View Full Version : Need help please! - Four Orphaned Squirrels - Appear emaciated and have mites (?)

09-06-2019, 08:16 PM
Good Evening everyone,

We found four orphaned squirrels. Our neighbor said yesterday morning she heard a huge commotion in the pine tree, and the first baby was found around 2 PM. By 7 PM, four babies had fallen from the tree. From what I can tell, all fell about 30 feet. No broken bones that we can see. We think they're between 2-3 weeks old. Eyes are still closed, not sure if ears are still closed. The ears are close to their head, and started moving them a little late last night. Noises don't appear to startle them. They don't have any hair on their bellies, are extremely skinny. Body index scale, one is emaciated and the other three are close behind. They have a lot of loose skin and wrinkles that is lightly furred, but you can see their ribs. When you try to gently lift the skin for a dehydration test it's pretty tight. They have odd white clumps that are really slender on different parts of their bodies attached to hair. I noticed yesterday evening they have what I think may be mites on their bodies? They have light rash around what I think are bite welts from whatever the black pepperish things running around on their bellies are. One baby squirrel that is a boy had a clear belly. They don't appear to be infested.

We tried to put them out for mom to come get yesterday and today while I was at the doctors all day, however, mama never came. We've called around our area and the only one open place who rehabilitates said that they are full and not taking anymore wildlife. They're about 3 hours north of here. I called other places and they will only relocate them, which means they'll surely die with no help. I have left messages with other wildlife rehabilitators in our area. We are in Colorado Springs, CO. We will try calling all local agencies that we've left messages on again in the morning.

We are researching on this site, but there are a ton of articles. I'm posting this mainly about the mite portion, and for clarification/guidance/suggestions on really all of this haha. We were told by the wildlife rehabilitation to buy goats milk, but I've been reading on several sites NOT to give goats milk and give Esbilac Puppy milk. We've been trying to re-hydrate them but one baby doesn't appear to really want it. You can see his nose twitching quite a bit. We have them in a shoe box right now, with a heat source underneath to keep them warm. If I may ask, what is the best way to get rid of the mites? We're worried about bringing them back inside the house and us/our kids/pets getting the mites. We aren't sure how old the are definitively to know if they can have the kitten flew drop treatments after a bath. (Or should be put on dry, don't give a bath? >.>)

Any help is greatly appreciated! Thank you!

Pictures below are of the first three before we found the fourth baby. Last picture is of the fourth baby we found.


09-06-2019, 08:41 PM
If you give them a bath with Dawn (the original blue) soap suds that should help with any creepy crawlies. I'd personally hold off on any kitten drops (note that Revolution (salectamectin) is suitable for squirrels (very small drop each) but personally I avoid that unless necessary with babies like these unless absolutely necessary.

Here is a primer, 6 pages long (look for the "next page" towards the top right) , on baby squirrel care... after reviewing, if there are any questions, please ask them!

Just this evening we have confirmation of our suspicions that the company that makes Esbilac has modified it and it is causing problems this fall... so I am recommending this Goat's Milk formulation for feeding (note these babies will require hydration for 24 hours or so per the link posted above) before feeding any formula.

I'd suggest ordering some Fox Valley 20/50 from Henry's as well as that is the preferred formula for babies 4 weeks and older.

:Welcome to TSB and :thankyou for looking after these precious souls!