View Full Version : Need help- Three 3 week olds, one with bloat

Uno's Mom
09-04-2019, 08:52 PM
The saga of these guys is long. For right now I'm just posting what I hope is pertinent
so I can get help.

The finder gave Pedialyte for hydration. I do not know how long or how often.
They were with her from Monday late afternoon until I got them around 6:00a.m. Tuesday.

I have never seen babies so dehydrated. The skin looked like it would slide right off.
I gave all three homemade hydration fluid until 6pm and then gradually weaned them onto formula.

Formula is a new can of Esbilac powder I just opened mixed per can instructions.

Mid morning today one baby did not want to eat and refused to pee or poop.
I moved on to the other two.
Checked on him when they were finished and saw his belly was distended.

I did Duckman's protocol for three hours, got pee and 1 yellow semi-formed poop.
Now he will not have anything to do with the plain water.

The other little boy has decided he won't eat, poop, or pee.
His stomach is not distended but he still has some formula in his actual stomach.
Both boys have dark areas throughout the intestinal area.

The little girl is eating and peeing fine (back legs are an issue for later).
They all still look dehydrated. When I have given hydration between feedings,
they refuse food.

Bloated boy weighs 40g, other boy 46, girl 50

I have infant simethicone 25 mg drops. Should I give them? How much?

I have goats milk formula made at 75% water to 25% gm but the little girl won't even eat it.


09-04-2019, 09:13 PM
A lot going on...

Yes to gas x! At their weight they can have .1 as often as needed.

If other person gave fluid watch out for AP. Often people aspirate giving fluids. Any chance of that and reluctance to take anything in occurs. I also find that babies coming in that dehydrated you won’t hear clicking but as soon as they start getting hydrated you will hear it. If they stay that fussy, I would dose Baytril.

But if they were that dehydrated they won’t have much of an appetite. Can you do sub q if they won’t take oral? I would give gas x to bloated boy and keep working with him to get fluid in to move bowels.

Girl- see if she will eat 50/50 mix of GMF. Sometimes they just will not go for anything less. Hope that helps.:grouphug

Uno's Mom
09-05-2019, 08:02 AM
I can do subq if needed but don't have the supplies.

All are still with us. I'm going to alternate small GMF feedings with hydration for today.

Bloated boys tummy is smaller and he is getting some poop out intermittently, although I've not had the watery stuff Duckman's protocol said to look for.
Probably because I had to change from plain water.

Milo's Mom
09-05-2019, 08:21 AM
Uno, when mine bloated on Esbilac and I did Duckman's protocol mine didn't get the watery poop either. But the bloat was gone. I don't remember what the poop looked like it was the very beginning of the 2017 season. I also went to the GMF.

09-06-2019, 08:05 AM
Are the babies clearing up?

Uno's Mom
09-08-2019, 12:00 PM
Are the babies clearing up?

Two are but the little boy keeps getting bloated. He does ok for two or three feedings then bam, he's bloated. He is also very hard to stimulate and his urine smells bad.

Could you pm me UTI meds and dosing?

I thought I was going to lose him a couple times but he's a real fighter. I can't get any weight on him with all the bloating. None of these guys are gaining well.
They are in transition to FV 20/50 from GMF.
Thank you