 PM
Now that he is eating the right amount at each feeding, should I be feeding three or four times a day?

Should I continue to use the mixture of formula, rice cereal, and bananas until his poop is the right consistency and then switch back to plain formula? And, is it okay to mix up what he will consume in 24 hours or should I add the cereal and bananas just before serving.

09-25-2019, 04:30 PM
Since he is small for his age, I would stay with 4 times a say for another week-10 day’s. One of the reasons we start cutting back a feeding is to encourage block eating. I am impressed that you have block in there. Very good! Nothing else till he is stellar eating that. Have block in with him all the time.

Yes stay with the BRAT diet till poops are good. Fine to mix up ahead of time. Has his poop gotten any better? It might take several days. Hope you have been able to get poop off butt. I had to laugh at your description of him not holding still!:grin2

Leslie Ann
09-25-2019, 06:27 PM
Thank you so much for answering my questions. Your help is much appreciated.

Jasper's poop today was a bit firmer. I think we are on the right track. He will appreciate that fourth feeding as he acts as if he is starving.

09-30-2019, 06:44 AM
You are over feeding him, and He needs to be thoroughly cleaned. I have used coconut oil to soothe irritation and have also used a small amount of preparation H if the anus becomes distended. You might want to flush his system out with a few feedings of pedialyte only, and gradually work up to full strength formula. I personally don’t have much luck with Fox Valley, but we won’t get into that debate. If you are adding cream to your formula, back off on the amount and add it gradually back into his diet. If you are able to give sub q fluids, that will help. Are you adding yogurt? Plain Greek yogurt helps, too.