08-29-2019, 10:46 PM
Hi all..its been a while since I've been on here and I cant remember how to start a new thread. I got a call this morning, a lady watched a baby fall out of its nest a good 50 ft up. Luckily, after an hour of searching, she finally found where it fell. There were two, one died, the other she brought to me. It has a small cut on its leg and the leg was bruised. I cleaned it up and started him on hydration due to skin staying g up after pinched. This evening started him on watered down esibilac. Now that leg seems swollen. Our vet will not mess with squirrels and I dont know what to do for him. Had one a few weeks ago, almost same injury but we lost it within a few hours of receiving it. Would hate to lose this baby. Any help or info would be appreciated.