View Full Version : Esbilac Issue 2019

08-28-2019, 03:39 PM
I just got off the phone with Samantha from Pet Ag. She was a delight to speak with and very concerned about the "grit" that many of us are experiencing with Esbilac. I explained to her that I had two cans that were about a year old and stored in the freezer that had no grit when mixed but that the new can I recently purchased leaves a substantial oily grit film on the inside of the mixing container. All three cans were purchased from Amazon. She asked for the numbers from the bottom of the can so their quality control team can check the samples they retain from each batch to see if the problem is on their end or somewhere else in the chain of distribution. Evidently, the product can change when it is exposed to heat anywhere along the line of distribution. She genuinely seemed concerned.

She would like to hear from other folks that may be experiencing similar problems. Pet Ag will send a replacement can of the product, which is a nice thing to do. Samantha's number is 816-460-6255.

I was trying to find a way to continue to be able to use this can of Esbilac and reduce the grit and discovered that once it's mixed with water and I blend it in a blender it seems to reduce the grit substantially. Because it is all frothy afterwards it does have to sit in the refrigerator for several hours, but that's recommended anyway.

On another note, as I was talking with her she asked if I had ever used the goats milk Esbilac. I hadn't but asked how it compared with the Esbilac. She said the fat, protein and all the other nutrients are the same, but that the goats milk Esbilac has whole goats milk in it and no preservatives so it's easier to digest. I think this might be a good alternative to Esbilac for pinkies or those squirrels that are having a difficult time digesting Esbilac and need something long term.

Thoughts anyone?

Nancy in New York
08-28-2019, 04:13 PM
HRT4SQRLS just called yesterday and also spoke with a girl by the name of Samantha.
Mel what is the third ingredient of your third (new) can?


08-28-2019, 04:14 PM
This is my first year with a baby squirrel so I hadn't had to use Esbilac before. I get that gritty in mine too. And when I try to wash the container it has that same oily, gritty texture on the walls of the bowl.

08-28-2019, 05:16 PM
I am currently in threads on two different Atlanta area forums where we have been talking about problems this year with Esbilac powder and diarrhea.
So far, it seems the common element are cans and bags with a expiration date of 12/2020.
We have also noted that the powder in the 12/2020 cans and bags looks white.. while in newer cans (for instance exp 04/2021) the powder looks yellow.
My suspicion is that bad storage on them wiped out the probiotics and biotics.

I just moved to a 04/2021 can... and the rampant diarrhea in all 10 of my squirrels has stopped or is decreasing.

08-28-2019, 06:11 PM
HRT4SQRLS just called yesterday and also spoke with a girl by the name of Samantha.
Mel what is the third ingredient of your third (new) can?


Dried whey protein concentrate

08-28-2019, 06:14 PM
I am currently in threads on two different Atlanta area forums where we have been talking about problems this year with Esbilac powder and diarrhea.
So far, it seems the common element are cans and bags with a expiration date of 12/2020.
We have also noted that the powder in the 12/2020 cans and bags looks white.. while in newer cans (for instance exp 04/2021) the powder looks yellow.
My suspicion is that bad storage on them wiped out the probiotics and biotics.

I just moved to a 04/2021 can... and the rampant diarrhea in all 10 of my squirrels has stopped or is decreasing.

That may be, but the expiration on my gritty can is 04/2021. While I was on the phone with her I mentioned that someone else on this forum had posted a picture of the numbers on the bottom of their Esbilac can and she was able to locate the picture and will research that lot as well.

08-28-2019, 06:16 PM
This is my first year with a baby squirrel so I hadn't had to use Esbilac before. I get that gritty in mine too. And when I try to wash the container it has that same oily, gritty texture on the walls of the bowl.

Try doing as I did and blend the reconstituted mixture in a blender and see if it doesn't cause the grit to diminish. And what are the numbers on the bottom of your can? Maybe ours came from the same lot.

08-28-2019, 07:14 PM
That may be, but the expiration on my gritty can is 04/2021. While I was on the phone with her I mentioned that someone else on this forum had posted a picture of the numbers on the bottom of their Esbilac can and she was able to locate the picture and will research that lot as well.I am now on a 04/2021 can.. and it is soft, and has a yellow tint.

08-28-2019, 07:18 PM
Is Esbilac refrigerated before it is opened? We've had some extraordinary temperatures out there this year, even here in New England

08-28-2019, 07:36 PM
I am now on a 04/2021 can.. and it is soft, and has a yellow tint.

Mine is soft with a yellow tint and no discernible grit when it hasn't been reconstituted. Once the water is added and it sits the inside of the container feels oily with grit.

08-28-2019, 07:40 PM
Is Esbilac refrigerated before it is opened? We've had some extraordinary temperatures out there this year, even here in New England

Samantha did not say the product had to be refrigerated prior to opening. She said that along the distribution chain the product is not supposed to get hot. The package instructions say to store in a cool dry place prior to opening. Once opened store in refrigerator or freezer.

If I am in the process of using the can I store it in the fridge. If not, I store it in the freezer.

Sir Rodney
08-30-2019, 01:33 AM
My little girl has been having soft stools/diarrhea issues with my Esbilac, too -- expiration date 2/2021, also bought via Amazon. Horrible stuff, clumpy and difficult to get into solution. Freezer stored. Diastat unfortunately seemed to make it much worse. Hydrating. Transitioning to FV 20/50. Fingers crossed.

09-06-2019, 09:45 AM
Resilie had issues with the latest can from Amazon exp 2021. She's taken formula every morning for her entire 7 yrs.
As a adult Fox squirrel who weighs 855 grams you wouldn't think 12 cc formula would really do much to her system.
Within 2 days of starting the new can she wouldn't touch her formula.
Plus she wouldn't eat anything if she drank it and getting her to drink was torturous. I think it made her stomach hurt. I also dilute her formula with a extra part water and half of a ice cube.
Honestly, I thought that perhaps the can had gotten hot in the truck during transit. Now I'm not so sure because
Once I went to the local feed store and picked up a older can exp 2020 she's been improving.
I also noticed that the 2021 can had a more yellow tint to it when I compared the 2.