View Full Version : Bumps on belly of my squirrel

09-07-2019, 02:13 PM
Hi does anybody have any idea what White pimple like bumps on belly of my squirrel could possibly be he or she is about one week old doing very well but noticed these bumps this morning looks almost like whiteheads there’s about three

09-07-2019, 02:27 PM
It is most likely a staph infection. Staph is everywhere, but stress or an unformed immune system leaves you more open to it.

Go to the drugstore and get a bottle of Betadyne (10% povidone iodine) in the wound care section. If they have a generic, save some money and get that. Mix about 20 drops of the betadyne in 1/4 cup of warm water and use a cotton ball or something similar to wipe the whole area down on your squirrel, then bundle him up and get him back on the heat. Don't rinse. Do that at least twice a day and they will go away in a few days. It doesn't burn or sting or anything bad.

09-25-2022, 08:49 AM
I have a baby squirrel that bumps have just come up. And his brother got them and didn’t live but a couple days after getting these bumps