View Full Version : Baby on apparent eating strike

Leslie Ann
09-15-2019, 03:57 PM
Hi there,

I have had a baby squirrel for two weeks and have a question. I'm guessing that he is about six weeks old now. This morning, I added a little heavy cream to his formula because yesterday, it seemed as if the formula wasn't filling him up for as long as before. On average, he is taking 15cc's each feeding and eating 4-5 times per day. I tried introducing rodent block, but he doesn't seem very interested in it. He hasn't eaten since this morning's feeding - about 8 hours. He is reluctant to entertain the idea of taking the formula from the syringe, which has never happened before. He has been alternating between long naps and playing all day, as normal, just going a very long stretch without eating. He has been steadily gaining weight - over 100 g this last week. (I would be more accurate if he would sit still for a second in the container on the scale.) Any ideas what's going on?

Thank you,
Leslie Ann

09-15-2019, 04:07 PM
Hi there,

I have had a baby squirrel for two weeks and have a question. I'm guessing that he is about six weeks old now. This morning, I added a little heavy cream to his formula because yesterday, it seemed as if the formula wasn't filling him up for as long as before. On average, he is taking 15cc's each feeding and eating 4-5 times per day. I tried introducing rodent block, but he doesn't seem very interested in it. He hasn't eaten since this morning's feeding - about 8 hours. He is reluctant to entertain the idea of taking the formula from the syringe, which has never happened before. He has been alternating between long naps and playing all day, as normal, just going a very long stretch without eating. He has been steadily gaining weight - over 100 g this last week. (I would be more accurate if he would sit still for a second in the container on the scale.) Any ideas what's going on?
Thank you,
Leslie Ann

If he is around the 6 week mark and your feeding formula 4-5 X a day it's too often.
Filling up on formula, not hungry, not going to be interested in block.

09-15-2019, 06:44 PM
There might be a couple of reasons he is not interested in eating. Has he continued to not eat?

#1. Any chance he has aspirated? Is he also lethargic?

#2. When a baby is about to bust out with diarrhea they will not be interested in eating.

Let us know if either of those are have occurred, let us know. A healthy 6 week old do not go on hunger strikes.

Leslie Ann
09-15-2019, 07:16 PM
Thank you so much for responding. There is no sign that he's aspirated. He has had bursts of energy today, but has been sleeping a lot. When I hold the syringe up to his mouth, he curls his head into my hand - a definite refusal. I did get him to take a few sips of water from the water bottle that I attached to his cage today, he drank about 2 cc of formula a little while ago, and consumed a few bites of a green bean. He has only pooped a bit today. I am worried. He has definitely wriggled his way into my heart.

09-15-2019, 07:44 PM
What formula are you feeding to your baby?

Leslie Ann
09-15-2019, 08:02 PM

09-15-2019, 09:38 PM
Please read the mustard banner at the start of this site.

island rehabber
09-15-2019, 09:52 PM
I also agree that 4-5 feedings per day is too often at his age. 3-4 at the most. Make sure the formula is warm enough -- is the whipped cream being added later so that it cools off the formula? Also, why add whipped cream at all....it will often give babies diarrhea unless it is part of a formulated combination such as the goat's milk formula described in our Esbilac thread.

Leslie Ann
09-15-2019, 10:25 PM
Finally, he appears to be back on track. He took 9cc's for me tonight. I am going to be changing his formula and skip the heavy cream. Not sure if that had anything to do with the feeding strike today, but it seems odd that he had it this morning, for the first time. Thank you!

09-16-2019, 12:53 AM
I would suggest switching to Fox Valley 20/50. They love it and no need to add in anything.

Leslie Ann
09-16-2019, 08:34 PM
It's ordered. Thanks!