View Full Version : Squirrel face injury

09-23-2019, 11:43 AM
A little background info. My squirrel was rescued from falling out of his nest. Hes a pet who comes to my door for his daily feedings. I introduced him to the squirrels in my front yard when he was ready and everything seemed fine.

Until a month ago, half of his face was swollen as if he was stung by a bee. The swelling continues to fluctuate. I've noticed his bottom teeth are long and growing in different directions. I assume this is why the side of his face is swollen.

I'm not sure if I should take it into my own hands and trim his teeth myself or take him to a wildlife rehabilitation center?

09-23-2019, 08:39 PM
A little background info. My squirrel was rescued from falling out of his nest. Hes a pet who comes to my door for his daily feedings. I introduced him to the squirrels in my front yard when he was ready and everything seemed fine.

Until a month ago, half of his face was swollen as if he was stung by a bee. The swelling continues to fluctuate. I've noticed
his bottom teeth are long and growing in different directions. I assume this is why the side of his face is swollen.

I'm not sure if I should take it into my own hands and trim his teeth myself or take him to a wildlife rehabilitation center?

What you are describing is a life threatening situation!
If it is a "pet" bring him in! The improper growing teeth have likely
caused an infection which needs to be treated along with trimming
the teeth and waiting to see if they align properly as they grow.

I would advise against taking to a wildlife rehabilitation center as a
malocclusion squirrel would be deemed non-releasable and euthanized.