View Full Version : Brand of milk for babies CLARIFIED ?

09-16-2019, 10:16 AM
hello i have reasearched a lot on this board for the last 2 days old &new info seem very hard to get a hold of what is updated and what is not on what type and brand of milk is good or bad also i am not anglish and using a translator/corrector to get my message through so that dosen't help sorry ! i would really like to have a black on white rock solid list of what milk is good for babies i am ready to order online with fast shipping. i want to know what milk i can use to make my rodent block with because now i have doubt that my puppy milk formula might be deadly by what you guys are all saying since no one ever seen it or responded to it yet.... wich makes me scared because i have 3 babies weaning on mama and i make the blocks with puppy milk and might have to feed them myself as well or other squirrels around the house in the future i live in the woods and there is a hundreds of them around and i already found a baby 6 months ago and died really fast even tho i did my research here and did everything !!

here's what i understood till now...

When buying the powdered puppy esbilac, make sure that the third ingredient
on the can is Dried Whey Protein Concentrate.
We NO longer recommend Fox Valley 32/40 ever

never feed cow's milk (no brainer)

esbilac standard formula does not work

if it's esbilac it need to be the one with the blue labeled top sayign with probiotics !

the folowing picture is the milk i use i got told it's the canadian version of esbilac and the pictures next to it is the example of the good kind of esbilac correct me on this if i'm wrong and final question is is it good or bad for my babies ? thx a lot !! im waiting for an awnser to buy the best milk online with fast shipping if im doing something wrong

09-16-2019, 01:26 PM
Hi Valik,

Sorry that your questions are not getting answered. We want to be here for you. I think the most honest answer to your questions about the Royal Canin Puppy Milk is that we do not know for sure.

We have not heard that there is any problems with that brand. RC and Esbilac is made by two different companies. Esbilac has changed some of the ingredients they used to use and the new ingredients are not digestible by the smaller wildlife resulting in major problems.

We don’t use Royal Canin here in the states, but maybe we should look into it, considering what is happening with Esbilac. I wish we had a more concrete answer for you.

I, myself use a goats milk based formula from pinkies to 3 weeks old, and the i very slowly start transitioning to Fox Valley 20/50 so by the time the babies turn 4 weeks they are 100% Fox Valley 20/50.

Does any of this help?

09-16-2019, 01:50 PM
thank you for your kind reply ! ok so since no one knows then could you direct me to a link or a brand you know is 100% sure will be safe and healthy ? or maybe explain in more details what is the formula you use etc ? i would buy it right away !