View Full Version : Victoria’s foot again ...

Snicker Bar
09-21-2019, 12:00 PM
[It’s been nearly a year since this all started. She got an infection in her paw that nearly healed last fall.. Then by Christmas was looking horrible. Got it well, and then this last Morher’s Day week, it flared up again . We took her ( and Doodles ) to a specialist in MD for consults; the infection was spreading up the leg. I thought we were going to have to have it amputated, but it healed again under the guidance and care of some amazing TSB members who helped us while we were traveling.
Since last May we’ve had some relapses, and two of her withered toes just came off (??). But this week ( Tues I think ) I woke to the worst it’s looked since May. It’s swollen, and bleeds if touched or bumped. I can’t bandage , because the last time this happened she chewed bandage, leg and all making everything worse. I restarted the protocol that the DVM recommended before ( clavamox and Baytril) and I’ve e mailed him pictures. But since Tuesday there’s been no improvement. In fact it’s looking worse to me. I also gave her one dose of Meloxicam.

I was thinking maybe try Clindamycin? I think I had the dose but in case I can’t find ,could someone repost it ? At this point, I’m at a loss what to do. I hate the misery of having to greet her with loves, and then a towel and syringe, day in and out for these flare ups. It almost would seem like it could be a relief to her, to just have the leg removed. She wouldn’t always dread the first ( and last ) sights of me; wondering if mom is going to squirt yuck in her mouth :( But at same time, she’s such a frail little girl. She only weighs about 400g. Her body is underdeveloped and I worry her organs may not be as strong ( anesthesia could be high risk??)

Sorry rambling here; my brain and nerves are about shot here . I’m supposed to be working but I’m so worried about my girl(s). Got two in bad shape ; my V and my sweet paint mare. The horse has been back and forth to a specialist twice in last ten days. She was improving, but like V took a nose dive last 48 hrs. I need that stuff , what is it seen posted here?? Zoom Zoom juice!?? The diet cokes aren’t working .

Here is pic from Tues; then compare to today’s pics :

Here is today:

Snicker Bar
09-21-2019, 12:15 PM
I forgot to mention she DOES wear protection when she plays indoors. We have smooth floors and she glides very well in her modified “skute”; so dragging on rough surfaces is not likely the cause this time (?).

Her skute:311467

Diggie's Friend
09-21-2019, 01:43 PM
You could use an E collar, then you could bandage the foot.


Yah, it looks pretty bad!. Perhaps you can save the foot; the remaining toes?

Concerned about the infection ascending.

Our exotic surgeon told me that cysts can turn cancerous, not sure about this kind of issue.

You might want to test it for bacteria type and cancer, looking under the microscope, or sending it out to be tested if you haven't done so already..

Milo's Mom
09-21-2019, 04:36 PM
Unless you hear differently from the vet I'd be inclined to treat as a bone infection with clindamycin/clavamox. The fact that it's come back so many times, her toes have fallen off and now it's worse than ever....makes me think bone involvement.

Might you have the ability to xray to see if you can see any indication of bone infection?

Snicker Bar
09-21-2019, 05:13 PM
Yes we can get a pic, have to head back in after chores and horse at home. I’ll try the Clindamycin; but I can’t remember /find the dose if someone knows off hand, thanks .

Diggie's Friend
09-22-2019, 04:52 AM
Not as a replacement to any meds, Pycnogenol is a powerful nutraceutical with anti bacterial, and anti viral properties, found to reach to the bone and marrow of rats. It isn't a replacement for AB's, yet on its own merits including it would be a plus.

Do not give at PYC at the same time of day you give meds; rather let the body handle meds and this nutraceutical separately for optimum absorption. PYC is also an analgesic, yet unlike synthetic aspirin it doesn't have the negative side effects aspirin does. Do not give PYC when giving NSAIDS or other meds that have blood thinning effects; alone it is fine. Just small amount of 1/64 Tsp.

I also thought to share that there is a homeopathic remedy that is rather amazing with infections; it was was recommend to use for an adult squirrel by a rehabber I know for a squirrel with a bad abscess that had to be cleaned out by a vet more than once. It worked to open up the abscess it had so it would drain. It's called of all things, "Gun Powder", because it is a sulfur compound I assume. I got a bottle from
"Standard Homeopathic" (30 x). For use with a younger squirrel a lower potency might be more appropriate, yet then again not sure about that aspect. Asking someone that is knowledgeable in the application of homeopathic strength would be advisable. Our vet told me years ago that including homeopathic remedies don't interact with meds. There may be something more posted on the board on this; I will take a look at that tomorrow. DF.

Nancy in New York
09-22-2019, 07:01 AM
I’ll try the Clindamycin; but I can’t remember /find the dose if someone knows off hand, thanks .

Strength 25mg/ml
Dosage: 5-10 mg/kg
Frequency: BID

09-27-2019, 08:48 AM
Any more news of little Victoria?

Hoping the little girl begins to respond to treatment. Praying for you and your sweet girl. :Love_Icon