View Full Version : Help!...9 week old

09-21-2019, 08:17 AM
Hi..this is only my second time doing this..My baby isn’t so baby anymore and jumps on me and runs up and down so fast around me that I can’t catch him for formula.is there a way to slow him down..thanks in advance for any advice:grin2

09-21-2019, 08:29 AM
No. By the way, we call that "the squirrelnado."

What is he in cage-wise? He needs something big enough to run around a little bit and if possible, allows you to feed him through the cage bars. We all feel your pain. Literally.

His squirrel mama would have laid a major smackdown on him the first time he did this because squirrel moms are "tiger" moms but we certainly can't - and shouldn't do that! Through the bars is the way I have dealt with it!