View Full Version : Asking experts ! about bonding&type of milk for chance of survival and health

09-15-2019, 06:34 PM
hello !:) i would like to know your personal opinions on a question i was asking myself

do you guys think the baby squirrel will bond only to the first person they see when they open their eyes or can they bond to you even after they've seen their own mother and she's no longer there for example ?

i personally think they can only bond to one person but i could be wrong !

And also
do you guys think a squirrel can be just as healthy and same survival chances by weaning on esbillac puppy milk compared to the real squirrel milk ?

personally i don't think so but also i could be wrong !
just a few questions i'm kind of puzzled about since i have rescued a squirrel and i'm starting to study a lot on the subject and a lot of questions seem to remain unawnsered buy there is a lot of experts here so i would love to see some of your awnsers !

sorry for ortograph my first language is not english haha :dance

09-15-2019, 06:56 PM
He is very cute. Does he get formula all over his face when he eats? It looks like he has formula burn all over his face - where the fur is gone. The dried formula will actually irritate the skin and cause this fur loss. After eating, a good wipe down with a damp cloth and getting ALL of the formula out of the fur will stop this.

Baby squirrels will attach to their finders even if they have seen mama, unless they are quite old when found - it just takes longer.

And a good quality formula can produce some fat, healthy babies. We are currently having issues with the esbilac formulas though. You will see an informational banner at the top of our page about it.

09-15-2019, 07:18 PM

Can you tell us how long you have had your baby and how long you have been feeding Esbilac? We are having horrible issues with that formula. The company has admitted to changing the calcium to a form that can’t be utilized by the baby squirrels and others. We are advising that the baby’s formula is changed to 3 parts goat milk, 1 part full fat yogurt, 1 part heavy whipping creme.

09-15-2019, 11:24 PM
thanks for your'e response guys ! unfortunatly the baby in the picture is dead it was the one i had found 6 months ago and indeed i tried to take care of him with the milk but he ended up dying only 12 hours after i followed all the rules carefully but he was very in bad shape when i got him he was very dirty full of red mites and was covered in dried styrofoam... dont know how he got that on him... but right now i am feeding a mom who gave birth to 3 kits (now 4 weeks old) i feed her home made rodent blocks wich i make with the puppy milk protein royal canin i will link the picture of it also. i hope it contains calcium they can absorb in that formula if you guys can enlighten me on this that's be awesome also in the recipe instead of 45g of henrys vita mins i put 45g of oyster shell powder that i grind myself is that good ? thanks a lot