View Full Version : Baby has blood in pee
09-11-2019, 02:59 PM
Just received a baby about 2 hours ago and they found him in street with crows trying to pick it up. The baby is very dehydrated and I have been giving it the diy pedilyte recipe I got from henrys. I made her go to the potty and noticed it was a red tint. What do I need to do
09-11-2019, 03:37 PM
please help me
Baby still has eyes closed very dehydrated and has pee in urine. Have previous post. I have been giving her the Henry recipe for dehydrated squirrel
09-11-2019, 03:43 PM
You ARE using a heating pad under the baby's container, right? Warm first, then hydrate, then feed.
It sounds like this baby may have had all sorts of trauma. Unless you happen to have access to a vet who could assess any injuries, at this point I would continue to hydrate. Once you begin feeding, if the baby still seems dehydrated, you can give some plain water in between the regularly scheduled feedings. Just getting this done and running some fluids through the system may take care of what you are seeing.
09-11-2019, 03:44 PM
Where in Georgia are you?
09-11-2019, 04:20 PM
Where in Georgia are you?
I am in Fayetteville georgia
09-11-2019, 04:21 PM
I am putting a heating pad under it
09-11-2019, 04:22 PM
When is it safe to give the baby formula? I have goat milk formula and the puppy formula
09-11-2019, 04:44 PM
I am putting a heating pad under it
Put the heating pad under only 1/2 the container the baby is in.. this allows them to crawl to the other side if they get too warm.
When is it safe to give the baby formula? I have goat milk formula and the puppy formula
The baby need to be hydrated (not dehydrated) before feeding formula. Feeding formula to a dehydrated baby is counterproductive and dangerous.
Never give a cold baby anything by mouth. As CritterMom said, warm then hydrate and then formula.
What type of puppy formula? At this time we here at TSB know of no puppy formula that is suitable for a squirrels nutritional needs. We used to use Esbilac until very recently... the ingredients have changed and the formula is actually dangerous. See the link at the top by clicking the "2019 ESBILAC PROBLEMS! Please read immediately! (" banner if you want details.
The Goats Milk Formula is probably the better choice.
If you did not see it, here is a great 6 page long primer at Henry's for baby squirrel care:
I am in Fayetteville georgia
I am in extreme NE GA (Lake Hartwell) and have vet access if I can help. Can you post a picture of the baby?
09-11-2019, 05:45 PM
The baby now has diarrhea. I have not given it any formula. But that is the brand that I have I ordered Henry‘s yesterday it’s just not here yet. Please tell me what I need to do the heating bad it’s only under half
09-11-2019, 06:04 PM
The baby now has diarrhea. I have not given it any formula. But that is the brand that I have I ordered Henry‘s yesterday it’s just not here yet. Please tell me what I need to do the heating bad it’s only under half
If what you ordered from Henry's is the Fox Valley 20/50 formula, that will be perfect. :thumbsup
The Goats Milk Formula is what you will want to use until the Fox Valley arrives, when the times comes when they are ready for formula (after they are fully hydrated).
I am trying to piece together the posts, sorry for my confusion. This is a baby you have had only for a few hours today... just confirming since the formula was ordered from Henry's yesterday. That being the case the baby will need only the hydration for several more hours.. sometimes a full day (and some rehabbers do a full day with every intake). Hydration is critical before giving formula because they simply cannot digest the formula if they are dehydrated.
Posting a picture would be a great help... of both the baby and (I know, gross!) the diarrhea.
09-11-2019, 08:33 PM
I have tried and can’t figure out how to do it. I am so upset about this bc I lost one yesterday and I was not ready to take on another one. I am so scared now she is going to die. She doesn’t want to take the mixture she is still very dehydrated. how will I know when yo give her the formula. I am scared Hebert’s won’t be here 2-3 days
09-11-2019, 08:55 PM
I have tried and can’t figure out how to do it. I am so upset about this bc I lost one yesterday and I was not ready to take on another one. I am so scared now she is going to die. She doesn’t want to take the mixture she is still very dehydrated. how will I know when yo give her the formula. I am scared Hebert’s won’t be here 2-3 days
If you can send the pictures to (address redacted) and I will post them here in the thread.
Are you offering the hydration solution warm (very warm)? If not try it a little warmer.... they tend to like it hotter than we'd normally think they would (squirrel body temps are higher than our own). If yes, try experimenting with the temperature.. a little hotter, a little cooler. Make sure she is warm to the touch as well... never feed a cold baby anything.
Are you using a syringe?
No formula until she is hydrated. She cannot digest formula if she is dehydrated and food in her stomach works against her ability to absorb fluids into her tissue (hydrating).
I am willing to help but I cannot go all the way to Fayetteville right now... I received a trauma baby this afternoon that needs me; another is coming in the morning (and 4 of his friends! :eek). If we can figure out how to get her up here.. or close enough that I will not have to be on the road for 4 - 5 hours, I will do everything I can to help her. If I could come get her, I would.....
