View Full Version : Jerking/twitching baby

09-04-2019, 09:46 PM
Hi all,
Yesterday was brought a very hungry and dehydrated baby. Today, a sibling was found. Covered with fly eggs that I believe I got all of them off but with get the CapStar tomorrow.
New baby is twitching, jerking, trembling. Won’t eat, belly is bloated. I have gotten a few drops of sugar water down him. (Just peed and pooped and belly feels softer)
Any ideas of the jerking/twitching? He is walking around a bit, but mostly sleeping. Sibling is ran up and down me all day (just to compare)

09-04-2019, 10:25 PM
Did you warm the baby on a heating pad? You might have to give hydration fluid one drop at a time.
You can use simethicone for bloat.