View Full Version : Massive Swelling On Anus

09-17-2019, 05:24 PM
This little guy has had a swelling on his anus since 5 days old.. probably due to chronic diarrhea for him and his 9 step-siblings on the new Esbilac. (I lost two to the diarrhea)
I have finally beaten the diarrhea, which may mean that it is now going to kill him, as the swelling has now doubled in size in last 48 hours and is blocking the anus and he can't pass solid poops.
As you can see in the pictures, his tummy is also to the point that putting an oz more in is going to tip him into bloat.
I am doing ice, hot water, massages.. i am willing to paint myself green and dance naked if I can find something to let him poop.
Searching the internet for anything like this.. the closest I have found is pictures of dogs with extreme swelling of anal glands.
Note that he also has new swellings on either side of his penis.
Suggestions, advice, anything that will help here.

Accidentally also attached photo of ant bite baby.

09-17-2019, 05:41 PM
Spanky says his vet probably will not touch this as they are hesitant about knocking out a squirrel.
The ball around the anus is soft and not red or inflamed.
I have gotten small amounts of white fluid from the anus last night.. last sign of yellow was a small burst of yellow fluid yesterday.

I am at the point that if he cannot pass poop, and starts to get a red tummy (heading towards septic) that I think it may be worth a test lancing with a small needle to see if fluids or puss can be drawn from the swelling to relieve the pressure on the anus. i know this is risky with possible fecal contamination, but not doing anything at all is just letting him die. :(

09-17-2019, 06:01 PM
That first photo reminds of this one from last spring:

The vet lanced this (posterior and lateral) to the anus.. we thought it to be an abscess. Turned out he had an intestinal fissure and fecal matter did come out. Since it was not in the abdominal cavity the feces were pretty well encapsulated. It was a long, diligent road to recovery / healing (note to self: I need to update that thread, may have some good info for other folks). The cavity had to be flushed and I put Furacin ointment in it 2-3 times a day... metro and keeping cage clean (since poop simply leaked out at times, it was a mess).

If folks these look similar unless someone has other ideas... can we get him to my vet tomorrow? The close at Noon on Wednesdays.

09-17-2019, 06:06 PM
I can run him up right now to you if necessary.
The danger to this little guy is far worse than the danger of the ones I got missing a feeding.
The thread from last Spring does indicate that lancing to remove matter might be the only option.
If your vet is unwilling to do this tomorrow, or you are.. I will step forward to take this risk.
This little guy is special to me. I got him at 1 day old. I would seriously like to personally carry his progress all the way to running in the trees. (ie: I would like to get him back)
Yell at me on the phone if you want me to head up.. I will throw food at the wife when she gets home in a few minutes and yell "microwave it!" as I run out the door.

09-17-2019, 06:07 PM
I was just reading that other post and maybe clarification will help... when lanced, while we expected pus all we got was blood. Since there was no blood, she did not press to hard on it. It was after I got home that fecal matter was coming out of it and I had to clean out the cavity and place Furacin into it. I think had we put more pressure on it at the clinic the poop would have shown itself. I know I have a picture of the cavity a few days later... I remember sending it to SammysMom.

09-19-2019, 09:30 AM
I am sorry to have to report that I lost Petey in the early hours... we were making progress into the night and Petey was a real fighter, but as the long night (morning?) crawled by poor Petey just had too much stacked against him.

I will share what the vet said and the fight Petey put up. The vets did not think this was the same as Bobo (the thread linked to above) and after X-rays did not lance the abscess looking thing pictured. Petey was pretty dehydrated when he arrived and his tummy was very large. Something that happened within a few short hours of his coming here. The X-Rays showed he had fluid in his abdominal cavity (explains what happened to the tissue fluid?), some air in his intestines but not much poop, a rattle in his chest and very yellow and stinky urine. They did not deliver a good prognosis and were not optimistic about his chances of surviving.

He received subq fluids, put on antibiotics and I was sent home with the objective of getting him hydrated so that then the vet could administer lasix to try to pull the fluids from his abdomen. Late last evening were Petey was rallying... his pee was less yellow, tissues getting more hydrated and he was taking fluid orally every 30 minutes eagerly and his tummy was even going down a little. But it was not to be… I lost him in the wee hours of the morning. Petey was a real fighter but in the end was all too much for him. He left this world much too soon.
Run free and whole Petey! :sad

Nancy in New York
09-19-2019, 09:41 AM
I'm sorry that little Petey passed.
He was such a little fighter,
This was just too much for his little body
to take.

Thank you for helping him before he took his final journey home.

Rest in Peace
Precious Petey 311430

09-19-2019, 10:10 AM
I think this was probably kidney or liver failing.

He was eating normally Monday and Tuesday.. but was almost unable to poop.

He had been fighting this problem with the anal swelling for 5 weeks. It started because the diarrhea from (bad) Esbilac dried on his anus, and he pushed against it. I had spent 5 weeks putting preparation H on it, checking him for dried feces, and giving him massages and warm baths. Sometimes it decreased a bit, and then swelled back up again.

I was able to win the fight against the diarrhea with the rest of my young ones by moving to Zoologic and using Metro. But this caused a turn for the worse for Petey, as the firmer poop became impossible to pass through his tightly pinched anus. I put him on a water only diet Tuesday morning trying to flush him out while using cold compresses on his anus. Two feedings later he suddenly went from half a tummy to grossly bloated. I think this was the moment when his kidneys failed.. as the vet found the bloat was abdominal fluids. He still appeared hydrated.. but was starting to look dehydrated when he arrived at Spanky's house Tuesday night.

Many thanks (as always) to Spanky for his heroic efforts Wednesday night in trying to rehydrate him. But (as Spanky also mentioned to me) I think once Spanky got him hydrated his body simply finished the process of death.

My nursery thread this season is named after him "Starting the season with a 1 day old pinkie". I was documenting his progress with pictures so we could finally have an accurate poster for determining ages. But that went south with the Esbilac issues.. and he started progressing less after the 3rd week. He (and his 7 siblings) all started looking like they were raised on milk. At 5 weeks they looked like 3 week olds, with almost no coat. I still plan to use his photos for 1 day old, 3 days old, and 1 week old. So I will always remember little Petey for years to come.

09-19-2019, 10:56 AM
So very sorry. RIP Petey:grouphug

09-19-2019, 01:18 PM
Godspeed brave Petey.



09-19-2019, 08:57 PM
Gone much too soon, sweetheart. You were such a brave boy, Petey, the angels will welcome you, and you will not be forgotten. :Love_Icon

It just breaks my heart to learn of his passing. :Cry He had loving people with him for his last days on this earth. :grouphug

09-19-2019, 10:42 PM
So sorry to read this. Petey knows how hard you tried and how much you cared, Javarat and Spanky.

09-21-2019, 04:49 AM
Deepest condolences on the passing of sweet little petey. At least he passed surrounded by love and those trying to save him. :Love_Icon

10-01-2019, 02:29 PM
This sounds like what chance is experiencing right now :(