09-11-2019, 11:33 PM
I sent the pics to the email. I will try hotter water. How do you make the water? And if I am doing every 15-30 mins do I need to refrigerate it? Should I make new every time? I am mixing 2 cups water, 1 1/2 tblsp of sugar 1/8 teaspoon salt
09-12-2019, 02:30 AM
I sent the pics to the email. I will try hotter water. How do you make the water? And if I am doing every 15-30 mins do I need to refrigerate it? Should I make new every time? I am mixing 2 cups water, 1 1/2 tblsp of sugar 1/8 teaspoon salt
That recipe for hydration fluid is fine. I'd refrigerate when not using or make up fresh a few times a day if not refrigerated, but not each time. But don't warm up and then rewarm the solution.. only warm up what you are using each time and through away any left over, warmed up solution.
How much is she taking each time on average?
09-12-2019, 02:36 AM
Here are the pics... Is she peeing regularly for you when you stimulate? If you can stimulate her to pee and catch it in a white tissue and post (send) a picture of that will help provide an idea of what is going on with the urine. Hopefully she be hydrated by the morning... poor peanut.
Thank you for helping her, I know it is stressful but you are doing great. We don't want to rush to formula before she is hydrated... they can go quite a while without food but not very long if they are dehydrated.
09-12-2019, 06:59 AM
She is taking about 2 ml dropper full every other feeding. I feel like the diarrhea is from the straight fluids. I went to bed around 3 am and fed her right before then. Woke up around 6:50 and immediately fed her. She ate about 1 1/2 ml. Her skin is not standing up like a tent as bad anymore. It actually is going down. I am worried about the diarrhea.
09-12-2019, 07:20 AM
She is taking about 2 ml dropper full every other feeding. I feel like the diarrhea is from the straight fluids. I went to bed around 3 am and fed her right before then. Woke up around 6:50 and immediately fed her. She ate about 1 1/2 ml. Her skin is not standing up like a tent as bad anymore. It actually is going down. I am worried about the diarrhea.
Please stop using the dropper, that is a huge aspiration pneumonia (AP) risk which is by far the number one killer of squirrel babies under human care. Syringes are the preferred feeding method for squirrels because the flow of liquid is slower and can be control by the plunger... actually holding the plunger back so they do not suck too much too quickly and aspirate.
The pharmacy will usually give you a few 1ml syringes if you ask... I tell them it is to feed a neonate kitten, that just makes it easier.. less questions and everyone loves kittens for the most part.
Great news on the hydration, things seem to be progressing well.. .no if we can figure out the diarrhea.
Having diarrhea on intake is not something I have experienced before, they often go through a period of not pooping, sometimes even days. That makes me worry she may have a bacteria infection. Would you know if her diarrhea had a very bad smell (I know, gross but it helps narrow down things)? Maybe sour... rotten sweet... putrid... or even one of the most foul smells you have ever experienced (this last one usually is green though!).
09-12-2019, 09:34 AM
Sistancy.. I note you are in Fayetteville. I live near Lake Lanier.
If you are willing, I can probably physically visit to help triage and offer advice or assistance.
Or we could meet halfway so I can do an eyes on inspection, and help with the diarrhea.
I can also hook you up with some syringes and Fox Valley 20/50 at the same time.
If you agree to the idea.. I am sending you my phone number in a private message so we can coordinate a meeting.
09-12-2019, 10:47 AM
Ok I have to see when I can meet and where. I have my grand daughter who is 11 months old. I desperately need someone to look at her and help me with what I need to do. I have raised several but never felt so incompetent Until this one. However Tuesday I had a huge sadness happen with the other baby I had been caring for and it passed away. I think bc of that I feel even more scared. Can you text me at (XXX) XXX-XXXX
09-12-2019, 10:49 AM
I worded some things wrong.. I am using a 1 ml syringe which I referred to as a dropper. I am still waiting for the fox valley to get here and she is still somewhat dehydrated but nothing like she was
09-12-2019, 10:51 AM
Admin please remove phone number two posts above. I have noted it down.
09-12-2019, 11:08 AM
The diarrhea has no odor and it a yellow mustard color. It is almost like the water. Not sure if she is hydrated enough and maybe that’s why. When I first received her she had tiny brownish black poop and when I started th
09-12-2019, 11:29 AM
I have her on the phone assisting her, so she may not be posting after this point.
I called Spanky and updated him on what is going on.
09-15-2019, 07:12 AM
I want to thank everyone for the help given!! Baby Rosa is doing great and on the road to recovery. She even opened her eyes!! I have her a Facebook page and started a group for all squirrel lovers. I am asking that everyone pls join the group and to please share some stories and pictures of your babies. So maybe others will see that their lives matter too!! Here is the link
09-15-2019, 07:33 AM
I’m so happy to hear that your baby is doing well. :grin2
Be very careful making FB posts about your baby. I don’t know if you are licensed to rehab and I don’t want to know but if you aren’t it puts your baby in jeopardy of being seized by wildlife authorities. It’s always better to be safe. I was recently told that game wardens troll FaceBook looking for unlicensed rehabbers. :eek
09-15-2019, 11:59 AM
Sistansey.. you have my phone number. Call me if you have any questions and concerns.
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