View Full Version : Top teeth
09-03-2019, 12:04 PM
My babies are just starting to get their top teeth. 2 of them have perfectly straight teeth and one has them growing in a little crooked. One is farther in front then the other. Is this normal when they are growing or should I be concerned about malocclusion? Do I need to hold on to him for longer to make sure he doesn’t have issues? I will try to get a picture.
09-03-2019, 12:09 PM
One is not as long and not as noticeable
Milo's Mom
09-03-2019, 01:59 PM
When my guys do that I look at the bottom's usually the bottoms that are too long and throw the tops off. But it could be that the tops are out of whack too. So, what do the bottoms look like?
09-03-2019, 02:07 PM
The bottoms appear normal to me
09-03-2019, 02:20 PM
I would not release a squirrel until I was confident that the teeth are functional (correctly aligned and self-wearing) I would wait till the tops come in and perhaps until you can see if the teeth are self wearing properly before considering release. The bottom teeth look a bit pointy/sharp tipped to me but perhaps as the tops come in, the wear will get better? It might just be the photo, but the top teeth look odd to me. I know you are running out of time if you want to release before winter hits and overwintering is a long commitment but as you know, releasing a squirrel with tooth issues could be a death sentence.
Milo's Mom
09-03-2019, 02:35 PM
If this squirrel was in my care I'd snip the tips off the lowers. I've seen some crazy looking top teeth turn beautiful just by nipping the bottoms. But TD is very right...this may be an overwinter so you're able to closely monitor those teeth as the little one grows into adulthood. (unless the answer is crystal clear prior)
09-03-2019, 02:52 PM
The tops definitely are not normal one is less grown and growing behind the other one. But to me the bottoms look the same as the other 2 babies. I was hoping maybe the tops will improve as he gets older. At what age do you know they will have issues with malocclusion? Would you still clip the bottoms if they look normal and it’s the tops that look off?
Milo's Mom
09-03-2019, 03:34 PM
If I question the tops I do clip the bottoms. It gives me an absolute that the bottoms are not interfering at all. I'm not talking a full cutting I'm talking just the pointy tips. Depending on how they hold their mouths and nomming they do on things, the pointy tips of the bottoms can brush against the gums. This brushing causes irritation/inflammation which doesn't allow you a true picture of the tops. Clipping the tips from the bottom incisors reduces the inflammation which offers you a clear view, without having to use chemicals/medications. This is just what I do, others may have suggestions.
09-03-2019, 04:11 PM
I agree with MM, those bottom teeth look sharp. I would be afraid they will cut up the upper mouth. You might be able to get away with just a quick filing of the bottom teeth to flatten out the tips (and avoid clipping) since they may not be really hard yet?
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