View Full Version : New mommy here

08-30-2019, 08:18 PM
I'm not quite sure how to ask a question on this.... So new to the whole situation. Need help with a newborn (I think) eyes closed , very little hair on nose, red -ish in color. Seems to be ok. "Tent test " shows little dehydration. But has a healthy appetite moves around easily peeing and pooping with little stimulation. Eats about 1.25 cc each feeding...2 hours in between. Stays warm and sleeping between feeding. .: I've had her (I think) for 4 days now . alarmim I'm a little tired but she is well rested and warm and full....😊

08-30-2019, 08:23 PM

:Welcome to The Squirrel Board

Here is a link that will help you. It gives a lot of information about raising baby squirrels. What are you feeding the baby? We would love to see pics. :)


08-30-2019, 08:36 PM
The most important thing to know right now is it's weight in grams.
You need to know that to calculate how much it should eat (weight divided by 20), and track growth to spot problems.
You can normally find a kitchen scale at Walmart for around $15.

2 hours feedings are a little too fast, unless it is totally pink. Feeding too much or too frequently can cause diarrhea, dehydration, and lack of appetite.
Normally once they show some grey on their back I do 3 hour feedings until their eyes open at 5 weeks.

You said "redish in color".. is this an American red squirrel? Pictures help a lot.

08-30-2019, 08:36 PM
Meet Thumbelina.... 💓311107311108311109

08-30-2019, 08:39 PM
:grin2 Well Thumbelina is precious. :Love_Icon

08-30-2019, 08:41 PM
She weighed 26.5 grams when I found her. been weighing her every day and she went up to 27.4 yesterday and back down to 26.8 today. But did some hydration yesterday rather than formula because she wasn't staying want and tent test was about 6 seconds. And she was a little constipated but we are pooping great now😊

08-30-2019, 08:44 PM
okay.. 26.8 / 20 = 1.3 ml per feeding.
Two hour feedings might be too often at this age.. best way to tell is if her tummy fills up before you reach 1.3. If that happens routinely, drop it back to three hour feedings.
Tummy should feel nicely full, but not taught.

08-30-2019, 08:50 PM
The most important thing to know right now is it's weight in grams.
You need to know that to calculate how much it should eat (weight divided by 20), and track growth to spot problems.
You can normally find a kitchen scale at Walmart for around $15.

2 hours feedings are a little too fast, unless it is totally pink. Feeding too much or too frequently can cause diarrhea, dehydration, and lack of appetite.
Normally once they show some grey on their back I do 3 hour feedings until their eyes open at 5 weeks.

You said "redish in color".. is this an American red squirrel? Pictures help a lot.

Not sure what kind she is? I just know that I watched for her mother till dark when the cats came out and I couldn't watch them hurt her or wait because she was already very very cold to the touch . Had a few bruises on her right ribs and abdomen and one very small abrasion one the right side of head above eat. No blood anywhere and she moves pretty well ....(almost seems like too much cuz she is SOO TINY.) and I am afraid.to wait much longer between because.she is already looking for her meal whenever I go to feed her. That's why I went with two .hours.

08-30-2019, 09:14 PM
1.3ml is on the lower end. We feed 5-7% of body weight per feeding. 7% would be about 1.8ml. When they first come in I feed 5% but as they tolerate more I feed more...7%. This is when they are tiny like your baby. As they grow, they will take more than 7%. 5-7% is a guideline... not a firm rule. You have to be careful to not overfeed the tiny babies as they will bloat and that is dangerous.

In Texas I would guess that you have either a Grey squirrel or a Fox squirrel. :grin2

08-30-2019, 09:33 PM
okay.. 26.8 / 20 = 1.3 ml per feeding.
Two hour feedings might be too often at this age.. best way to tell is if her tummy fills up before you reach 1.3. If that happens routinely, drop it back to three hour feedings.
Tummy should feel nicely full, but not taught.

Her tummy never seems to be over full.... She is always looking for more food...and how old is she would you say?

08-30-2019, 09:37 PM
1.3ml is on the lower end. We feed 5-7% of body weight per feeding. 7% would be about 1.8ml. When they first come in I feed 5% but as they tolerate more I feed more...7%. This is when they are tiny like your baby. As they grow, they will take more than 7%. 5-7% is a guideline... not a firm rule. You have to be careful to not overfeed the tiny babies as they will bloat and that is dangerous.

In Texas I would guess that you have either a Grey squirrel or a Fox squirrel. :grin2

I'll post a pic of some in the neighborhood as I can get them....but people around here trap or shoot them just because they don't like them. 💔Not so much in town where I am because the city office is very close so they can't shoot

08-30-2019, 10:53 PM
Her tummy never seems to be over full.... She is always looking for more food...and how old is she would you say?Around 10 days old I would guess.
Their back has some grey on it at 14 days and above.