View Full Version : Hi I知 new to the site and I have a baby squirrel not sure what age he is but need he
1st time squirrel mom
09-13-2019, 10:28 AM
I知 new to the squirrel world and I知 in need of help on keeping him alive and well. I致e seen on a few post to feed him formula from then when I looked again it said not to use formula 32/40 it kills them. So what am I supposed to get? I致e been feeding him puppy formula and now all he is wanting to do is sleep. I just got him some pPedialyte cause I知 sure he is in need of hydration. I知 attached and so is my husband and kids please help me save his life.
1st time squirrel mom
09-13-2019, 10:36 AM
I have so many questions please if anyone can help me. He has Diarrhea and always wanting to do it sleep I want to find the right formula for him and the best care that I can give him
09-13-2019, 11:12 AM
Ok, they do sleep a lot! Have you fed him anything yet? How long have you had him and how old do you think he is? Start him on the Goat Milk Formula (GMF). It is a good temporary formula. It is 3 parts goat milk, 1 part full fat yogurt, 1 part full fat yogurt. You can use goat milk powder or evaporated goats milk and reconstitute per directions on the can.
10-22-2019, 11:51 AM
Hello, I'm interested in seeing how this baby is doing now? :Love_Icon
10-22-2019, 12:17 PM
Can you post a picture of the baby?
Check back here often and someone will help you!
Thanks for helping the baby!
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