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View Full Version : Antibiotics for potentially nursing squirrel - Cipro or Amoxicillin? Metacam safe?

09-07-2019, 05:43 PM
I want to help a potentially nursing mother (pretty sure I saw nipples) who appears to either be missing an eye, or has an eye infection (or one will likely develop). Something very wrong is going on, poor girl it is heart breaking. Not sure if she is missing that eye or if it is invisible because of the swelling. See for yourself on this picture. What do you think it is?


This is a squirrel I saw for the first time today. I don't recognize her as one of my regulars, but she was trusting me enough to come to me. She was however scared of the other squirrels (I have a few bullies). I may be able to pull off giving antibiotics without trapping her. Today, she took 2 boo-balls that I was able to throw on the ground, so that would be the route I would administer ABs (in boo ball). I have done this successfully a few times with wilds, so I know it can be done when that is the only option. I don't want to trap a nursing mother for obvious reasons and while I am not sure, I don't want to do nothing at all either. So, with that being said, I prepared Cipro and plan on giving a daily dose calculated a 10 mg/kg and pray she will come daily. Alternatively, I can give Amoxicillin, if that would be a better option (if she is in fact nursing). I also want to give her Meloxicam for pain and swelling, but again want to make sure it is safe if she is nursing.

So bottom line, I want to know:
- What do you think is going on with her eye?
- What is the safer/better antibiotic to give between Amoxicillin and Cipro for a potentially nursing mother?
- Is Meloxicam safe for a nursing mother?


09-07-2019, 08:49 PM
Looks like she has an infection in that eye. Poor baby.

I would use Clavamox for an antibiotic, although both Clavamox and Cipro can be used. As an anti inflammatory, ibuprofen can be used.

09-07-2019, 10:49 PM
Looks like she has an infection in that eye. Poor baby.

I would use Clavamox for an antibiotic, although both Clavamox and Cipro can be used. As an anti inflammatory, ibuprofen can be used.

Thank you Redwuff. I don't have Clamavox unfortunately. Cipro and Amoxicillin is what I have. I will be giving her Cipro and Ibuprofen. I pray she will be showing up daily so I can help her.

09-07-2019, 11:13 PM
Do you have dosing?

09-08-2019, 01:03 AM
Do you have dosing?

Yes, I am okay with dosing.

09-08-2019, 12:41 PM
Update Day 1: Successfully given both Cipro and Ibuprofen. Had to wait 5 hours for her, but it paid off.
Was not able to see if she is nursing, but did get a glimpse of her eye, which was completely shut yesterday and covered by the swelling. So, looks like it is improving.

09-16-2019, 01:39 PM
It has been 9 days now since I first saw Mindy. I have been able to give her antiobics (Cipro) and Ibuprofen daily. Here is a video montage where you can see how it was on day 1 and how her eye is today. She is not out of the woods.


She now comes closer (I have been throwing medicine-laced boo-ball from a distance the first week, now she comes to take it from my hand at my patio door). She has a white discharge in her eye. I was advised to finish the 10 days on Cipro and then switch to a different one for another 10 days (I know Clamavox would be best, but I only have Amoxicillin). One thing I am still unsure of is whether I should discontinue Ibuprofen or not. It has been 9 days. I am not sure if she is in pain. Advice would be appreciated.

I noticed that she does not have a head tilt, which makes me think that she can still see from that eye, at least to a degree. Is there still hope she can recover AND keep some vision in that eye?

Thank you.

Most recent picture:


09-16-2019, 02:02 PM
Yes, I would stop the ibuprophen. And I have seen squirrels make the most ridiculous recoveries from some of the gnarliest injuries imaginable. I bet she will do okay if you can stop the infection in the eye.

09-16-2019, 03:23 PM
Yes, I would stop the ibuprophen. And I have seen squirrels make the most ridiculous recoveries from some of the gnarliest injuries imaginable. I bet she will do okay if you can stop the infection in the eye.

Thank you CritterMom! I have also seen some pretty amazing recoveries myself, and witnessed first hand squirrels adapting to some pretty challenging stuff. They are amazingly resilient and adaptable animals. One of the most amazing one I have seen is a squirrel I first saw 15 months ago with a missing forearm, 5 toes and missing half her tail. Oh my God my heart skipped a few beats seeing her like this. I only saw her next 5 weeks later... only this time she was nursing. For weeks I worried so much about her and her babies. I thought for sure those babies would end up losing their mom. Well, not only did she survive to care for that litter, but she then survived one of the harshest winter I remember. She disappeared at some point (6 weeks)... I thought she was dead. But she showed up one day needing help to treat mange. We took care of that; she disappeared a couple weeks and then showed up nursing again, now for the second time. Fast forward to now, she is nursing her 3rd litter with those handicaps and comes daily. She can run like everyone else and has learned to adapt so well, even climbing trees. Her and others have taught me so much about how resilient they are.