View Full Version : Virginia grey baby found, hopefully taking to rehab tomorrow. How to help him tonight

09-17-2019, 12:25 AM
I found a baby squirrel in my yard this evening around 6:00pm. An hour after the rehab places closed. Left him outside with a towel till nightfall but mom never came back. Brought him inside and he is now in a box with heated rice socks and a hot water bottle under his towel.
The rehab phone messages say to not give him food or water but I feel that is kind of mean. He hasn’t woken up really though and has been sleeping since I gave him the towel outside. He was a little cold but is warm now.

I just put a heating fan in the bathroom with him at 80 degrees and was planning on leaving the door open so he doesn’t overheat. I think he may have fly eggs on him and I read that may be a reason mom didn’t want him. He definitely has fleas and I killed two of them. Should I be worried that he hasn’t tried to move much or hasn’t been awake? I just want him to live the night till I can get him somewhere that can help him.

09-17-2019, 12:44 AM
Here's a link that can help get you through the night...

If you have a spare tooth brush, comb or the like I would get those fly eggs off him.
Does there appear to be any injury to baby?
Wiping him down with a little dawn dish soap on a damp rag will kill the fleas.
If you do attempt to hydrate just go drop by drop so as not to aspirate baby.

09-17-2019, 12:55 AM
Thank you so much!!

He didn’t appear injured and was walking around and crying when I found him which is why I felt good about leaving him outside with a towel but I think he got too cold and bundled himself up in it instead of calling for his mom. I will get the fly eggs off of him but I’m worried about his temperature so I don’t know if I want to get him wet. I think he is about 6-7 weeks from looking at pictures.

Thanks for the link to the how to post! Do you think the heater fan is okay in the bathroom with him with the door cracked?

09-17-2019, 01:19 AM
Also, should I put him back outside in the morning to try for his mom one more time before going to the wildlife rehabilitation center? Will that only work if he is strong enough to call for her? I tried playing a crying baby noises a few times before it got dark tonight...
I removed the eggs successfully and he woke up a bit to curl into my hand... so cute!

09-17-2019, 07:49 AM
Check your pm